Tree of Savior Forum

Founder pack price increase?

I think regional prices are good and rly every game should have it. That actually makes the gameplay itself more fair. Because in lot of games while for example americans could buy like everything in the cash shop and what is maybe also pay to win… I sometimes happy if I can buy 1 thing. Don’t tell me that’s fair…in a GAME… But I never whined about it. I just say regional prices would be more fair.

Although I have to say I never got any regional pricing in my country (and no I’m not living in a wealthy country just nobody cares about us I guess X)…)… What was already sad for me but I still wouldn’t take away the oppurtunity from others if they could get something.

But I also have to say that it is sad too that some ppl just exploit everything…

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Except you’re not paying for the same product as I am when you’re purchasing from a local McDonalds compared to me purchasing from one near me. The McDonalds and all it’s menu items near you are produced for cheaper so they can afford that, with local food items from local producers that cost less, different menu items and ingredients, local workers who get paid less. It’s standard business practices.

But with Tree of Savior you are getting the exact same product for a cheaper price. That’s why it’s unfair.

In Russia prices are tripled now. It’s was ok to buy pack for 7$ but buying an CBT access for 20$ while our salaries are like 200-300$ is kinda impossible.

they for sure are, I would pay R$18 for 100TP, at least once every 2 months, and won’t pay R$36 for the same, probably never, so yeah, lot of ppl will think the same.

also, 2nd world country mean socialist countries, and i highly doubt north korea or cuba ar going to spend any dime on this game :v

Plenty of other countries apply when discussing 2nd world countries. A guy from Turkey posted on Reddit calling his country 2nd world. But really the term used is irrelevant because the point is if you can barely afford standard living expenses, why are you playing games? You need better priorities.

This thing, this thing right here. That’s bullshit at its primest. Dear IMC and representatives, listen closely: BOTTERS PAY FOR GAME ACCESS WITH CLONED CREDIT CARD DATA. Amount notwhitstanding. Is it hard to understand the concept that no matter the price, botters will pay?

Of course it was not. Everyone’s got a token for free with their purchases, how do you expect the basic TP -> Silver conversion - which is made by tokens - to be represented when everyone got at least one for free?

Another big bullshit. Valve is known for banning people abusing VPNs to fraud money-related issues.

What I DO understand is that IMC is feeding us a lot of bullshit. It would be way better if you came clean and said “we want 3rd worlders to give us more money even though their income is lesser”. :grin:


you should be banned… xenophoby is a crime.

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Did you really just take a picture of your monitor instead of taking a screenshot?


For god sake I hate NA people attitude. I will stop playing this game until they decide to revise the pricing again. Say what ever you want assholes. Yeah Im just a poor ■■■■ from a third world country.


Except they won’t because now a large portion of people in said 3rd world countries can no longer afford to purchase said pack.

Good job IMC

Dude. It shouldn’t matter for PREMIUM CURRENCY.


Do you understand? PREMIUM currency is a LUXURY.

It’s not xenophobic to tell people to get their financial priorities straight. I would (and have) say the same to any American with bad spending habits, too.

And xenophobia is also not a crime lol. I am free to think and say whatever the heck I want. :stuck_out_tongue: God Bless the USA.

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Xenophobia is a fear. Like a fear of spiders, or a fear of heights. Nobody goes to jail for those things.

Socialist countries? The ■■■■? That definition for 1st 2nd and 3rd world countries hasn’t been used since the cold war…
Then again you listed North Korea as a place where someone might play this game so that shows how much you understand the world.

That aside, the problem here is not that the regional prices have been changed, it’s the fact that **

IMC has been planning to ask for a completely insane amount of money for TP since day 1

For what a single 30-day token costs here I can buy 2 months of subscription to FFXIV or almost any other AAA MMO out there.


Great! The new system is already working

I’m actually not voting for Trump. It’s just a fact that our country was founded on some very basic freedoms. They existed long before Trump was around.

Edit: And actually wishing someone be hit by a bus can be a crime depending on the circumstance. It can be determined a criminal threat if the person fears for their safety.

The forum is runing in at another machine xD

holy crap. u need ppl understand ? First u said it discount 30% but this fcikng hell it double price !