Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

So homophobia is also a type of fear?

Being able to trade items on a MMO is luxury…

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I’m here to thank the IMC that destroyed me in a matter of seconds, a few days ago I added 50 R$ wallet for you already have 6 R$ … So when my payment was accepted and my balance was added, the company increases the price of the packages. Thank you IMC.

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put 1 + 1 together and it becomes clear why they did this.

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ppl are all angry, and me too xD
i think ill read more before saying ppl will vote for trump lol

except that i can? you see, I got no trouble surviving, actually, there is a high chance that I’m richer than you, here, let me explain you this, R$170 is more expensive than most of AAA titles, with steam’s regional pricing, TOS become way more expensive than other games, making it, even if easily affordable (R$170 is expensive but it’s not unaffordable at all) not a good option, since other games that also cost $50 will cost way less here, simple, games are cheaper here, would you still buy the founder’s pack if it was 75$?

Hey it will be 30% off for me soon.

You guys had it for 50%+ off for a few weeks now.


No, you are just dumb =l and dont know about any thing, i feel sorry for you and your pseudo-self esteem, hiding yourself behing the fact you are american, wich to be honest, means nothing.

God Bless USA. And his chicken wings, and Mc Donalds.


Trump For the win

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Ok, im waiting on p servers :slight_smile:

It’s the fear of degeneracy, so yes.

I know you can’t read.

But I will help you out. I said premium currency and I never specified this game.

However just to clear it up for you. Just like many other F2P games you can use ingame currency which isn’t hard to acquire if you actually play the game to buy tokens in order to as you said trade.

Going further IMC already announced they are going to allow F2P to trade in some way. But again you can’t read so that post must have slipped through the cracks for you.

Edit - Not even sure why I replied you obviously can’t read this post too


The bots pay with cloned credit cards…how exactly it ill stop then??

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I’m sure that’s a rhetorical question! But I’ll say of course, yes, anyway, because I have no idea what you’re aiming at.

ToS is a FREE game in less than 2 weeks.

So explain how it became more expensive.


A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder,
usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the
affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically
disproportional to the actual danger posed.


Please educate yourself.

You relly belive the bait?? they will change trade system?? KTOS is going for months now and man they made clear they dint like the trade system…IMC changed it? I dont think so…

well, yeah, 1st, 2nd and 3rd world are terms from cold war, and yep, people who don’t know (the one who i replied) still uses it, that’s why i said that the term was wrong, c’mon, my english is far from perfect, but at least it’s understandable, try to read twice

Sure, because words - especially the ever-changing social interaction defining words - have no meaning except the one wikipedia says it’s right. You got me there, 先生. よくできました!

Because TP will be paid? maybe? i don’t know, because this is a f2p game that will rely on micro transactions that actually cost money?