Tree of Savior Forum

Fake accounts recorded?

They have prob been through this with the Korean beta so i think it will be fine. Sadly this happens a lot with betas x.x

You already did when you confirmed your email address while registering for Google+ or Facebook though

What someone deserves is not part of the question…they made more than 1 account, YOU don’t like it because you would lose your spot, but there is NOTHING imc would be able to do about it. Not to mention they cant sell the access to the multiples within that 7 day period, so imc wouldn’t care about it.

If you don’t get picked for CB, OH WELL. Not like there are any perks to it, and I’m willing to bet they let people buy founders packs before open launch anyhow (if you were looking for something ‘special’ to flaunt…

Who is faking accs should get banned from the draw, by IP. :rage:


Me and my sister have just registered today and we share the same ip adress, should we get banned?

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And what about NAT? I share IP with I don’t even want to know how many people…

  1. how do you discern the same IP doesn’t come from two people behind one router? You’d ban anyone who wants to play with their family members.
  2. most ISPs give you a new IP every time you reconnect to the internet - IP ban is NOT effective and will just ban some random person in the end.

bit harsh, not?

I live under the same roof with 5 other students, 3 of us had made a registration yesterday and only my account was registered before it. Republic’s firewall is NAT based. Don’t you think is pretty unfair to have IP excluded for multiple registration? This is valid for siblings too.


well then… I suggest you pray, and hope that all of you get keys! :expressionless:

I have to make a switch, I really want to play this game , to me would be the new ragnarok, Come on

Crybaby ducks, feeling angry because they wont be the first people to cry and complain about the bugs in the game instead of reporting them…

So fun to watch. :expressionless:

The keys are likely separate, from the way it was worded. Github contributor’s keys go out regardless, then 5,000 random keys go out to accounts from the site.

Eh, I knew they would end doing something like this, prioritizing active accounts is the easiest way to solve all this.

You should know there is things called “VPN , tunneling, proxy, etc”

The point is to filter out those don’t bother to put on effort to make multiple accounts. It’s the same with DRM, they don’t put it there in hope to prevent all piracy, but to prevent the mass getting those easily.

Actually, ‘what someone deserves’ was part of the statement that I responded to. Also I don’t like it because other people who’re potentially joining the CBT to test content and report any bugs found along the way, have a less-likely chance of doing that by hour because of the people making 10+ accounts per person. I don’t care in the end; it’s just 1 week. IMC could also just ban the people who have those 10+ accounts registered under one IP, which is something.

If we have another CBT after this one, and it’s done in the same way, these topics will just pop up again. Not to mention that you’re underestimating the hype people have for this game. The day after keys are given out up until the start of CBT is more than enough time for people to ‘sell’ their keys, especially the ones with websites. Do you really think that someone is going to pay $10-$20, hop into the game, and then say “I can’t wait to find major text errors and look for bugs in the newly-added content so I can report them to staff!”? LOL no. It’s going to be “I CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY THIS GAME FOR THE WHOLE WEEK STR8-- Ooh found a bug. Whatever, BACK 2 GAMING!” for a lot of them, and therein lies the problem. Not everyone needs to be looking for issues in the game out of the 5,000 of course, have your fun while you play it, but if too many are in the CBT 100% purely for enjoyment and even go so far as to find a problem and shrug it off, then that same problem has a chance of making it to OBT.

i realy want to play

How do you tell a fake account from a real one?

No one uses google+ for anything.
Facebook accounts can be filled with content with a bot in seconds.
VPNs, Proxies, Different browsers, Dynamic IPs, mutiple devices from the same IP…

Then theres the but what about family, what if my brother on his PC wants a key? It’s two devices from the same IP. Technically if you owned a Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, Vita, PS3, PS4 thats one account per device. And say there 3 people in the house so thats 3 more mobiles and maybe tablets or laptops. This is a slippery slope…

Now these could all be legitimate accounts or fake account and you couldn’t tell.

It takes someone who knows anything less then a minute to set up stuff needed to make “fake accounts” and make them look 100% real on first glance.

There no real way for them to track anything but the MOST OBVIOUS attempts.


Oh boy you have no idea… Dota 2 keys sold for 200$ when the game looked like this