Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

Nice ears.

Do you have a tail, too? :smiling_imp:

DAED GEAM milking the dying cow

Staff delete his post? Why would he do that?

Maybe they will reconsider about this?
Or Ignore players and keep this price?

Need announcement soon!

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Ha ha you losers can make all the noise you want here. Mistakes for you not to buy it sooner. Well, you can wait for it to be free next week right? why make so much noise?

And why does the price have to be different for each country? that is unfair, I do not want to lose to someone because they can spend the same amount of money and get more random stats scrolls than me, not to mention the monthly token.

The reason for regional pricing is to make the game more affordable to people who live in other countries with a lower cost of living and lower income. A minimum wage worker in the US probably won’t be paid the same as a minimum wage worker in a different country.

TH Baht
1000 Baht.-

  • Meal X3 = 120B exchange to USD = 3.8 - 4 USD
  • TOS = 1653.22B (access 1) 979.62 (Access 2)
    ToTal : -773.22 baht

. yeah i’m won’t buy other pack for now and my freinds in Facebook community total over 1000 player 80% won’t be ablt and won’t consider buy it as well .

that’s why some freak exploit right ? other 2nd 3rd countries have much lesser minimum wage .

Well, we don’t see big titles from any other companies or any console games selling cheaper in other countries right? people exploit, ppl from rich area will think of ways to exploit this and buy tons of items from cheaper places and sell it in their own land. And in this case, they will buy tokens via cheaper means and sell it away to gain profit.

Developers spent their time and money in making a game, it’s expensive and servers are as expensive. Pay them what they deserve man.

In fact they do, most of steam games are regional prices

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What you are pointing out are those 1 player games.
I don’t see Counter-Strike or dota being localised

Cs and Dota item are actually localized to regional price as well…just saying

unless they do what i keep on telling this thread

price of TP based on the server you are playing.

if 100TP = $9 on US and $7 on SEA $8 on EU (example only)

if i play on SEA and want to purchase TP then i have to pay $7.
if i play on US i should pay $9 and not $7 because im playing on US Server
the same on EU if i want to play there i have to pay their standard pricing.

TP can only be used on whatever server you are playing. thats what they have now. i cant use my TP in klaipeda on orsha or EU and SEA server and only in Klaipeda.

those who are using exploit cant do anything with that payment method. they have to play in SEA if they want to purchase cheaper TP. they cant play on their own server with SEA TP that they purchased

Good, more people to ban, less bullsht

er… are you sure?

if you are too lazy, here a print of regional prices for cs:go

if you actually search steam db you will see that almost every game have regional prices

edit: here, if you want a good explanation just read this

and, just to make it clear, regional prices are not here to do any kind of charity, they actually maximize profits.


Not really my fault minimum wage is less other places.

You guys know IMC is giving a ■■■■ about us, right ? They only care about MONEY !

They ■■■■■■ Granado Espada, because they want MONEY, and ToS wont be different, so… just let’s go play anything else, simples as that.

IMC dont give a ■■■■, they dont gonna change their price, they WANT MONEYYYYYYYYYYY !!! and this all they care, because in 6 months ~1 year this game will be p2w… Its gonna be the same ■■■■ like Granado Espada… Pay for us and ■■■■ you, that is their Term of Service !

Games are not free to make, they cost money. You pay for what you get. Don’t expect free stuff.

This thread is getting ridiculous. After seeing the fact that all IMC/Valve did was to fix the regional pricing on their stuff, most of the people here and being salty and complaining about prices being fix to what it is suppose to be.

It doesn’t even matter if you are rich or poor, if they intend to sell their product through USD, which after conversion will be expensive some countries, deal with it. You don’t step into a foreign country and start paying with your own currency, you pay with the currency use for that particular country.