Tree of Savior Forum

[Event]City Defense Weekly End Game PvE

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Version 2

Klapedia the starter city will turn into an Instanced Event tentatively called City Defense, unless you guys have more creative naming ideas. High level mobs will spawn at the lower base of the city and will attempt to reach the centre of the city where a goddess statue sits. Everytime a monster manages to reach the goddess statue the goddess statue will lose HP. If the goddess statue HP goes zero its game over and the participants are defeated.

The event will last for 60 minutes, 10 minutes is allotted to the player to prepare their defenses and buff up. The remaining 50 minutes will the actual defense as monster will spawn. There are 5 waves of monsters for every 10 minutes each wave has increasing difficulty. The 5th and final wave should be very difficult and almost impossible to complete.

There are 3 types of monsters.

runners - are monsters that simply ignore the players and run strait to the goddess
combatants - are monster that combat the players
support - are monster that support other monsters

Each channel will have the event to prevent too much clutter. Hence the maximum number of participants is a certain quota of the maximum number of players in a channel. Anyone can join at any level. There is advance 15 minutes to sign up for the event for each channel to fill in the participant qouta.

Completing each wave grants a medalion to the participants. These medalion can be traded for items in a shop related to the City Defense.

1st wave - Plain medalion
2nd wave - Bronze medalion
3rd wave - Silver medalion
4th wave - Gold medalion
5th wave - Platinum medalion

The medallions cannot be traded to other players.

Completing the 5th wave could also be a possible quest requirement for a hidden class.


What if there would be a weekly End Game PvE event where massive amount of players defend the city from invading high level mobs and bosses. The players must hold out the city for 60 minutes against unlimited spawn rate of these mobs that it requires a massive amount of players to defend the city.

By lore these invading mobs will be plant types. They will spawn at the lower gates of the city and will try to climb up to the center where a goddess statue would sit.

The goddess statue will have certain number of HP and when the mobs touch it will decrease. If it reaches zero then the city is lost and the players fail the event.

Of course if the city is successfully defended there would be a reward a server wide buff and NPC market discounts in item they sell. Like wise if the city is lost there would be a server wide debuff and NPC market overcharge in the items they sell. This buff/debuff last for 24 hours? after the event. This only applies for the participants of the event.

An option to make it more difficult since its an end game; revives/ressurection spells are disabled for the event thus players only get to have 1 life.

Players are given 15 minutes lead time to prepare the city’s defenses.

Since its a End Game it may or may not require high level requirement (but not max level) for players to participate.


hmm like plants vs zombies… this time… plants are attacking @_@"

i liked the concept though :thumbsup:
but having 1 life sucks =V… why not having 5 minits interval instant revive? and participant limitaion? cause if everybody participates… lag will occur… XD

less lag if people die and cant revive.

i like the idea, but that 1 life part it would be too difficult , also making it an end game event it’s not fair to the low level players :slight_smile: , since it’s like a tower defense kind of event, the first waves should be have low level monsters and bosses so the low lvl players can take part on the event too.


I wanted to post the same thread as you did :slight_smile:
I agree.

oh good point >_<" will it be round based? or wave based?

my thoughts:
-round based: each round will make mobs stronger, moves quicker and smarter AI (no time limit upon participation but will end in X round?)
-wave based: each wave have 1-2 minits brake for another wave to come (prpatrations like traps, formation checkings and rebuffs). 10 waves will be enough maybe? in 10 wave mabye a random boss will appear to raise dificulty level @_@"

also… will it be raid? if theirs no party limit then party maybe?

yeah i can see it being a raid, like 40 players or more depending how big the city is.
They said that there’ll be pvp or gvg with a lot of players, so and event like this would be possible :slight_smile:

I thought of a similar idea, but with a twist. Large mobs of high level special* monsters and bosses spawn at the top of the world map, from the Tree of Savior, and start their march down into Klaipeda. It’s an absurd number of mobs, and the players need to organize themselves into barricades along the path, hoping to deal an optimal amount of damage before being overwhelmed (remove death penalty for the event). After a certain threshold is attained (either time passed, # of mobs killed or maps breached) the major boss shows up at the front lines, and beating him signals the end of the event. If a number of monsters (or the boss) reach the statue at the center of Klaipeda, the event is lost.

Rewards may vary, and the strength of the “demon army” will increase upon every succesful defense. If the event is lost, it’ll stay the same (maybe even get lowered). It could also be automatically adjusted depending on # of players and average level on the server. I thought of this as a weekly event.

*Low defense, so that anyone can land a hit on them, but faster than the average player and with massive HP. AI switches target constantly to the highest DPS, so lower level players can also participate.


yeah and defending a city is hard… specialy if it has 10 exits XD well in the top picture there… theirs 5 exits to defend… this will be hard @A@" specialy ballacing party /raid mebers >_< 1 priest each will be fine i guess

edit: hiding capable mobs will be pain too XD

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Well and how could the monsters win? When they destory any saint stone or something like that?
And what happens if they win?

I’ve been thinking about something like this for a while!
Of course it needs some polishing, but this event sounds so much fun! :slight_smile:

I’d also suggest more serious impact on game world in case of players lose. Plus constantly growing strength of monsters. So in my dreams I see towns totally destroyed by mob and turned in Glastheim-like dungeons. Jeez, I imagine me saying to some newbie 5 years later “You can go level at Claipeda dungeon. Ahhh I remember how we lost it to mob, it was such a beautiful town!”

It’s way easier to implement this idea in games with “chunked” world, like RO and ToS are. Just prohibit access to the area and change location to prepared in advance during maintenance! And make some refugee camp in fields untill new town is built =)

But I bet it’s impossible to implement such a complex feature at current stage of game development =(

Oh that sounds like so much fun! I would really love this. Hopefully we will have an event like this in the future :slight_smile:

Sounds great, I always love these sort of defense events.
Im not sure about the “debuff” on shops, xp or whatever it would be, I’d rather have it “win it or miss it” where if you win this rather difficult even, you get whatever bonus or reward but if you lose, that’s it, you missed your chance to win those rewards.
After all you’re already missing 1 hour of game time, plus you gotta be there in the specific time the event starts, Im guessing waste mana on potions, special gear and so on.

But love the idea, +1. :thumbsup:

Cool idea, but an hour is too long. Lasting 20-30 minutes tops would be good. There could be a currency you get depending on how long you participated that lets you buy items in a specialty store. These could be anything…for instance:

armor sets
barracks items
mini exp/gold/drop boosters

…etc. If it’s just a 24-hour buff once a week, then it has to be worthwhile or nobody’s gonna do it…but tbh, I doubt I would just for a temporary buff just because it would start to feel like a chore imo. The only way to prevent it from becoming dead content quickly is by giving players a reason to keep coming back every week. Some form of reward shop would do just that- there’s lots of things (many of which are useful) to buy, so it would take a good amount of time to get everything. I like to think of it in this way: you have your dungeon items, which are the strongest in the game, and then you have some equipment you got from doing this event. The event equipment would be a step below the dungeon stuff, but it’s still viable to use for people who don’t have the gold/just aren’t very lucky with drops.

But something cool I thought of just now was you mentioning readying the city’s defenses. Not all players like to kill hordes upon hordes of monsters, so there could be some repairing barricades/doing odd jobs and the like so they can participate as well. This would work well for lower-leveled players. There could even be monsters suited for them just so they could have something to kill.

I totally got this idea from tera regarding the Nexus :wink:

but yeah that’s my opinion on how that sort of event could work out!!

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I like the idea, as it’s pretty much a big-kid version of a FATE from FFXIV. However, I’d like to say that this should definitely not happen in Klaipeda. It should be in a smaller city, for a variety of reasons. I mean, it would look cool as hell to new players, but Klaipeda is probably going to be the social / economic hub of the game. That means there’s going to be a lot of idlers, and a ton of visual traffic without the help of monster waves. Also, if there’s a penalty for failure, this would SUCK for new players who have no impact, or people who make a new character after the event. Additionally, Klaipeda is the first big stronghold of the humans since the Divine Day. It’s the best defended, and this wouldn’t make sense for the monsters (of which are all probably low level in the surrounding zones) to attack it. Basically, it doesn’t make sense logistically and lore-wise for this to happen in Klaipeda.

Also, just so you know in terms of lore, it can be any type of monster - the monsters in the game originated from plants, but that doesn’t make them actually plants.

I’m not knocking the idea - I think it would be awesome, and a great alternative to GvG / PvP Tournies for players who prefer PvE. I just wanted to clarify on some lore stuff.

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This is such a freakin cool idea! maybe they could atleast do it for a special monthly event. I’m not sure if it should be weekly. Just thinking about new players this would seem annoying for them, but for end game players it would be awesome.

+1 this idea!

I like the idea!
I can already feel the lag >.<

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added picture

Klapedia the starter city will turn into an Instanced Event tentatively called City Defense, unless you guys have more creative naming ideas. High level mobs will spawn at the lower base of the city and will attempt to reach the centre of the city where a goddess statue sits. Everytime a monster manages to reach the goddess statue the goddess statue will lose HP. If the goddess statue HP goes zero its game over and the participants are defeated.

The event will last for 60 minutes, 10 minutes is allotted to the player to prepare their defenses and buff up. The remaining 50 minutes will the actual defense as monster will spawn. There are 5 waves of monsters for every 10 minutes each wave has increasing difficulty. The 5th and final wave should be very difficult and almost impossible to complete.

There are 3 types of monsters.

runners - are monsters that simply ignore the players and run strait to the goddess
combatants - are monster that combat the players
support - are monster that support other monsters

Each channel will have the event to prevent too much clutter. Hence the maximum number of participants is a certain quota of the maximum number of players in a channel. Anyone can join at any level. There is advance 15 minutes to sign up for the event for each channel to fill in the participant qouta.

Completing each wave grants a medalion to the participants. These medalion can be traded for items in a shop related to the City Defense.

1st wave - Plain medalion
2nd wave - Bronze medalion
3rd wave - Silver medalion
4th wave - Gold medalion
5th wave - Platinum medalion

The medallions cannot be traded to other players.

Completing the 5th wave could also be a possible quest requirement for a hidden class.


actually this isnt feasable with how today’s event with so much FPS drop


how about this"

ps: its edited =V haha


OH, now that ideia got my attention.
That raid ideia, not bad sir.