what concept of fashion does this video represent?
It’s more like a movie where the costume is part of the requisites. I mean in most movies, fashion is not shamelessly advertized (imagine “Mr. Anderson” in “The Matrix” making a catwalk to advertize the mantle he’s wearing)…
This is what I mean with my comment. What we get to see in the videos is characters in action, not putting any emphasis on the clothing they are wearing. I thought that people would actually state why they chose their outfits in the video, what makes the outfit special or unique in the world of TOS and what are the pros&cons of wearing them, depending on their classes/skills.
This is what I was expecting [by common sense] and what was completely absent from all videos. They didn’t feature the fashion at all; Instead, they showcased it together with skills, animations, movements, gestures, etc.
Only that Orsha Soldier video featured that it was actually something you have to equip to wear it (which is the most simple approach to the theme of the event but still an approach,unlike the other videos).
Anyone who doesn’t know TOS would never be able to identify that those videos all came in from this event if he/she was showcased this footage;
they’d never even guess that these videos were created to promote ingame fashion objects. They are (at least some and to a certain degree) promotional videos, but they certainly do not promote fashion in any way!