Never said barrage doesn’t fall off. What I said was barrage make early game bearable. I don’t care about twin arrows since I rather have 10% buff. A3 < R1 imo. It just fit my play style better.
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Im running 5xlv 10 ellaganos and 3 glass mole. I still wouldnt pick A3 over R1 because I dont see how i could fit extra skills into my rotation. With Mergen coming out more skills will be added to the rotation. Even if its 10% it still scale really well as base damage of each skill increases. What about Twin arrow
mergen is overrated and underpowered; from the concept of the class itself, it is sort of a stand-alone class. the only synergy it has with other classes aside from rogue’s capture is that it uses 2H bow and that’s it. It was probably meant for every other unorthodox archer build but definitely not for fletcher only. Still, rogue and hackapell are just as viable as mergen. Rogue would be very good if not for the insane power creep and spike in base damage of r8 classes. For hackapell, we probably need to wait some more for how the skills exactly work.
For those who took R3F3, don’t bother. go A2
From this video, I will assume Hakka sword skills are fake multi-hits.
Even though it was a crap ton of hits, the monster’s hp went down in two big chunks instead of many little ones.
Very nice observation. I thought the same when I saw these tests:
The hakka stacks +1 arrow per test, from A to B. I will highlight test C (4 arrows?).
Do you think the skill is +100% skill damage per arrow, instead of +1 hit per arrow?
Hakkapalle test:
It doesn’t look like +100% or +1 hit per arrow sadly.
It looks way worse.
I added the numbers together (because that’s all what a fake multi is really)
0 arrow: 1 hit
-no crit 11716 11773
-crit: 19810 19815
1 arrow: 1 hit
-crit: 21905 21863
10% increase (from 0 arrow)
2 arrow: 2 hits
-crit: 23936 23955
20% increase (from 0 arrow)
3 arrow: 2 hits
-crit: 25967 25976
31% increase (from 0 arrow) I’m assuming it’s 30%
4 arrow: 3 hits
-no crit 16573
-crit: 28130, 27020 29068
41.5% increase (from 0 arrow) assuming 40%
5 arrow: 4 hits
-crit: 30101 30131, 30195
52% increase (from 0 arrow) assuming 50%
6 arrow: 5 hits
-crit: 30976 33537
62.8% increase (from 0 arrow) assuming 60%
7 arrow: 5 hits
-crit: 30613 38028
73.2% increase (from 0 arrow) assuming 70%
It looks like the T1 modifier for Skarphuggning is +10% per arrow.
I don’t know if it will be the same for Storm Bolt. I would assume it’s the same though.
p.s. your video F is backstab. -> 7 arrow video
I love you and your calculations.
I will remove F.
+10% per arrow seems really lack luster… Lol.
At least it can stack pretty high.
You’ve solved why Hakka feels weak at KToS.
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I also think twin arrows is a better filler than barrage since you wouldn’t need to be at shotgun range but how does it compare to xfire and barbed?
I used Bodkin Kin as filler/debuff switch with with other fillers.
I can’t fit everything into my rotation because of my cd that’s why I took buff instead of twinshot.
Same here. I only use fletcher skills in boss and steady from ranger. I have a2r1scf3. I spam bodkin while fletch skills is in cd which actually is not long. Even if i went A3 or R3 i will still use bodkin as filler. It significantly lowers monster defense and deals high damage. I have max bodkin skill and with my current attribute i deal 9k per hit of bodkin. Also great to use in pvp.
ikr? like 5 secs cooldown isn’t much for other skills/fillers! It’s better to get buff at lower rank instead of an unused skill.
In clip, it seems he uses Skarphuggning skill.
Which deals additional hits based on the number of arrow stuck on the target.
My question is, Does each hit magic arrow count as 1 arrow stuck?
I am Fletcher too but when use magic arrow to mob, it doesnt show graphic of arrow stuck.
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i only use bodkin for siauliai missions to remove the boss’ barrier since there’s always xfire and barbed depending on the armor type.
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we’ll have to wait for any buff since so far, it’s quite underwhelming. The AoE may be fun but definitely not ET-worthy because of the dps (high cd for damage). The only good thing about mergen for now is the concept and that it uses bows as weapons.