Tree of Savior Forum

[Fan Vid] Rigged? Conspiracy or coincident?

Rules for this competition were just too bad. They didnt inspire any creativity or even skills with video. Kindergarden level, so sad.

I put efforts to make a cinematic video and only after uploading it noticed rules :smiley:

I really hope IMC won’t use any of contestants videos to promote ToS anywhere.

Mehhh… if they did pay those add-on makers, what about paying a better server for IToS especially Silute?

Putting in a simple way, IF they use as advertisement they can easy crop the videos so it doesn’t display the parts with the addons, but I see that maybe the problem may be a little bigger than that…

Now just about my video, when I first recorded the video I didn’t event thought about this to be honest, I just wanted so choose a nice BG and a nice outfit…
About zoomy, I only though I shouldn’t use it, not unistall it (ok you can do it with 1-click, still I didn’t thought about that people would make such a mess for this :confused: … for me when I first read the rules “using” and “having” were clear different things, but it seems that some people disagree with me, which is fair, people understand difierent things from the same words),
Also I just want to point that as you can see, I posted the video on the very FIRST day of the event, NO ONE said a thing about it, no one suggested or complainied about it, not even IMC staff which commented on some videos about possible issues…
Honestly I see the points that people are complaining… Still I don’t thinks it’s fair at all, people seem to be complaining only because their video weren’t selected, we all posted our videos and that was their decision, have some sportsmanship and be happy for those that got selected :3

its not like giving the community the option to vote for the candidates of top 10 would of been a better choice. literally all community events based off of clicks will be botted by the BR’s


This guy is really dense if he thinks exp viewer is any relevant as an addon for the intents of the event

Imc did a goof with the wording? Yes, but he still chose to take it as literal as they could, being a total ass about it,with a giant wall of text on top of that.

Never change, ToS community.

Ugh, disgusting.

The only way to explain ‘Healcrafting’ having 66% more hitcount than ‘Autumn Storm’ on the official link yet losing the poll is that most of Autumn’s votes are pretty much out of popularity/biased, not by judging the content or creative value. IMC should really look into this.

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Oddie: I guess you love controversy and polemic, but I already deleted that post and I’m not BR. Anyway if you dislike my video, just no vote por it. Relax.
I’m not disgusting.

And I’m not Kolalis, you are so confused…I’m really sorry :slight_smile:


don’t worry isn’t your fault and kolalis either is imc fault as always and everyone know it


I didn’t say you’re Kolalis. I was just pointing out how people are getting their votes in an unfair way.

I got 3 or 4 “unfair” votes then. I was ignored by brasilians XD

But yes, this is how voting contests are, sadly…I don’t expect to win, even if my video entry is kinda well done, don’t worry-

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kindly sum up what is fair in a voting contest

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v Click to expand v


From the Admin of the BR Facebook group Fan Page (27k+ members )

“No problem asking votes here, folks. Even because, each one gives if they want.’ Good luck for everyone.”

Go home, folks. Looks like this is a Brazilian event only. =P

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I think most people are forgetting that all 10 entries get gacha cubes in the end. So all entries are winners, except 1st and 2nd place are more winners than others ;p

Also, I’ve been keeping tabs on votes for fun. You can do some math and find how each entry grows.

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Huehuehue, is this really about the unfairness of who got chosen for top 10 or someone just didn’t get picked and is salty? :sleeping:

I would have voted for this guy because the dialogue and video transition is good quality instead of the usual bad dialogue and make up story… alas he got IMC’ed

When was the first pic taken?

Here are some statistics translated into integers:
From 330 votes to 408.

[quote]Total: 330 [phase 1]
H ~79
A ~85

Total: 349 [phase 2]
H ~80
A ~87

Total: 408 [phase 3]
H ~93
A ~93

From phase 1 to 2:
Healcrafting gained 1 vote representing 5%.
Autumn gained 2 votes representing 10%.

From phase 2 to 3:
Healcrafting gained 13 votes representing 22%.
Autumn gained 6 votes representing 10%.

From phase 1 to 3:
Healcrafting gained 14 votes representing 17%.
Autumn gained 8 votes representing 10%.
The other 73% was shared between the other 8 contestants.[/quote]
Fair share, right?

Now, after Autum’s likewhoring reached its peak and their minions woke up (aka BR playerbase):

I wonder what happened to Autumn’s video to get SO attractive in the past 80 votes. :^)

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This is why the community should never be able elect the winner of a game contest, the bias smells foul.

This whole thread makes me feel like people haven’t really participated in contests before. :smirk:

Yes, I was happy to be first at one point. But then there was a sudden spike in votes and I’m shot down by 5%.

But I will play fair and hope people like my video. If I win it’ll because people liked my entry and not because they’re supporting their country.

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