Tree of Savior Forum

Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity

this is exactly why we huehuehue and tos is dying



I think ridiculous, passes manutenca and imc does nothing, are a bunch of amateurs, do not pay to fix the game, the game was crowded now will start to run out of people again, sorry to speak more voices of the IMC are dumb

People wanted more Saalus dailies missions servers, instead they got Saalus convent channels only.

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @staff @moderators … Everyday, any hour server time " Failed to create missions instance due to exceeded server capacity" [SA] Silute server especially into saalus dungeons. Fix it ASAP.

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Yuri @staff @moderators Still failing to enter instances after the Maintenance. Please, just, PLEASE: Fix [SA] Silute Instances

Nobody cares about the [SA]Silute, please deal with this

/20 @Anarth

rip solo instances rip solo instances

There’s nothing to dispute, discredit, or defend here. It’s ironic that they made a new server to prevent these exact problems and now even at the lowest point of population it has them still.

People tried saying the game wasn’t dying before only pointing out just how many freaking bots come and go every day is in the thousands. Stuff like this only now paves it in concrete how many bots exist.

Just fix it. No more. Every day same problem. I cant do nothing fast cuz that problem.

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri… So still no answer from Staff’s ?


@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan

This morning I spammed for 20 minutes before reset to finish Saalus with my last alt, I couldn’t enter at all finally xD .

This problem is still persistent now?
Got it last Sunday, but after few retries, i got in.
Got it last Monday, spammed, changed pt, didn’t get in.
Tuesday seemed ok since i was able to solo dungeons.
Today i skipped :joy: i did queue tho, no problem on queue

Telsiai server btw

The problem continous, and where are the STAFF , GM’S, IMC , its ridiculous, This team is not even able to administer the game, they are really useless, WHERE ARE THE SOLUTION ???, WE NEED TO KWON.

i’m sure nobody cares about SA SILUTE ,



fix the bug , Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity.

To be the server is full, hire more servers, the game is not making enough profit, right? Make a merge!

No, they’ve made their money. And they won’t merge because of the stupid regional system they have setup.