Tree of Savior Forum

Farming lv 315 items for orange weapons

I plan doing ET and stage 4+ :frowning:

Then you should try it. It really depends on how fast you can kill the mobs more than anything. The mats for aspana aren’t that hard as the swords (57 set) drop by around 10%, the tails are the hard ones, but you need 15 only.

If you can kill 550 of those mobs within 1hr30mins then go for it, otherwise I recommend getting some friends/guild to help you.

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Yeah, I Will try to find a guild and I Will make some tests on the weekend

They can’t do it because that will kill the game since there is no more carrot on the stick. If people are max level and have their gear seriously what is there left for you to do?

The RMT problem is way actually way deeper than just buying items but also tokens. It has been like this since day one.

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Oh, I see…

That’s lame :frowning:

@ghmgo.ghmgo, I disagree with @ophiuchu. If IMC really wasn’t going to make drops more accessible they wouldn’t be listening to players asking to adjust DPK values.

Another point to support my claim is that they’re adding new Lv.315 gears that are comparable to the weapons you need Practonium and these materials to farm. The Hunting Grounds equipment for sure have lower values but they’re quite decent and serves as alternative.

@STAFF_Yuri has been keeping communicating with players here in this topic:

They know they need better end-game content but difficult of farming Lv.315 items surely isn’t excuse for it.

And RMT is indeed a deeper problem but it’s more like IMC needs to start to actively punish them. Just start punishing then and preventing RMT via market actively and the problem will reduce by quite a lot.

As a side note, I recommend reading @ophiuchu posts with care, while talking about real issues he is known to over-exaggerate them to try to picture they worse than they really are so he can drive people away after he stopped playing himself. In other words, a common forum troll.


Fine to disagree about the DPK thing but just look at practo cube developer interview thing and take what you will from that. Then ask yourself why does it take them over a month of “internal debate” to alter a number in their drop table database. While you ponder that one here is actually something detailing the token thing

PS - Think for yourself not what @LunarRabbit is telling you.

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Yes and they are adding Lv.315 Hunting Ground gears that are quite comparable to 1-Practonium weapon and not so far from 2-Practonium weapons. Which clearly shows that they want to give alternatives.

Changes in design does takes some times. I’d rather have a month long discussion that tries to bring something proper than they blindly discarding the user feedback. Just proves that they are looking and thinking how to make it better. And maybe just not too easy?

Yes, the suggestion I made because one person IMC didn’t ban and were famous RMTer. She got mad because she was called out and started buying all Tokens on market for grieving, trying to make it difficult to other players and drive people away, just like you do here on forums.

Here’s my report about her if you want to know the entire story of the suggestion:

After the given report she started buying all the Tokes like I said and that made me open the suggestion to prevent grieving moves such as this one.

Is that not what I just said was the problem with them making it easier? If I am Jafar from Aladin are you Iago the parrot that has to say something every time I do?

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Because they need to listen to everyone.

  1. There are people that complains that they don’t want to make them too easy to not discard the effort put into them before.

  2. There are others who want them just a bit lowered down but not entirely easy.

  3. They made a design themselves for it to be in a way. It’s meant to be almost higher-grade weapons in the game. In no game the best weapon ever acquirable is given for free with no effort. That’s bad even for the player.

  4. They’re solving the problem by making other Lv.315 weapons that works as alternatives. So you have more weapon variety while also keeping the higher-grade weapons in their place, being harder to get, while one can simply use the alternative weapons and they work on every part of the game.

Facts! this guy loves to over exaggerate and draw up a lot of false BS. He will then follow up his arguments with pointless memes at a fail attempt to draw support.

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You said you disagree but actually do agree and no where does it say in my post they are not potentially working on anything. But thanks for coming out to say all that stuff. It still does not sweep away the fact of them saying they “fixed” the DPK then actually made it harder. Then that response you quoted was made after players complained for a month.

Where is the exaggeration between reality here?

Except you can just follow this thread and see they mention nothing about any of what was just talked about here

Would you two like to say anything I never said while we are here?


This is what I disagree. Learn to read already.

In the maintenance patch-notes and DPK adjustment that was applied some days ago and you would have noticed if you still played the game, here’s it for you:

They’re actually changing it, so, working on it and listening the user feedback and what @STAFF_Yuri have been discussing with them.

It’s actually around the same drop rate as before the changes now, just that it’s harder for Thaums to get double drops. But I guess you don’t play to know the difference, right?

And they’re still discussing and changing it which shows it isn’t a definite solution.

In the point they’re working on it but you say they are not. Plus in the point you try to use it as excuse to something else. Simple.

As I already quoted here:

@STAFF_Yuri is waiting decisions before posting about it, to prevent miscommunication.

Now stop trolling around, no one else is here to feed the trolls and I’m going to play. See you ~

I can farm some of the 315 mats fairly reasonably with my Corsair3. However overall low damage of the class and the general dickishness of some of the high level mobs limits efficiency for most of them. Also the fact that HopliteCorsair is almost entirely piercing damage and all of the ■■■■■■■ high level mobs are cloth for some reason.

My big problems with the level 315 weapons are:

  1. Absolutely enormous gap between them and the most reasonable alternatives (220 world boss drops for some classes, otherwise level 170 dungeon drops or possibly HG). You essentially need a 315 purple weapon to farm a 315 orange weapon unless you have an ET character and even then lolo weapons are perhaps even more insane to farm (to say nothing of solmiki).

  2. Practonium. Whoever came up with this ■■■■ should be fired. Once-per-day cube that has an abysmal chance of giving you an absolutely key material, and for orange weapons you need TWO? This is absolute nonsense and just a sad attempt at creating more incentive to level as many characters to 317 as possible so they can sell more XP tomes and character slots.

  3. Transcendence. You’re heavily disincentivized from transcending anything before you get your ‘final’ weapon because the penalty for removing transcendence is either losing all of your shards or losing your weapon and still losing most of your shards, unlike enhancement or gems which just add to your weapon’s resale value. This is just a garbage system in general but it becomes extra garbage when considering how hard it is to kill things in high level maps without a transcended weapon.

The problems would be minimized (but not disappear) if they’d come out with things like level 315 Hunting Grounds MUCH sooner, but as always IMC is late to do anything worthwhile.


You just came into this thread to disagree with my statement of saying they can’t hand out DPK items like candy because it would break the game? Then say all this junk about why it is taking them so long and basically agreed to what I said.

I am sorry are you a little special or what? But I am troll right. Haha I did it you bit the bait of me saying the same thing you just did in a different way! Hahaha except no.

Get more people to come in and try to say I said something I did not. Make sure they say “hey I was just checking the forums and” like the last two people.

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Thanks for sharing your experience.

I agree there are a lot of balance changes that would make the late game better right now
The gap between 220 and 315 is a real thing

It is alright because LunarRabbit is here to explain why things are great about it now along with his enterouge. Then if you disagree with what they just said you are a troll or something.

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Leave my rabbit waifu alone.


I would but it’s seriously not like I am trolling or baiting but more they feel the need to come out and defend IMC with all the bone headed choices they’ve made since the game’s conception. We agree with things like Necro farming being bad, RMT is bad, cheaters and exploiters being bad but strongly disagree when it comes to what IMC is doing or has done in the past couple years.

How you can come out and basically agree with what someone said while suggesting a bad system like practo is a great answer to the problems and IMC has to work so hard on adding an item to a database is beyond me. Then you make people wait months to even decide on doing it like that’s a hard decision and something people are going to really love over DPK.

I really don’t even know what to say at this point other than what I did earlier. Just think for yourself about this stuff and watch it unfold coming to your own conclusion. You don’t have to drink the kool aid and jump on the IMC fan wagon talking about other people making exaggerations when you’ve spent hours or days over a month on a single item.

PS - I still login daily time to get a new dig~


Ophi you assume that anyone who explains anything in a rational manner is a fan of IMC, or that they think the current in-game systems are great. That they refuse to believe bugs exists. Or that the population is healthy.

Hint: We don’t. Pretty much all anyone ever does is provide counter arguments to what you are saying. You could actually make some good points if you avoided spewing stuff like “here to explain why things are great”.