Tree of Savior Forum

Finally IMC is taking action against Dina afkers, Good Job!

Since we’re on accusations now, mind quoting where I’m dealing with subjective information when you’re saying I’m defending IMC when I’m not? I’ll gladly correct my statement to fit what it means, if it’s too subjective/unclear I’ll also gladly fix it right now.

I guess the one needing to calm down is yourself.

Did you read my post? I’m simply explaining to you from where I took all my answers. Go back and read, grow up. I’m telling you, I misunderstood what you meant and show why. Want me to just say sorry without even explaining why?

“Fine, sorry. I still don’t agree with some of you arguments but with other.”

And there’s it, contributes nothing. I like to make it explicit what I’m saying and what I’m answering to, exactly to prevent misunderstandings. Isn’t it better? What do you want attacking me?

You don’t even play as an Archer to know how bad it is. Just ask everyone, even my old Templar since you know him. He’s a Sage and know how bad Missile Hole is.

Most archers are useless in PvP just as you say Necromancer is useless.

Simple to say about the other without suffering by yourself, right?

Like when Necromancers defend AFK farming with stupid arguments when they’re not the ones who lives the bad effects of it. And even asking refunds afterwards.

I want a rank reset to another class because IMC fixed the Missile Hole bug and it’s even more overpowered now. Or refund me all Stage 7 on both weapons investment with my own effort without farming with Necromancers.

Do you understand how easy is the life of a Necromancer to even think about asking refunds?

I bet if necros are buffed as some of you are saying, they just go to a higher lvl map to be afk. All they want is silver the lazy way. Buffing necro ain’t gonna help.


145 dung do 1.5 ml every day, did you think necro is silver good? muhahaha
3 twink do 5 ml each day lol nerf necro is best way)
Good job!

Dung 145 -> NO AFK
Dina Bee Farm -> AFK

I just wonder if you read and understand what people are saying…


afk class(hunter, sorc, necr, all other)dont do problem for economic in this game, stupid change all clas for non afk system
srsly warloc on bot soo much problem and fix poor necr)

attribute 100 lvl = 320 MILLION!
3 attribute = MILLIARD silver, you kidding me right?


No one needs attribute level 100
Like no one needs stage 10 transcendence
Even the hardest content in the game (ET FLOOR 40) can be beaten without having either of those.
Stage 7 with lv 50 attributes is more than sufficient in most cases.
Saying that you have to have them as an excuse for necro farmers is a very weak argument.

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i need attribute 100
It is my choice

Then you’re just bad and should git gud


20 char 20 char20

boohoo they so rich me so pooor, me no money

The words of a man that has nothing to tell basicly.


while Rank8 has not yet released,necro once was unable to farm afk ,before they modified the AI of skeletons, which would once let them ran out of range and stop moving after killing the mobs, but in pvp, these skeletons would chase enemies forever without range limitations.this had definitely make necro a good PVP rank since the AI.i once got the first rank of PVP with my own necro C2 without advancing to skeletons would be one shot by everything and deals 1 dmg to even average players after they boost mdef and pdef when lvling up,and skeletons would run back to the summoner if they were too far from him,thus you can’t move if you want them to attack. skeletons are only useful against mobs of low lvl map. seems developers mean to make necro as a afk farmers, with the releasing of rank 8 it becomes way more effecient(80k per hour to 150k per hour) with the help of skeleton archers.

i doubt that grim reaper are not intentionaly sent out for combating necro because they does respawn along the bots but its disappeared within a period of i doubt the new grim is just a product of BUG. because even with it players could possibly continue to farm afk,as below

a macro/bot warlock can earn 10M-20M a day,and it’s illegal,while a necro get 1M-2M a day,it is rather apparent that which issue should be fixed/solved.
and IMC already said “free to play while afk”,it is more like necro are designed to be a legal afk farmer against the illegal ones, which is the a way for the ordinary players to aginst RMT/bot user,not mention there are tons of games with interior auto attacking system, giving the chance for those players who would like to farm afk.
why it has to be necro? it’s like only templar could be the guild master, various functions actaully are divided to each classes,

Here’s a Japanese player killing a Necromancer farmer in DP2.

Just notice the amount of level 3 gems he drops and tell me this isn’t affecting the game economy at all or as bad as real bots.

This is what they make in a night.

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My problem with this is why hasn’t IMC publicly advertised necro as an afk farming class then? Other classes like templar has been advertised as a guild making class and their official announcements etc. make it very clear as the same way pardoner/squire/alchemist are advertised and officially stated as ‘‘shop vendor’’ type of classes.
If this truly was the design choice for necromancers why wouldn’t they just say so? If it was a path they would want players to take and actively use they would most likely point players into that direction.

Also when it comes to that ticket answer I would love to see the actual question as well, as there has been misunderstanding and vague responses before. I’m not sold yet.

No, it is a word of wisdom not to lower yourself to illiterate people.

That works pretty good in your little dream bubble but outside you look a tard that has nothing to add. Face it

No. How can i respond if you didnt understand what you quoted in the first place?

They should just make Grim Reaper a passive for Necromancers. It appears if the Necromancer is AFK in a field for longer than an hour. Would fit their class theme too.

Dude for real, there is no other way to talk to the staff here. They dont listen and Im angry. In that topic Im angry about that they implemented a class that is clearly meant to bot/afk farm. the fact that those systems causing lots of stress in the comunity is know since mmos exist.

Doing such crucial mistakes are unacceptable. And its also not like that they did one big mistake, no, its about their whole

necromancer need summon grim reaper quickly,they need