Tree of Savior Forum

Founder's Server : Exclusive Access Now Purchasable on Steam

Beautiful. My Holidays starts at 29.03. Haha. Wonderful.

German Fanpage ToS

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They haven’t confirmed this.

Game is still in open beta. Don’t forget.

Wipes could still very much happen.

The only wipe they won’t do and mentioned was item / money wipe.

thanks mate!

now i can buy early access game

so this “founders server” thats released on march 29 will become a free to play server later, or is it restricted to the pre order ppl?
im kinda scared if its option 1 the server will be die out very fast and no1 new will be able to join

im fine if only character data just wipe, if others items/money/TP = no for me


Check Mar 16th update: - There will be no data wipe of Teams or items

That would be very sad then.

What’s the use of a “Founders Server” aka, “Early access” if they will wipe it by April? I doubt they would.

technically though, yes, in the foreseeable future, wipes can happen.

never seen a wipe after open beta since 2004. get with the times yall

tiger tiger woods yall

Give SEA tos pls つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I just bought the game, but really, let us pass two weekends and release the game by march 29? wth? please keep march 22 or at least 25.

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Eh… Why not ?
I’m from Europe and one of my Canadian friends gifts me bought stuff, especially games~ (although the European and Canadian prices aren’t that different).

Thank you for the announcement ! I can’t wait \o/
Although I agree that a little bit more explanation would be best. I don’t mind waiting only a few days more, but explaining why and what’s going on is better than just letting us all in the dark~

And sigh @everybody complaining. You’re seriously all always complaining for one thing or another on this forum…
If you’re not happy, at least learn to express yourself in a civilized way. The staff may be offering you their service, but that doesn’t make you superior to them and make them your dogs.

i cant buy the founder pack if you dont add the latin america server… i need the confirmation please

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Thank you very much IMC! We are more than willing to support you through this epic and generous offer. You have taken great care of the community and the game so far and I’m pretty sure it will start to pay off now and in the future as long as you keep it up :thumbsup:

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, Bought 5 copies :kissing_heart:

I think that’s the case. I’m from Russia and I often see regional restrictions on games. Though, it seems there are no restriction on ToS… I can imagine lots of people from my country “reselling(through gifts)” those founders packs to EU users. I wonder how IMC will address this issue.

For those wondering if EU / SEA / BR servers:

  • Founder’s Server Open Date : Tuesday, March 29, 2016 02:00 AM (EST)

It says server. Not servers.

boom 70 bucks

rip aus gamers lol

What the ■■■■?!

Paying for bonus movement speed
Paying for ingame currency boosts
Paying for experience boosts
Whatever leveling 2 attributes at once means

Holy ■■■■ is this cucked. I thought Nexon WASN’T doing the North American version. Whats up with the pay2win garbage?


Just bought the 50$ pack, thanks a bunch imc, glad I could support you~
