This is the amount of exp you need to level up in TOS at each level upto 300. It’s clearly not linear (but not completely exponential either).
The exp rate is fine. Any predictions of how long it takes to reach higher levels should be taken with a grain of salt as they are likely wildly inaccurate. Most I’ve seen don’t account for monster exp scaling. Even on the lower levels you can notice a small but steady increase in monster exp. Instead of looking at what percent of total exp someone has reached, measure them by levels gained per day. I’m sure you’ll find it much more agreeable then.
Monster exp scaling drastically slows down as you level up.
Level 1 monsters were giving me 10-20 exp. Level 20 was around 50-60. Level 30 was 70-80. Level 40 was about 80-85. Level 50 is around 90-100.
Chances are, level 100 enemies wont even be giving 150 exp. But you need a hundred times more exp to level up at 100 than you do at 20.
@Dylan_Naylor Nothing is agreeable when the complains already start in the early game. We are having this huge uproar because the exp rate is NOT fine.And it’s not a couple people.
What people should be looking to fix is the pacing and horrid scaling in EXP for the earlier portions. Splitting the playerbase in two on a high rate and low rate server just means paying for two servers. To be perfectly honest there’s a whole lot of strawmanning in these EXP arguments because we should all be mature enough to know that someone suggesting that the EXP gained from monsters be higher or that they add something to lessen the grind in the early levels isn’t the same as suggesting that they want to hit cap in a month(I’ve seen no one suggest a flat leveling curve) or that they want the game to be a complete themepark MMO where you’re handheld from one story point to the next.
Mashing Z over and over for hours on end isn’t fun and the “niche game” excuse is based only on someones personal vision on what they want the game to be, it’s not indicative of IMC’s intent. You have the opportunity to create a unique experience that can easily cater to all kinids of crowds but instead all I’m seeing is “It’s fine lol i got less than 1/12 into the game in a few hours” so its fine.
The scaling is simply weird. When you realize that it’s much more profitable to farm monsters of a lower lvl than monsters on a similar level than you (or higher), that right there is a problem.
Not necessarily, ToS is all about mobbing trash. So it makes more sense to kill things in bulk that you can kill quickly to maximize EXP gains. The penalties for fighting higher leveled monsters are kinda harsh though.
@StonerSunshine But even similar level. It’s a bit “odd” that the optimal form of farming is to mass-grind lower-level monsters. When the difference between a monster that you 2-hit and a monster that you kill after it leaves you half-dead is only of about 7 exp, it’s just weird.
Which brings us back to
We’re not exactly arguing against eachother now.
Bro, IMO this game isnt THAT grindy. This took me and my gf 5-6 hours(We’ve a pyromancer level 45 and cleric level 44 too).
As you can see, we have just finished the mines and where level 20, had 75 level 2 exp cards available, so we ended being 24/5 JUST after finishing the mines. No blue monster were found on this playthrough, all we did was hunt 500 hannamings early on to get “black” hair
@StonerSunshine Yeah, but that’s just a minor thing. Fixing the pacing and scaling will still not solve the grinding problem from the root, just fix a bit its rough edges.
to all ppl saying that exp rates are ok
there will be over 500 lvls
you may think its ok but look at korean cbt it requires to grind alot at higher lvls and they have way higher exp rate and better exp cards than us
Instead of guessing you could try getting some actual math out here. Given the graphs I’ve seen, level 100 definitely doesn’t require 100 times more exp to level up than level 20. Not even close to that much. It sounds to me like you’re just wildly exaggerating the grind. If we had a graph for monster exp given we could really settle some things. Until we do though, we can’t make any actual prediction.
If we were to average the level 84 guys levels per day, he’s getting 21 per day. That is really not bad at all. Of course, how many he actually got per day we won’t know unless he says. But currently, it sounds really good(max level in 24 days). So I can’t see any further grinding complaints as reasonable.
You realize he or she must have been playing for so… so long to get that level right? I’ve been playing for 44 hours and I’m level 61. It’s not ven been 4 days and yet I’ve spend nearly 2 whole days of my life grinding to a mediocre lvl 61. They must have spent a good 14-16 hours a day in the game, otherwise just don’t see it possible to be that level.
If that’s your current level as of now, then i’m sorry but who haven’t even reached the wall yet.
@Dylan_Naylor You are making one of the eternal mistakes, seeing this whole problem from the point of view of the hardcore players. Average the lvl 84 guys? What for? Those are the people who will always go super fast no matter what it takes.
You can’t see any further problems? I would guess so, since the people defending these rates have yet to understand that the game is not going to be any fun at all for about 70% of the playerbase. Do you realize how huge of a number is that? This is not the entrance exam for a prestigious university. Why should we aim for a level that cuts from the game anyone who’s not comfortable with daily non-stop grinding that’s not even fun or rewarding.
So you gain 15 levels a day on average and that’s still not fast enough for you? It would also add up to 1.3 levels per hour. That’s still not bad. Not bad at all. So I still fail to see the complaints. What, do you want 30 levels per day? 3 levels per hour? Because that’s just absurd.
Even if you were a normal person and only got to level 40 you’re still getting 10 levels a day. That’s still fine progress. Just because you play a game doesn’t mean you have to smash through it like some race car driver. Hell, at 10 levels a day you’d clear the game in about a month and a half.
If I am remember correctly , max level now are around 250 (500+ in the future)
What? No one ask me? Just want to say it…
/me flyaway
Did u even read my fuckign post? I’ve a level 46 pyromancer and she has a 45 cleric, playing casually. This rates are fine lol.