Tree of Savior Forum

Everything in Videos Says Murmillo Shinobi is better than Dragoonc2

well duh everyone knows shield ninja classes are supposed to be the top dps in the game


highguard Murmillo helmet + pelt skills

for -15% attack pelt skills will have about 730% extra dmg from just buffs and then if your attributes are high on rim blow and umbo blow you could make that technically 1460% not including crits.

Normally when you use umbo blow and rim blow with 1000 base attack at lvl 10 each they do aprox 1500 dmg straight. so basically 1500 x 14 = 21000 base that you basically use 4x since rim blow and umbo blow have 2 over heats. not including your debuff skills on targets or crit

so if your crit is high, you can spam 4 attacks every 12 seconds while your high guard is up for 30 seconds meaning the max you can do is like

336k over 24 seconds on piss mobs which is very average for not needing clone at least and using 0 debuffs

Judging which class is better with ant videos on the internet is plain stupid.


I’ve got at least 3-4 more videos that also say the same things, But if those are “plain stupid” also, i can understand your contribution to this chat as a Meta Barker

35 seconds vs 1 minute

good luck.

SO what you’re saying is that Murmillo is better but costs more

Don’t worry, I agree with you 100%.

I came from a game called Elsword, and the only thing that was relevant there was how fast you can burst. ToS is slowly getting to the point where bursting is the only important thing.


Its more the fact pel/roderlo work with shinobi now that i feel makes murm shinobi just better than hoopeldragoon. If they didn’t the build would be ■■■■, but just for the fact you can drop a boss for nothing is insane. The damage values will only go up. the fact of the matter is eventually be it 5 years or 15 years from now people will be hitting cap, and if clones are hitting cap, shinobi(anything) murm is out dmging everything easily.

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As long as IMC keeps shinobi clones relevant with enabling skill use, it’ll be the highest burst cuz 5x multiplier.

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I can pretty sure clone bug still exist in itos.

Same as other spell can’t successful cast.
(and you need risk for it with low hp.)

At max, they might add syncro thurst and pierce which would make dragoon 7,8,9, shinobi 10 the best build possibly cause 6 piereces doing 4 hits each is a lot of dmg. maybe high lander skills and barb skills might get added to the mix, squires last ability that adds a 2 over heat attack might also get shinobi, could be interesting to go pel3/squire3/shinobi(only do clones when you wanna burst a boss down and be relevant even as a pure con lol)

this could be funny as hell

Itos still needs a lot of changes before rank 8 comes out. This build is in no way shape or form viable this second without murm and changes to clones

Another Ex elsword player! I hated it, especially endgame PvP.

KToS shinobi is changing too though.

if u want some more DPS go hoplite2 and Murmillo that all buff combo u gonna get over 260% Pierce attack (that insane!!)

Syncro thrusting shinobi murmillo is something people are working on tbf. Like i said, if syncro thrusting gets affect by shinobi clones, the game changes immensely. In that case you just go

pel1/hop3/highlander1(for the pierce debuff for bossing)/shinobi/murmillo

That would be insane but requires syncro thrusting to work with shinobi clones becuse syncro thursting gets a 280%+ dmg buff from murmillo helm

I don’t want to be picky but on the dragoon’s video:

He isn’t using all the burst abilities given by the class:

Where is Gae bulg? Forgetting a 100% damage bonus is plain stupid when you have to burst, the debuff is long enough (7.5 second after landing so around 5 secs usable) to enable this combo: Gae bulg => Spear lunge => Serpentine => double Dethrone.
He putted at least one point in Dragon Soar but never used it the whole fight maybe those points are better invested in Dragontooth/Gaebulg/Serpentine. I really think that a 5/5/5 gae/serp/dethrone is strictly better than his 10/5 Serpentine/Dethrone.

He also forgot to use Spear lunge before using Stabbing resulting in a flat burst loss.
He took one lvl of doppel but never used DoV and Lapasape Mushroom combo… If we suppose that he is using a metabuild dragoon SW1/pel1/hoplite 3/Doppel1/Dragoon2 , where did he put all his point in hoplite? 10 in spear lunge? 5 in spear throw 15 in stabbing+finestra? It will be the best in end game (because you will use them ad nauseam) but not at this point where Pierce is still good enough.

I’m also guessing that he switched on a geras spear to maximize Spear throw damage but this is also debatable. Even with the 50% bonus damage on spear throw i’m not sure if it is strictly better than using it with his 2 Handed spear (dragoon got the attribute on boss monster for +20% damage), Maths are needed here ! :smiley: . If the weapon wasn’t nerfed when the video was recorded, just forget this point.

For me, it is hard to tell if the problem is the dragoon or the player.

the player

Gae bulg isn’t +100%, it’s like +15%. The second hit is a fake multi hit.

That’s why gae bulg sucks.

so peltasta c2 rodelero c3 shinobi murmilo is now OP