Tree of Savior Forum

Founder's Server Now Accessible!

can’t download patch files. downloading now because i’m using vpn. its not suppose to be like this. I participated in the past CBT1/2 It’s just now i experience this -_-

the same for me, but I start at 1150

maybe at least they will learn from this and push for EU server asap as clearly the game needs more

Been waiting for 10 minutes and I’m still at 202. What were they thinking? 2 servers?

Definetly needs more servers, jesus this queue is insane…

Let’s see if tomorrow that there are still “queues”. Disappointing. I got kicked out after teleporting back to town, how very disappointing

898… after 10 minutes…890…

They said if the server got too crowded they would open more, and they had some on reserve, please, calm down and next time read carefully.

makes you wonder what they are waiting for tho

probably setting it up, i’m not sure how servers work but they did say 30 mins to an hour prior to opening, i say 2 extra servers lol I looked at those channels and went :scream:

The queues will be higher right now because everyone is trying to get on, give it a day or two for eveyone to get back into the normal schedule and things should get better.

That being said as an EU player currently at work (and on lunch break) I am not looking forward to getting home tonight and not being able to log in because the servers are all full.

I also can’t go to a less populated one as I have friends on the current ones (or one they chose) who have already redeemed items.

Just got disconnected after a 900 person queue. Now waiting on a 600 queue… So, yeah.

Please don’t read into someone’s posts nor assume their intentions. They’ve a right to express themselves and you’ve no right to infringe on that.

I’ve been very anxious to play, and queue said 992 lol! been in queue for approximately 20 minutes. Great games always under-estimate their popularity. :stuck_out_tongue: However I know it will be worth the wait.

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there is a line. that guy was not “expressing” himself, he was simply complainining about something they already said they had in mind. the post explaining their plans were posted a full 24 hours ahead of time and if someone like myself who doesnt even come to forums can read, so can he and anyone else. he even went as far as calling IMC, nexon, which sure they may be an extension of but compare this to the actual nexon and this is heaven. its not really a matter of expression its more of a matter of reading the forums and not setting your expectations too high. i now went back and read that that guy is you. which means you should take into account what ive said instead of being sad/salty at my comment. because its the truth. i expected this and so did pretty much everyone else with logic. im 1135 in queue after being disconnected and im not talking about not being impressed and all this. its a beta dude.

Queque for 400+ now lol funny and its going down only 10 per minute. omg

Come on give us new serverr , the queue is suckk man , waste my time

QUEUE 1000+ Seriously? Are you kidding?


The post also wasn’t directed towards you, it was directed towards them as a company. As they do read these forums. I was specific and addressed key points. I can read just fine, it’s not upon you to assume otherwise. You decided to make this personal as well and are going out of your way to do so. This falls into the category of shilling/trolling. When I responded to your actions, I did so in order to stand up for myself and make a point simply. I’m not going to waste time continually explaining myself. I’ve also been around the gaming industry for quite some time, thank you. To make a point again, I can read quite well. Right now based on your actions and intentions, and I’m making sure on this… You’re trolling, and not reading yourself as well–clearly. You’re making assumptions and telling others what they should or should not do. You don’t have that right. You can continue to go down this path or let it be. Good day, sir~

@Staff_Julie its so lag on east coast servers, please release west coast server just like iCBT please please im begging you