Tree of Savior Forum

Founder's Server : Exclusive Access Now Purchasable on Steam

Tradable or not?

Any info whether we can buy all dlc for 1 account? If can, I will get 1190TP?

I donā€™t think the poll is needed. I doubt there would be even 10% who want 29th. I think they have a problems of other sort to figure out, thatā€™s why the date was moved (probably they are bothered by EU server).

Niko, pleaseā€¦

Itā€™s not about what they want, itā€™s about the time they need to setup everything, and the fact it will occur early on the week so they are here after the server open, if something wrong happens.

They are watching now as the players buy those packs, and deciding on how much servers they will have (and maybe if they will open this EU server, this part is a personal guess). This data is pretty important to ensure a smooth start. :slight_smile:

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March 29 =ā€™(ā€¦ i took vacation for the week of 22nd becausr that was the first dateā€¦ guess im have to watch people play while i work for the first weekā€¦ fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


I took vacation for that weekā€¦ because they first announced the 22nd

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Bought the moment I saw it. Really though, is there no 1-1 trading? I could just mail friends items i find right?

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I miss the epic song at the login screenā€¦ Now I got some windy suspense background sounds and no epicness. Let me play T-T

I bought the 50$ option on an impulsion, should i feel bad about it o3o ?


You should be happy, like me. Look. O uO

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But you actually got not 50$ option, so itā€™s easy to be happy)


You cant buy more than for your account, but you can buy as a gift to someone else

They already announced that it will be joinable after the one month duration, no worrys there. :smiley:

but nobody new going to play there. because new character vs 1month lv 150+ character itā€™s ridiculous

valar morghulis valar morghulis

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Well, itā€™s all dependent on how many servers there will be, both during and before.
Itā€™s possible so many players will be playing on the founders they add multiple worlds and wonā€™t need to add any until months after F2P release. (Though that seems a bit unlikely)
Also, a few months after F2P launches no one will care anyways.

Itā€™s a bit of wait and see at the moment, but personally I donā€™t think it will be a problem.

Omg people could you just stop whinning about the dates? Feels like a bunch of teenagersā€¦ At the end the game is released this month, and we all have our packages. One week is nothing. you made plans for the 22th? Ohwell, your fault for rushing it when you didnā€™t even bought it yet.


Thanks for giving us a few time to ā€œprepareā€ for our game.

-Buying enough food and water for 1 year on day 1 of waiting
-Cleaning the house on day 2 of waiting
-Saying goodbye to family and friends on day 3 of waiting
-Making sure the door in our room can only be opened from the inside + all windows are closed on day 4 of waiting
-Building a new bathroom/toilet next to our room in day 5-9 of waiting
-Giving our wife/husband girl/boyfriend one last kiss and a lil tear on day 10 of waiting
-Enjoying the game as soon as it starts


Hey, I have a questionā€¦
Could someone of the staff or anyone with proper knowledge of this help me out.

YOu talk about a ā€˜ā€˜early access SERVERā€™ā€™ and a ā€˜ā€˜free to play SERVERā€™ā€™.
Does this mean that the early access people will get access to , say, 10 servers to play on, and that when the full release comes you will open 20 extra servers for all the free to play people?

Because of that is the case; the early access becomes semi-pointless of the people paying, and there will most likely be few to no new players joining those servers when open access comes aroudn, because theyā€™d rather start out fairly with the other players than being 1 month behind.

If that is NOT the case (that is, if early access people get access to all servers, and no new, seperate servers will be opene dfor full release), you will create a completely imbalanced population where people will be 1 month of gameplay time behind the rest with no way to catch up.

So, I REALLY do not understand what you guys are trying to do with this system, besides creating a divided community and inequality. (4-days headstart in other MMOā€™s gives those people a giant leap forward on free players already; a 1 month headstart would just be crushing).