Tree of Savior Forum

For everyone who feels entitled to get the packs at 50% less

my empathy goes to IMC here. If they think it is the best for their product, the games economy and their company. than they are right to do so. I have no doubt this game can generate a healthy revenue for IMC without the people who complain now.

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if half the community would break away (and i think in reality the whiners are less then 50%) the game would still have a big enough community to be enjoyable. maybe you could get an instanced dungeon on the first try then xD

I don’t think they know what they’re doing at all. The sudden price change, the complete market hold they have when it should be the players who determine the market, the trading restrictions, the poor state of the game in terms of both performance and the many bugs.

Everything about this soon to be “free to play release” in a week is wrong.


Empathy doesn’t work when dealing with money. The number of people think they got cheated is way too high when they in fact had lost nothing.
You think ALL of them couldn’t afford it? NO.
They just want their hands on cheaper deals.

Would I love to buy packages with the old price, why wouldn’t I. But if it’s IMC’s intention to make it USD to begin with, which makes sense, so be it.

You don’t cry when you can’t get the things you want, then drag anyone else who oppose down.

They should hire you!

don’t go full ret… dude they said that they would use Steam prices in oficial anouncement, dont talk sht plz


Actually, it is you who is being moron here. Literally.
You either lack education or just stupid as a log.

I’ll explain. It is very, very simple.

It is a DIGITAL product. It costs literally NOTHING. It is INFORMATION. When you sell it - you’re not losing it.
And so, there are many, many countries with monthly wage 10-20 times less than US or EU. But living in these countries costs 5-10 times less as well.
And so, you can sell your digital data for 10-20% of it’s US price (let’s say, 100$) for these countries and get, for example, 50 000 buyers. And so you get 50 000 * 20$ = 1 000 000 $.
You can sell it for 50$ but get 4 000 buyers and so get 4000 * 50$ = 200 000$
Or you can sell it for 100$ and get 0-200 buyers and so get literally almost

That’s how economy and common sense works… And that’s why Valve and Steam are so successful. IMC literally cut their own profit and idiots like you keep saying that it’s ok.

Maybe you’re actually an agent from Aeria Games or Nexon?


sorry, but this theory is just plain wrong. if you would read all the posts, maybe you could see why your logic is wrong. but i am not gonna explain everything again.

It is funny, how people think they are smart and don’t realize how dumb they sound to people who got the full picture not just their limited view.

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Well, when $20 USD may only be less than 2 hours of work here, its many more hours in other countries. They aren’t going to be spending money on the game since its not feasible, which you don’t seem to get.

Again, I’m American, the change hasn’t affected me at all.

The only one getting their hands on cheaper deals were the people who were using proxies among other things to buy stuff at the lower prices meant for those with weaker earning power.

If that is there intention, then there cutting off quite a lot of people who would have paid still. Again, this game is just a train wreck and will probably fail at the rate its going. Its not ready yet, it should not be released next week, everything needs an overhaul.

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The point is it doesn’t matter what country you live in, 3rd world or not NO ONE CARES. If IMC wants to sell their DIGITAL PRODUCT in USD, you have no choice but to suck it up. They are the ones who decides what currency they want to deal with. If you can’t afford it, once again NO ONE CARES.
IMC is a business, not Charity. Those who felt cheated, when they haven’t even spend anything, don’t spend any further?

Obviously as DIGITAL product, it’s worth nothing in the physical world, who wouldn’t know that.
Capt. Obvious.

Each player in the server costs server rental space, data center rental, electricity, HVAC, man hours of maintenance, etc.


I undestand that but the thing is that regional prices were rly nice to have because it made the prices more fair and with it made the game more fair too.

Also except because of the sad exploits I think it actually meant more income to imc too.

(I didn’t and don’t wanna read the whole topic…I just wanted to say this in response to op…but at least for me it looks like it doesn’t want to appear as a reply but nvm)

No you don’t? What proxy is even needed? Those using proxies is already considered exploiting, that’s another topic.
The previous price was obviously flawed, even I was surprised when I bought the DLC that cost $10 with… $10 when I was expecting it to be in USD.

As I already mentioned way earlier, what currency do you think IMC is paying the bills with? Obviously they would have to pay their fair share of bill despite being a KR company and don’t forget Valve is a NA company as well and using their services isn’t FREE.

So bringing in “3rd world” issues is already a plain retarded statement.

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Considering that players of different countries are on the same server, it would make sense to not have regional pricing as this would be subject to exploits which has been announced by IMC.

Be glad that IMC tried to unite the population, but now that the community is basically ‘divided’ thanks to exploits, the option to have region restrictions is becoming an idea once more.

If the game is that expensive for you, the better route would be to have another company host your game, but this also means losing the character(s) you’ve worked on. Asking IMC to bring back regional pricing because of mistakes, IMC won’t do that because of its consequences on the economy of the game.

we know it u derp, thats why they should sell more instead of less, cus overal cost wil be the same in the end. lol wtf is wrong with ppl today

Sure, go tell that to Valve\Steam and hundeds of games using regional prices. Including big and famous online games.


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Basically you can thank every Chinese silver farmer and bot user for this. Probably from China mostly using VPNs to buy cheap accounts, thanks China! You damaged this game.

They don’t see games as games.

While backseat moderating is not allowed, I don’t think mentions of race/nationality infringement should be condoned either. Discuss what you will but leave the vitriol and mentions of political affairs where they belong. Inside your head. @Staff_Julie and @moderators please monitor this thread. Thank you.

just for you, let me cite once again from the gaben articel, that was mentioned before:

“When they quietly lowered prices, they found it to be elastic (sales increase proportionally, so the overall revenue remains the same)”

do you even understand what this means? the revenue stayed the same with lower prices. it did not increase, it did not decline. it just stayed the same.

But for an MMO that is bad. same revenue from sales but more players, means more costs to subtract from that revenue resulting in less net revenue.

even you should be able to understand that.

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