Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity

When will the IMC fix this error? Theres this error since ive played this game.

Server Silute.
I dont know about another server, but its happening in Silute.
Is it happening to another server?

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @staff


fix this, better servers for SALUS AND DUNGEONS

It’s hard to play with this error. Please fix it.

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pls fix it, i cant play this game losing all my runs for dg

This has already turned into a joke: /

Really? I was going to solar to dg 145 to buy materials before the event ended and the dg’s are not accessible. WHAT A SHAME

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No is being easy!
(Não está sendo fácil!)

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PLZ imc staff, correct this bug !!! i have 3 char for enter the dg.

Every Time I try to enter this happen

Bots, or at least silver sellers, have been running dungeons for some time now. I’ve seen ones at lv.50 dungeon, coming in, out, then new ones arriving to do the same.

I’ve been told there are ones too running 130, so there’s possibility that all other dungeons plausible for silver farming are infested as well.

We might be misled by the positive increase of players in the charts, but there’s chance it’s just some players and silver sellers discovering new ways to exploit the changes that were supposed to help new players and making lots of alt accounts instead.

So much for instance space for the actual players, with IMC whittling down on server capacity for whatever reason and then this issue.


@moderators This happens more often in Saalus convent. Please, fix.

I’m really sad with the problem in instanced dungeons, i’ve a little time to play and its impossible improve my characters with this problem in the server. Fix it quickly plz.

We want them to solve this, we are already tired of it … and please do not come with dungeon reset as an apology, your reset’s do not reset saalus let alone the loss of awakening’s sales due to the bug …
We want improvements and no dungeon reset to each problem of those.
I have 10 characters, if they think 2 reset is an apology they are very much mistaken …

Don’t fix it… TOS will lose its identity of Tree of Bugs.



Half of the time that takes to do daily events is spent struggling against the server to create the instance. Shame on you IMC.

It is so banish all over the world who try to enter the dgs as a “server capacity” would be resolved

10 minutes for a single run in Saalus Convent

Btw,what is the maximum character we can create in a team ?Is it 15 ?

when I go there and see this I just give up on that hour.

I think its not a error, its just limited. I mean, its intentional.
If they dont want people going alone, they could at least add to the auto-search a option to include on the same party, all the players with lv above lv 130 for example. Better than limit this.