Tree of Savior Forum

[FAQ] Server Transfer

Guild / Party : Leaving or disbanding a guild is required to apply for the server transfer service

The website seems to do a check on your account before allowing you to successfully apply the transfer anyway.

@your_fortune00 @Shoti
You can play the game as per normal, applying for the transfer is just a submission of ticket. The actual transfer will be on the upcoming maintenance on Tuesday. You won’t be able to play the game anyway.

except, refrain from using auction altogether, either buying or selling untill the transfer is done just to be sure. Joinining on guild is a no no. I suggest not to party up until we have a confirmation that it is allowed, otherwise always presume that what they said on their terms are iron-clad.

Think partying will affect the transfer process as well. Have to unlink anything that is related to that particular server, be it market or players contents such as guild. They are just going to drag drop the database info probably, any minor issue that causes the process to fail I doubt they will check it for us.

Me and my friend did the mission dungeon today at 12-1 am EDT, are we still safe or not? we lost track of the time :((

You can join parties as long as you leave them, but 2 people have stated so far that they couldn’t submit transfer tickets because they were part of a party, when they actually weren’t. I just want to make sure all of your accounts are clean so that there won’t be any complications during the transfer. Pro-precaution, that’s me.

As for items on the market, there’s no direct way for me to put them in players’ inventory, so I can only ask that people keep trying to retrieve them until before the Tuesday maintenance. I’ll see if they can be recovered somehow if players lose them during the transfer.

In addition, please note that players were asked to agree to the terms and conditions before submitting requests for server transfer. I wrote a reminder last week, but not everyone uses the forum, so I can only hope that players were aware of the risks they were taking as previously stated on the official announcements.

As for guild leaders and party members who could not disband, I have a list that I’ll be passing over to the programmers to have them move your teams as well.


Follow up on my server transfer please :frowning:

Thank you! we’re still safe :relieved:

24th sunday’s maintenance to [quote=“Staff_Julie, post:243, topic:196353”]
the Tuesday maintenance.

When are we switching server? Please give a definite date next time.
Schedule needs to be fixed and enforced.
Can the game administrators focus on the players instead of the bots.
I’m looking forward to the next compensation of exp tombs. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure this is just satire on the general attitude of the forum’s user base, right? :slight_smile:

Hmmmm I’m not sure where 24th maintenance came from, but there wasn’t a maintenance scheduled on Sunday. :confused: If you check the announcements we clearly stated the following:

We will be taking requests until April 24th, then proceed to move everyone’s teams to the requested servers during our weekly maintenance on April 26th. You will not have access to the game during the maintenance.


He misread the deadline of the transfer submission as the actual transfer. It seems quite alot of people misunderstood it.

Anyway, keep up the good work :gift_heart:


Oh… Ok thanks. Love you Julie. Saranghey~

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You guys are all great. Thank you so much. :smile: :heart:


They should make a TP NPC after you! hahaha!
Hope to see you in game one day!

Thanks for the clarification, how about a single man party if we want to complete a specific dungeon solo? can we do it without putting complications on the transfers?

i think for safety reason .just make sure u leave ALL party including single ones.
i think the main reason wasnt about pt moving with others or etc,
it might be a server based issue too and like wat was mentioned by staff julie. there we some players reporting that they cant apply becos they are in parties.
it’s just a advance step to prevent complication.
just comply and do it :x

anyway u do not need to create a party for dungeon anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
since u are after all soloing XD

@Staff_Julie Does the tomorrow maintenance include the relocation of the server to Europe/Germany (for Fedimian) or is that planned for later?

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Wait for it bruh. No point constantly asking the same question that won’t get you the answer.