Tree of Savior Forum

Fought Dullahan for the first time...and it was horrible

yeah that would be one solution, or atleast spawn several different instances of him the more players are around, just like the quest-bosses spawn in a separate instance

Thats something I dont realy get. Plenty people says its playing this game cuz its a “spiritual sucessor” of RO. Well, for those who dont get it, there we used to fight for a boss and just ONE person get the loot. IF there was a single loot.

I’m a Priest Full Suporte and I dont care about Bossing cuz… well… sure I should choose another class if a wanted boss rewards at first place.


What the game needs is optimization. :Y


Exactly. The current system is super fine compared to the one of RO.

Free pvp everywhere - what exactly needed.)
Some characters here cmon


They are working on optimization CEO said it himself in the forums.

That’s what happens when bosses are only HP sponges, no real strategy needed at all.

But anyway, the real problem is obviously the optimization. If they don’t fix the FPS issues the game simply has no future at all.


The devs thinks this is Sword Art Online.

well my first opinion on that was that in 6 years of playing RO I never killed any boss except gold thief bug because of the same reason I don’t kill world bosses here.

optimized groups always get the loot, the one additional problem here though is the bosses are required to be killed as the market is crap so I can’t buy the loot they get, and the gear that is not based on boss drops or dungeon drops are ■■■■. In RO I never REQUIRED loot from bosses, and it wasn’t expected that we had it.

that said the world bosses that did have a large number of people spamming spells and what not were never as laggy as they are here and that game was ancient.

The loot wouldnt be an issue if atleast the fight would work.
But since the (fps)lag is so extreme so that you cant target the enemy and you cant deal damage, the loot distribution is kinda garbage.
Same goes for Tank and Healer punishment. There has to be another way

You never needed a mvp Drop to play RO, but you wanted it to be great at wars and PVP, just as you can reach lvl 280 with mob recipes in TOS. Cmon, at lvl 260 I dont get nothing realy challenging… you dont need the boss drops to play the game, you need them to be better. And pls, not mkt talking on a 1 month game.


I super agree about the laggy stuff and the crap fps at WB. Healers and tankers get drops partying dps players. Some great dps need a good tanker to make the boss stand still, need the sup to make him dps higher…
I dont realy see any problem at the system at all. I only think bosses should be more challenging.

Whats with the top 5 parties get a drop rule from cbt2? If all 5 parties are full, its 25 cubes then.

Why did they change that?

Any link source for this?

It was under one of many optimization treads. I don’t really remember which one.

Nvm found it.

I actually dont know if he is a dev or the CEO.

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Tanks ARE useless there. Tanking is simply not needed for world bosses. It’s very needed for dungeons and grinding though so that’s fine, can’t expect to be needed everywhere.

Healers on the other hand, any world boss party that’s not stupid would be happy to invite healers so that they provide buffs and support. And they will get their reward as long as they’re in a party with good DPS.

But if you’re DPS and you’re not in top 6, well that’s your fault then. Why are you supposed to be rewarded as much as 6 DPS who did their job better? It wouldn’t be rewarding to be one of those top DPS then.

Perhaps they could give all active participants some sort of reward like decent amount of silver, but not the exact same cubes that are rewarded to parties with top DPS.

The only part I agree on is the crazy lag that makes the whole experience nearly unplayable. But too bad, that’s how this game engine works, it can’t be helped much and that’s depressing.

I think the problem is that we have too few bosses. There were many more in ro and they respawned more often. There were easy ones that could be soloed, medium ones and diffucult ones. That is what I liked in ro mvps.

P.s. Lags need to go ofc.

The problem here is the world boss are pussies. End game normal mobs in RO are way stronger then ToS world bosses.

Fighting a ToS world boss is like fighting a rock with a axe.

Fighting a RO boss is like fighting a rock, thats on fire, while being on fire, with your bare fists.




I would agree with the posters claiming that this boss is a pushover if I was a Wizard or an Archer. But I’m a Swordsman, and fighting this boss (like many others programmed into the game) is an exercise in frustration and futility. The Dullahan cycles between a charge, an AOE spell, and a frontal cleave. All of which have a knockback component. Oh, and just in case he wasn’t a big enough pain in the butt for melee to hit, his sprite rubberbands after his charge, and he has a melee-radius sleep spell.