Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

Never believe whatever bull IMC STAFF spouts

it was in the first page of the most sold in my country for a month now, 5 mins after the change its alredy in the second page loool

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At least they gave us a chance to make the last purchase if we really want toā€¦at least we are still being notified before any changesā€¦not like this

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Yupā€¦ i dont know the team that come up with IMC solutions but they seems to care vary little about the playersā€¦or not think about what they are doingā€¦

  • We have Goldsellersā€¦Lets create tokens to force people to pay to use tradeā€¦YAY that ill workā€¦no it dintā€¦
  • People exploiting steam pricesā€¦Lets remove regional pricesā€¦YAY great ideaā€¦Players wont buy TP anymore and ill look for Goldsellersā€¦
    I think you guys could use new peopleā€¦

Still the same in euroā€™s. Canā€™t be arsed.

the price i posted for #1 pack is like 5-6 days of working in my region (at least for me). do u think thats fair compared to usd ? they can get $50 salary in 5-6 hours, and i collect it in 5-6 days.

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without regional prices , they can kiss a goodbye from SEA playerbase


With this move IMC killed at least 70% of their money source arround the world.
I think server will close because is almost impossible sustain a server with 30% was not affected by the changes.

Imo IMC is losing a lot of money from other regions, letā€™s remember that SA players are in the same number of NA players in the server. We donā€™t need to be punished for ppl who abuse the bugs on boleto bancĆ”rio, if it was what IMC have in mind. This game is about to be F2P, you should think about ppl who wants to buy AE before 04/28 and support you.

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Made many country down to bottom of the pyramid because some country can affort more TP than us.

I think maybe bot and RMT will raise more because TP is too expensive.

In my opinion maybe you should made region price for us and who buy in there region can play in there region only.

If do like this Economy will not collapse because player who buy in same region is the same currency.

My english is not pretty good, But I have to say this many people in many country want too play this game with happiness with they money they can affort.

Not like no any annoucement and bad solution.

Thank you.

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So just because you make less money you have to pay less?

I only earn 1/2 of what normal people make here, because I donā€™t want to work all week, so I have to get a discount of 50% too right?! YESYESPLZ

And other thingsā€¦ are the same price right? iPhone for an example. If an iPhone was like 50% of the price it is here, I would just book a ticket to poor-ghanistan and buy a few phones there. Sell them back at home.

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Holy ā– ā– ā– ā– .

I can get that botters would create accounts to abuse from other countries, itā€™s pretty obvious. But Russians were more than half the europeans, and brazilians were the biggest community on a country by country basis. We are talking about more than 40% of the founder players if those sites were right, soā€¦ this will be a huge hit :open_mouth:
And certainly there are some more people from other countries affected!

Would it maybe have to do with LUG complaining about the founderā€™s sellings IMC did? (which they expected to beat the prices, but not the Steam converted prices :v)

Conspiracy :3

bad idea about new price

They can play when its F2P.

Dont get me wrongā€¦i love this game and relly want to see it shineā€¦
But after almost 3 weeks of foundersā€¦IMC came up with any GOOD solution to any of the problems???
The solutions that the comunity gave doesnt countā€¦

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lol, and iā€™ve had hopes they didnā€™t mean to **ck it up.


Bots - really crappy explanation. facepalm

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Love this game too, but not their decision making

iphone is a real thing. dont make a silly bad comparison. weā€™re talking about a virtual thing. virtual things can be generated as much as they like, or they can even stop generating them. a real item value will drop when there is no demand, and may cause bankcruptcy to the company.

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As someone who lives in the US, I sincerely hope you keep the current pricing. Itā€™s the only truly fair way to go. Itā€™s not fair to those of us in the NA/EU regions that werenā€™t getting cheap ā€œregionalā€ pricing to have to pay more for the same game. It makes me want to not pay for things when certain regions are favored like that. What youā€™re basically doing is riding the success of this game on the backs of NA and EU players and that I am not ok with. I am not going to pay for someone elseā€™s enjoyment of this game. Please treat all of your players equally and keep current fair pricing methods.