I would love to dude…
I’ll quit my fvcking job right away if IMC will hire me hahahahahaha!
They will in the future
I would love to dude…
I’ll quit my fvcking job right away if IMC will hire me hahahahahaha!
They will in the future
Gung Ho and Concentrate are working in the same role, competing each other. I don’t think we need two buffs that do the same thing, add attack.
In my opinion, Concentrate need be reworked. Maybe change it to add Accuracy and Evasion. In many games that I played Concentration ability give Hit Rate effect, so add accuracy make sense for me.
I think Concentration add evason (in a scalar way) is important, so the buff will be good for STR and AGI builds as well.
This change can make Concentration OP?
We have a bunch of pretty good suggestions for Sky Liner so far, yours seem to align well with those too. That is good, seems like overall people agree with a change to this particular skill.
I will add these suggestions to the list.
Thank you for your post!
Yeah, I think that overall Bleeding is too weak. For the apply ratio, some mobs can’t bleed, I assume you are talking about that?
This is good enough, I will add it to the list. Thanks!
That would certainly make Swordsman more interesting. Depends on whether or not they want to take this path with the game though, perhaps they want to keep it to pure physical type of skills.
I will add both of your posts to the list though. Thanks!
That is a bunch of extra utility added to Jolly Roger. It would be too strong if all of them were implemented, or they would need to be balanced out on other classes so that Corsair isn’t as dominant.
For example, if both Barbarian and Corsair get the taunt on War Cry and Jolly Roger, then it would balance it out a little bit. Same would have to be applied to other classes.
I will add these to the list. Thanks!
Alright, I will add it to the list!
Yeah that has been a popoular opinion on the thread so far: A complete change to Concentrate based on the justification that Gung Ho is already giving damage and thus they are redundant.
I am not too sure about Evasion, but Accuracy certainly would fit the “theme”, or well, at least the name of it.
What if it were to increase Attack Speed with auto-attacks and perhaps Accuracy?
I have read all suggestions to all classes that I played and I must say that…this doesnt change a thing in the game.
Proposed changes are still not fixing the problem that is visible from 10 km. Game need big revamp and decision of “what for given classes exist at all”.
The game need passive attributes for each class, giving it weight in the role you take. Each class should matter in your build and it should give you visible boost in given field of the class.
Good example is highlander 2 handed critical damage (made in crappy way anyway, but you get the point).
Every class should give you 3 additional passive attributes, 1 on each tier of the class (C1,C2,C3), examples:
*10% - 30% more defense from a shield (3 levels)
*1% - 5% more chance to block when using a shield ( 5 levels)
*2% - 20% more defense from plate armor (10 levels)
*2% - 20% more damage when using 2 handed swords ( 10 levels)
*2% - 4% increased damage when taking damage for 10 seconds, stack 5 times (3 levels)
*3%-15% increased attack speed when using 2 handed swords (5 levels)
*2% - 20% more damage when dual wielding ( 10 levels)
*5% - 20% chance to do additional attack with any attack/skill hit (4 levels)
*10%-30% more drops and gold (3 levels)
*5%-50% less durability loss for you and your party members (10 levels)
*1%-5% increased all base stats for you and your party members (3 levels)
*10%-50% of your defense value is added to party members with less than 20% of MAX HP (5 levels)
Additionaly to that, every existing skill need proper scaling including scaling to their special effects, otherwise they will turn to obsolete really fast. Example:
Cartor strike:
Charge duration - 3 seconds on all levels
Base damage: 100% per hit(you dont even need the +x damage in skills) +5% per level
Number of hits : 3 + 1 per 5 levels
Overcharge : 2
Aoe increase by 3% per level
(Role : high burst damage, high aoe but slow and hard to output skill)
Stomping kick:
Base damage: 140% +5% per level
Number of hits : 1
Overcharge : 2
Bonus effect : 100% +30% per level of boots evasion value added to damage
(Role : low weapon damage but high bonus boots damage if you gear under the skill)
Base damage : 500% +50% per level
Number of hits :1
Overcharge : 1
Bonus effect : Can hit only single target
Bonus effect 2 : Increase damage of next Zucken by 100% +10% per level
(Role : High burst single target skill, boost zucken, simply a skill for single powerfull enemy)
Implemented maxed out Cor1 would definitely be over powered. Nor do all need to be implemented or to such a degree. Any of these would make a cor1 very desirable for a party and still makes a DPS build viable, a lot more so than Having to take Pelt. The reasoning behind Cor is the function of Jolly Roger and it’s Flag. The Flag allows the taunt to be directed AWAY from the swordman, thus 0 con DPS builds can drop a flag and position themselves To the REAR of their targets to get the attribute bonus from cor.
Jolly Roger could scale at 2 targets taunted per level so at lvl 5 you have a max of 10 and then 1 per every 5 levels after that.
The current bonus of combo are… crap really don’t matter its not like parties care about it enough to go out of the way for it. Make them large to incentives parties going for the bonus. In reality if cor offered a heavy support aspect swords would then have a third route independent of DPS, fair or no it is an easy option to implement to take care of sword for right NOW. Cor would be like the Brd of EQ/FFXI, not power house DPS or Tank but worth bringing along.
Also Immunity as a party wide buff at 50% makes it a viable defense, but still means if you Leroy Jenkins you will likely get dead. It can also scale at 1% per attribute for each level of the Skill thus need cor3 to get the full 50%
I think that making Cross guard (Highlander Parry) avaiable for 2H Spears, will help a LOT. Then what about make finestra avaiable for any weapon?
I just want rapiers to not have the durability of a toothpick.
Below are just my opinion on the suggested changes
swordman - i agree with most of the suggestions, though i think the concentrate attribute give too much extra attack charge at the suggested value
just thinking sw c3- cata c3- end game class(r7+) with decent spr (for CC resist and block pen) would be almost unstoppable at that rate (not really a big problem since they will probably kinda squishy if the go offensive route, but tanky route will become kinda anti-CC
note: i’m not sure they fixed double slash description(aoe ratio) in-game yet, too lazy to complain at bug section
i think this skill should be the main component from peltesta, the current design is a disappointment (then again that is just my prerogative )
i dunno whether the peltasta ability to tank magic is intentionally made to be poor or not, but adding magic def to the equation may give an incentive to increase this skill
other possible change would be by making this skill to reduce dmg received instead
if not, i think better % gain and less flat gain since priest aspersion greatly overshadowed this skill at the current suggestion
not really agreeing with this one, but making this skill c3 would also be fine
my suggestion of the skill rework (compared to the original/current) would be:
peltasta - i agree peltasta need to be buffed (either by more damage or more tanking capability) especially c2 and c3, currently the c1 give out so many utility thus making c2 and c3 kinda underwhelming
highlander - i don’t really know much of highlander build, but i believe it should be buffed/nerfed to be balanced with the other r2 class, if the other got major change
barbarian - i think this class is mostly fine, proposed changed are ok, kinda hoping they swap some skills between circle but it’s also fine at current design.
hoplite - i think the suggested changes are fine, but the values could be reduced or better paced(increase/level) as currently hoplite is already strong for early game
cata - i agree impaler need to be given a reason to level, steed charge at the moment is simply bad, suggestion would be increase of level would increase the distance traveled and add an attribute that will drag the enemies (or maybe only the first enemy it hit) instead of just knockdown. the increase in distance would make this bothersome to use in pve, but giving it another interesting skill when it used on pvp (and it fit the charging cavalry for me )
i think its fine for cata to lack damage since it’s main point is having mobility (and extra defensive stat from companion)
rodelero - i think first thing they need to do is making up their mind if this class is a defense oriented (as currently suggested by the blue emblem) or offense oriented (change to red emblem) as currently the class skill is offense oriented and/or the CC is quite underwhelming, please make some synergy available (then again this will probably take time and couldn’t quickly implemented) for this class is recommended since its currently very boring to play in most scenario
squire -
MT skills need better scaling (weapon & armor mt), but not as high as what you suggest
weapon mt : 75% weapon attack even without flat is way overkill, 15% or 30% on lv15 plus current flat is already enough even considering lv400+ gear)
armor mt : at least it need 0.5 def for every (star x skill level), may need percentage for lv300+ gear
penalty red : i don’t think current skill works, squire does need a C3 skill but i have no idea what to suggest
base camp/refreshment table : i don’t agree with ability to sell refreshment table food since it reduce the need to include a squire on a party but i really hope they decrease the cost to make the basecamp and refreshment table (increasing the food ingr price is ok) or fixed the basecamp buff which suppose to increase buff duration (i’m not sure about other class buff, but tested that food buff didn’t receive any bonus from basecamp)
current pricing is really bad if you aren’t planing a long grinding session
corsair - agreed with your opinions, i especially want a better scaling for jolly roger
rest of class i’ll reserve my judgement since the class is not yet complete… but i agree that most of the offensive swordman class need better scaling comparative to other DPS class, its true that swordie have 3x hp, but the damage comparison is very crude making DPS swordman class obsolate in competitive environment
in general (not only swordman tree), i do hope they give better skill description and patchnote / changelog (instead of ‘ninja’ patch we sometime don’t even know/notice).
rants: i still think templar should be a hidden rank instead a real one… i was thinking about hidden class templar for each class tree that have 3 common skill, and an unique skill (differ for each base class)
summon member/tower and improve craft time would be the common skill, while swd/arc/wiz/cle having str/dex/int/spr aura (similar to current templar’s design)
Yeah, the game has a lot of problems to fix overall, but this isn’t really about completely fixing every problem regarding the Swordsman class. It is about small/quick changes they can make to improve each class and circle while a better overhaul comes in the future which could take months of waiting for us.
This would be a more interesting change but it would apply to every class in the game, not just Swordsman, so it is a more complex solution that requires more time to craft and properly implement / balance out.
These are the quick modifications they can make to make each class/circle feel more meaningful for the moment.
Thank you for your post!
I think the flag should have HP or a drawback if that is the case. Otherwise it is a free tank with no penalty at all. At least the Peltasta has to directly receive the damage of the oppoonents, which makes it a fair trade.
I think the combo would be alright if it added 1~2% extra total damage per level. It would make it a great utility skill for the entire party
50% is way too strong in my opinion. A lower value would be more balanced.
But yeah, the ideas in essence are the important part, the values can always be tweaked around to balance them out.
I wouldn’t mind, but it would probably become too dominant on the choices for builds. You would suddenly see Fencer builds taking it too, as well as Doppelsoelder builds that can still use a 2H Sword because they have the attribute to do so.
Perhaps with a weaker version of Finestra and adding other compensating benefits to the Hoplite could make it work. But that is a little more of extra work to think about.
Well, the idea is that there are still class interactions to take into consideration. Just because Aspersion is stronger doesn’t mean Guardian should be too, as they both can co-exist on the same character and it would make the end result too strong.
We would need to know if the current state of Magical Damage vs Magical Resistance in the game is intentional or not like you said, but if it isn’t then it would be another good way to improve the Peltasta class.
Yeah, I agree. I changed the values to 2% per level, which would be 30% at level 15. If it is still too strong it can always be lowered to 1% per level and 15% at max.
The idea is that food from the camp is still stronger than the one from the shop, adding a better incentive to still do it through the traditional way (especially on pre-made groups), but not depending on it for the rest of the people.
What do you think the pricing should be to make it better overall for the food?
The first chance i would do would be moving swash buckling from peltasta to swordman c1. I mean, clerics are the only healing capable class and they start with this ability, if sowordmans are sworn to be tanks they should do it from start too. No one should be punished for not getting peltasta. All skills should scale in % and this is for all the classes not just swordman. The “blue classes” should have more skills to reduce damage taken like paladins resist elements at least as a short secondary effect. And lastly swordmans need movement reducing skills and CC breaking too. At least breaking free from CC that are not from a Magic source.
Sorry but I don’t believe in investing into swordsman c2 and c3 just to make Swash Buckling better. It should stay on Peltasta.
At least, make the Peltasta harder to play. From what i have seen so far the Peltasta is: Swash buckling, High guard, Press C. Wait Cooldowns and repeat.
Some ideas I’m throwing out. You don’t necessarily need to agree with all of this.
Subject to change.
Provoke attribute: increases max # of mobs can aggro on you.
Gung Ho
P.ATK: (STR ÷ 4) + 50
P.DEF: -10
Add DMG: +52
Hits: 52
Chance of slowing enemy: 100% (changed from stun)
Max HP: -534
Pommel Beat
Attack: 374
Defense Ignored: 70
Chance to stun: 50%
Double Slash
Deals additional damage vs slowed targets instead of bleeding targets.
Wagon Wheel
Is now a ranged attack that creates a crescent slash and KD’s targets.
Cartar Stroke
Attribute added: Decreases Cartar Stroke charging time by half. (Highlander c2)
Cross Guard
Changed to work exactly like Guard but consumes # SP per second.
Cooldown reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.
Cooldown reduced from 28 seconds to 20 seconds.
Rim Blow
100% chance to stun targets for 3 seconds.
Attribute added: No longer knocks enemies away.
P.DEF: (CON ÷ 4) +35
M.DEF: (SPR ÷ 2) +35
Now applies to # of teammates depending on skill level. Visuals changed to blue orbs instead of red.
Shield Lob
Cooldown reduced from 54 seconds to 0 seconds.
High Guard
Block: +(STR + CharLv * 3 + 240)
Attack penalty removed.
Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.
+1 overheat
Bleed chance increased to 5% per attribute level.
Long Stride
Causes bind debuff for 1 second.
Now applies Bleeding for # seconds.
Attribute added: Knock enemies down.
Stomping Kick
Now leaps ontop of targeted enemies from a distance. Cooldown increased to 60 seconds and overheats removed.
Giant Swing
Hits all mobs at the tip with the bound target up to a maximum of 9 times. Hitbox depends on the size of the monster.
Cooldown reduced from 81 seconds to 40 seconds.
Shield Charge + Slithering merged into 1 skill. All effects remain the same. Acquired at Rodelero c2.
Shield Push
Added effect to protect you against an enemy attack when using the skill.
Shooting Star
+1 overheat added.
Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20.
Cooldown reduced from 52 seconds to 30 seconds.
Armor Maintenance
P.DEF: +11 at level 1 / +25 at level 15.
Penalty Reduction
Negates all penalty from death.
Jolly Roger
Combo activation no longer requires to be party leader.
Pistol Shot
Makes enemies more vulnerable to missile attacks for 6 seconds.
Crit rate increased by +100 when using the skill.
Deeds of Valor
Now a 2H sword requirement.
Changed to be only usable by 2H swords.
Makes enemies vulnerable to slash-type attacks for 5 seconds.
Deals additonal damage vs silenced targets.
Can now equip pistols at c2.
Now dashes at opponents from a range with a quick single stab.
Gae Bulg
Ignores Block.
Dragon Soar
Nullifies 1 debuff upon activation.
Overheat increased by +1.
Bunshin no Jutsu
Clones can now use all attacking skills. (No guarding, buffs, etc)
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both the tank classes need more aggro gaining ability on skills or cc that are actually reliable (or god forbid some magic def type skills)
because right now being a pelt 3 is a 1 trick pony with everything else just kind of insignificant to swash
being a rodelero 3 is a one trick pony with everything else being kind of insignificant to slithering
and then being a squire has the most godly broken stun
that for some reason is on the merchant but not on either of the tank trees
and this stun is so amazing that it is arguable that this stun alone is better CC than all of the rodelero/pelt ccs combined, that and its wayyy more reliable
pelt has a single knockback/unreliable stun
rodelero has a 1second stun/ slow/ chance to paralyze?
a 3 second blind
i think unbalanced is a 5 second cc? im not really sure what unbalanced state is from shield push
and then a nudge from shield charge
meanwhile squires op stun is 10 seconds long and can hit up to 16 enemies and can even work on bosses and lowers the stunned things phys def by 50% and then a 6 second slow after the stun
all in 1 single move…what?
it has a super long almost 1 min cd…but if i was in a panic mode situation i would much rather have the god stun than anything else
and then of course a bunch of skills that have nothing to do with actually being in combat, but more for usefulness
so its another very dry one trick pony combat wise
(the shops and camp are still really cool,but this doesn’t make the actual fighting game-play any more exciting)
give the merchant class a money throw or a new shop or something and give the omega stun to one of the actual tanks?
maybe make a magic defense based tank so that way if u want to tank both worlds you have to invest 6 circles into it?
and it will be pelt = phys dmg tank rodelero = pvp tank ______=magic tank?
its really bad when a tank wants to pick a merchant class and not even want the merchant skills from it but instead want the 1 out of place mega skill that shouldn’t really be on that class in the first place
i can only talk about the cataphract because thats the class i am using, so in my experience i would say that overral catapracs are good, really good compared to most swordies (we all know our problem with the attack departament). Adding to my older advise of the pet attribute i would say that making rush a “toggle” skill would be cool, just that the sp cost gets bigger as time goes by with using the skill to balance it, or hell, that maxium time gets increased with attibute or level.
@Cathexis Fair points.
As for HP of the flag I think this adds a level of complexity to it that in truth is not needed. You are gathering the mobs and holding them for a short time, until they are stripped. If the flag is tanking that means your party/you are doing abysmal damage. I could see some solo exploitation here but the taunt effect could be made for party only.
Currently if you place a flag it sits there and sometimes mobs react to it, or not, mostly newly spawned mobs, and often not even then. If when placing the flag it taunted and then was done then you have a gather method independent of the hated Pel 1 (For non-tanks). The flag is there to gather not to tank past any type of real damage.
Combo would be very strong at 1~2% per level at lvl 10 thats a 10~20% bonus which is very good. However this should be across all needed stats Atk, Def, Res, Matk. In this way it provides something to the whole party and not just the sword (who no one cares about much anyways) Sure archers will like it but Wiz and Cleric would not care much about the extra work to buff someone elses atk. That is the nature of PUG play sad to say.
In regards to Immunity perhaps 50% is strong, but it should scale with the radius of the AOE of JollyRoger, think unreliable SafeZone. Where safezone is X amount of attacks immunity is RNG based and can get someone dead just as much as save their skin.
Also broken down by circle capping at 33% for c2 Cor means that swords have a reliable (enough) mechanism to stay melee and not soak up too much damage/waste cleric resources. In truth this translate more to Magic than physical because there are so many methods to negate/avoid/block physical that it is not so important. Lastly they could always separate the two making the chances independent so say something like 5% for magic and 1% for physical for each additional attribute.
My overall approach is quick and dirty, then tweak later, If IMC had a gun to their head they could implement these changes quickly and easily… Unless they truly have no clue about their own code…
If you’re going to make the P.ATK buff scale with STR it’s only fair you make the P.DEF buff to also scale, don’t you agree?
I actually think replacing the stun for a “permaslow” skill is a very interesting change. The HP reduction should scale off the character’s health, like “-10% of your character’s current HP”
Nah simply because not every skill in the game that has a buff has a drawback that signifcant. Swift cast comes to mind .perfectly able to keep upime of it all the time.
Gung Ho doesn’t buff your P.DEF tho, it decreases it. I think you’re talking about Guardian which I already made scale with CON.
Also, the attribute already knocks off a total of -50 defense so I think that’s more than enough.