Tree of Savior Forum

Final batch of Beta Key Distribution - Completed

THANK YOU !!! i got my key :smiley:

Thank you IMCGAMES TOS team :kissing_heart:

“its so unfortunate that we could not accommodate you for the Beta Test this time since your conditions did not meet your requirements (ex: registrant from the countries where TOS had local publishers and etc)”

My friend was accepted and he lives a few blocks away from me… ?


same here, girlfriend got in and she’s on the same network as me and I registered before her

can i get a key???thank you steam

are you using vpn or any other anti-tracking software? that might be the cause.

Thank you for the key… :heart_eyes: Hopefully, the server can support the amount of the player that you have… :wink:

i need this game in my life…

how to get thru webside?

did u click the [Register for 2nd Beta Test] button after you login? That might be the case.

yup yup, I clicked it like 3 times just to be sure

i think it might be a temporary bug as i see lots of ppl having ur problem now too. I think it’s just your key didnt load in yet… The system just simply dump you in as you are not eligible etc

I live in the US too. I don’t know why Im getting that also

Got the key :smile: Germany here :grin:

Because the beta doesn’t start until the 27th…

WHERE S MY KEY?::worried:

Same ■■■■. 'Tis a pity.

Got my keys! thanks IMC TOS

Still didn’t get my key xD i didn’t get on the 1st cbt and gonna patiently wait for this >.</ hope my 2nd chance is good

Go to homepage and click the [check my beta key] button!