Tree of Savior Forum

Fix pyro please

Wiz 2 is currently part of the strongest wizard solo build.
Wiz 2 > linker 2 > thaum 2 > FF 2. it is also good with Ele 3. I’ve tried every wiz class out there since the update, although mine is not r8 yet. With FF 2 this build doesn’t work, so the strongest build is either Pyro Ele or Pyro linker thaum before R8. Yes, Pyro linker is still one of the strongest solo DPS wizards. All the way up to the end of R7.

have you tested it? I think they change it this patch, my hell breath would stop if I get hit, can someone confirm this? need to test again once I get home

So you’ve tested all wiz conbination pre rank 8 then you say pyro-linker is’re not gonna stop at r7, so it might be strong pre rank 7 but when r8 hits, its where mobs hp tend to get high, You can’t gauge how strong your character is when you haven’t hit r8, best testing ground would be the new HG or 290 dungeon/ I have tried different builds with my new wiz pre rank 8, it’s strong and fun but when I reset my 330 wiz to that. the build. it went crap

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newbie here. So in your opinion whats the best builds including pyro now?

I’m still trying out builds atm, waiting for another reset, seems like pyro damage alone without thaum buffs won’t suffice the lost of agny before

Yes, but we were talking about Wiz2 Pyro3 Thaum3… Plus people who are going for Ele3 are taking Wiz3.

If you get hit by a magic/missile attack it stops Hell Breath, not if you get hit by a melee attack. That’s why Surespell can solve this problem, but as long as there are many ranged mobs, you wont hit all of them with Hell Breath without Linker or Cryo.

Any job with offensive AoE skills is good with Linker.

Sadly hell breath gets interrupted by so many things to the point i feel like the skill needs super armor by itself, try it with sure spell and without it and you will love not being interrupted by anything while dealing superb damage, you can always hit long ranged enemies if you play smart ;).

That being said i dont feel like w2 its worth taking anyways unless post pyro ranks u are planing taking benefit from surespell as well.

Sadly pyromancer feels like a calss that cant hold by itself, it needs to much from other ranks (linker, thau, even wiz) to the point where it feels like a burden being a pyro lol.


This thread is still going? geez

I scrolled trough the posts and cant help but sigh…
What is the obsession with either comparing Pyro to later rank classes or talking as if you never had anything else in your build other then pyro…

Iv been so fascinated by this that i went researching, no pic screen or video to be found of a Pyro pre patch not using Link, Thaum, Ele, Lock and such.

So where all these arguments of Pyro is crap and if proven otherwise the counter argument is “Yeah its doing well there because of Xclass in the build”.

Dont see Wiz3 guys running around saying their solo class cant do enough damage, or Cryo3 guys doing that either (yes i know not an actual damage class)…

Simple point, yes, completly alone Pyro is rubbish at 300++ maps, the fact that it was awesome sauce before the patch alone kinda indicates that something was wrong… kinda like… i dont know, maybe scaling too hard?

Wen you get in a dungeon and everyone in there is a Pyro… maybe… JUST maybe something isnt right…

Pyro Link Lock Awesome
Pyro Ele Lock Awesome
Pyro Link Thaum still Awesome

Pyro alone… not so great… really that shocking?

The whole point of this balance patch was to make endgame content more friendly to lower rank classes.

If you want to say that pyro alone is garbage then yes I agree.

But if you want to say that because it is good at earlier ranks then you should get it then No. When planning for a build, look at endgame. If pyro skills do not perform well at 300+ alone and even with the extra ranks into other classes like linker and thauma do not compare to elemem then why pick a low damage dealing circle to start with?

The reason why i feel pyro is not good anymore is not because the endgame class combinations are not not viable but that they suck at what they do compared to meta builds. I tried a pyro2 link 3 warlock 2 and the class feels like warlock defines it because of how strong mastema is. If this is the case then running wiz 3 link 3 or cryo 3 link 2 into warlock 2 seems more suited.

Assume if pyro did more damage (it could just be reverting changes to fireball). Then we would see pyro as a circle that can be used in endgame without linker.

Its not new players who are complaining about pyro but old players because when you have an elemem, why create an alt pyro? If you want a farm class just go thauma featherfoot. If you want a chrono for ET get a cryo 3 chrono 3 especially after barrier scroll nerf.

The point of this thread was to discuss how pyro was after the patch and its been dead since 4days ago, you are the one trying to revive this.

O.T pyro skills are what they are not matter wich class do you throw there to make it work and if a skill its not working as intended/has a bad performance, then by all means the community has the rights disscus about it, its that shocking to you?

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When you see more and more alchemists running cryo c3 kino c1 and wiz 3 ele 2 instead of pyro linkers then something seems wrong with pyro’s endgame viability.


Everybody who used to play pyro gave up hope and so this thread has been abandoned because people stopped complaining, they just changed their pyro 3 linker 3 sage to elememe or cryo chrono and their old pyro 2 link 2 thaum 2 sage into featherfoots that can actually farm 315 weapon mats.


I find it all really funny considering how hated fireball as a skill was before even. People constantly complained how terrible it is because others kick it around etc.

Then there was the link combo with fb which was just really really broken. Not to mention agny. I can see why people are upset but it’s just so silly imo.

If anything should be changed I guess they could speed up the casting animation for the new fireball.
Anyways I enjoy playing pyro 3 still and it doesn’t feel bad at all.

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I actually like the new fireball a lot o: but if the cast animation was fixed i’ll love it <3

I agree with you that the new fireball feels a lot better. I really enjoy the AoE factor. I don’t have to worry about my party member knocking it out of the way. I can stand from far away, cast it and auto attack it once into where ever I want for a huge explosion. If I would to improve it, I would ask IMC dev to add the following three things:

  • 5 overheat
  • Longer knock distance
  • 100% burn attribute that is 10 second long.

This will definitely make it on par with the old fire ball.

Nevertheless, going back on topic, I don’t feel that Pyromancer really god nerfed. For that matter, I feel like the class got buffed. But what’s hurting Pyromancer right now is the fact that Linker got nerfed. If Linker’s joint penalty were to stay the same as it was before, then the play style of pyromancer wouldn’t change much.

Fireball doesn’t do that much burst damage, with a low cd it mean as a spam damage skill in between the cd.
But that simply don’t work… In the end we got tons of spell to cast and no time to setup a fireball in the middle of everything and recasting it each 8 sec 2 time… It time consuming for mediocre damage.

How to fix fireball ? Make it worth it to cast it, increase the cd and make it stronger, maybe keep it as it is right now just with a better scaling… Right now it almost useless to even duplicate it and you can’t do it directly in the fight like before soo even if you duplicate you need to take time to move the fireball.

But anyway … Don’t expect anything from suggestion we give on this forum, they just follow patch note from other version (KToS), we had our own patch before but now we are just delayed patch behind them that it. If you whant to know what we going to get … Stay informed of korean patch version.

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I agree with the 10 seconds burn. The reason why Flare didn’t popular because it hard to use. Sometimes when I notice the burn enemies, plus its animation, the fire already gone and the Flare is futile. Also, dear Staff, would you tell the dev to speed a bit FB animation?? :’)

And yeah! Why cut the count limit of JP… ;;A;;

I think (and hope) ktos player thought the same.

You can use flare on enemy stuck in fire pillar.
Probably in those of flameground and firewall too.(Haven’t tested this because i’m using pyro just for enchant fire in my build.)


Flame ground, fire pillar and fire wall debuffs work with flare, hence why people tend to put at least 1 point just for the flare activation.

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i wasnt using agny before update and fierball wasnt trash not overpowered in of itself. You have no concept of honest discussion do you? you do all you can to make this weak skill do some damage and then you expect to deceive
ignorant people as to the state of the skill itself saying “look! i think it does ok damage!”

Plain ridiculus when an autoatack with enchant fire beats fireball in damage, mana cost, cooldown etc.

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