Oh, i guess we’re grateful for the server.
But when you have founder packs that are redeemable in a single server only, and team names that are unique per every server…well, that’s asking for issues later on.
EU people that already used their packs on Klaipeda or Orsha cannot move from there. EU people that want to keep their team names cannot go to the new server unless they spend a ton of TP (and that’s assuming that they didn’t use their packs).
Essentially, the only people who can use the new server without worry are the ones that didn’t play yet.
How does that solve the queue issues?
Edit: i just noticed that you can’t even buy TP outside of the DLC packs for now. And those are server bound anyway. So one wanting to change its team name to use it on another server should essentially waste a pack on a server he doesn’t want to play into. And that’s assuming he didn’t use all the packs yet (since you can only get one of each).