Tree of Savior Forum

Fedimian Server and Consolatory Notice [UPDATED]

Please show me on this Highlander where exactly this hurts you.

Is it really so immense catastrophic to you, that you can totally ignore all the things that worked out that you can actually at least play the game right now?
Does it really have to be all or nothing?
Not having it perfect ruins the whole show?

Just noticed i got some compensation items for the performance in my ingame mailbox. I think that’s nice!

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Oh, i guess we’re grateful for the server.
But when you have founder packs that are redeemable in a single server only, and team names that are unique per every server…well, that’s asking for issues later on.
EU people that already used their packs on Klaipeda or Orsha cannot move from there. EU people that want to keep their team names cannot go to the new server unless they spend a ton of TP (and that’s assuming that they didn’t use their packs).
Essentially, the only people who can use the new server without worry are the ones that didn’t play yet.
How does that solve the queue issues?

Edit: i just noticed that you can’t even buy TP outside of the DLC packs for now. And those are server bound anyway. So one wanting to change its team name to use it on another server should essentially waste a pack on a server he doesn’t want to play into. And that’s assuming he didn’t use all the packs yet (since you can only get one of each).

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If I use the enchant scrolls on Orsha, when I transfer the character to the EU server, he goes with all this accesories, weapons, etc. RIGHT?

Only for know if I can redeem just now or wait some hours/days until 16/4/4 and hope to can redeem on the EU server.

I was reading the salty ■■■■ at work, got home, was prepared for a several hours long queue, saw the EU server and it made my day! :heart_eyes: GJ IMC!


This was the line i needed to hear.

Buyed the founder Pack 1 twice :kissing_heart:

The new server made things a lot better for people actually joining that server. For the other people from EU that already made a family on another server, and even used their tokens are still going to have to wait for a month so they can transfer their family.

I appreciate that you are taking action against lag and other issues, but players like me are “stuck” on the non European server for another month since it took a while for you guys to announce that we would get one.

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Does anyone know if it’s safe to open the founder pack now when you’re on femidian server? Will it get transferred to the new european server?

don’t do it
/20 char


Please bring back the Q, I rather wait 2hours than not being able to play at all. Klaipedia is terrible…

Great!! We get items that are worthless because after logging in (which is doable now), the servers are still so overwhelmed that it takes 15+ minutes to obtain a quest, assuming you dont have to reload.

Fix the problem, IMC, and don’t try to appease us with worthless stuff that is pointless until you fix the actual problem.

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No there is no queue because the player count is now about 50% of what it was this morning (per Steam).

The servers STILL can’t handle. Meaning even if there were no 30% late purchasers, this game would still be unplayable.

I thought they had extra serverS, as in plural. Where are they?


yes, if you are playing on fedimian and you are from EU you can open it
The server works fine and it will physically move to EU soon

same :slight_smile:
our prayers have been answered and in the end EU players that were at work/school in the morning were the luckiest ones

…mad press-connect-upon-release-immediately here -.-"

At least I got my wanted Name for that. At least… -_-

I think they will find a way to transfer ppl to EU faster, I mean they have to cause Klai is chocked with ppl right now

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Wah, That’s great news.

And btw, you’re doing great in comparison to most MMO launches i’ve seen lately!

Keep up the good work, and thank you very much!

Will soon be possible to transfert caracters with packs from NA to EU? :smiley:

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ethan

Going to add another NA server? It’s kind of annoying being based in the Midwest with a good connection and having to deal with the horrible latency issues that these overloaded servers have, currently.

It was stated that you’d have more servers on stand-by in case of this particular situation. So it’d be quite nice if you provided the solution already.


And About a SA server ? we are 26% in the grafic and we not have one server this is so sad pls make a SA server too pls like in CBT

Wait if you did open your Founder Pack already in Klapedia, will it get moved to Fedimian when the server transfer happens?