Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter Discussion Thread

There will be 10 ranks most likely, according to their interviews. They are going to add some hidden classes(which only have 1 rank).

does anybody have the list of spells enchanter can craft

gust is the only thing from cryo to craft. itā€™s useless for everyone unless they have cryo2 attribute.
note that while empowering seems useless, it can get friends into dungeons 5-6 lvls below requirement if you party/leech them.

Iā€™m not sure about it, I couldnā€™t enter lvl 290 dungeon with Empowering myself, some people said they couldnā€™t enter Siaulai with Empowering tooā€¦

you just canā€™t automatch. you can still enter with a party or whatever.

Oh ok, thank you for the info. Really strange by the way :confused:.

Magic Missile
Enchant Fire
Flame Ground
Joint Penalty
Hangmanā€™s Knot
Pole of Agony

Old tread revivalā€¦ :slight_smile:

I have an ice/lightning witch that I love (wiz1-cryo3-ele3-rc) and since there are no great choices for r9 to stay in the theme I decided to pick up Enchanter mainly for the extra damage from Enchant Lightning (I love obliterating everything with freeze + electrocute when buffed with ice rune and lightning property damage). The problem isā€¦ you have 10 extra skill points and the remaining 4 skills are kinda pointless.

Rant startsā€¦

  • Agility: gives STA * 0.01% chance of dodging per skill level
    No kidding? Thatā€™s a pathetic jokeā€¦

  • Enchant Armor: sets up a shop that gives armor enchantmentsā€¦
    Yes thatā€™s nice, but 1) you cannot play while youā€™re setting up that shop 2) the enchantments provided are beyond useless 3) it costs 2k per scroll and 4) nobody ever uses these shops, so itā€™s basically a self-buff shop for a little extra MD on your robe/pants/shield on your alt wizards.

  • Craft Spellbook: craft skill spellbooksā€¦ for spells THE CHARACTER HAS NOT LEARNED!!! So yeah, unless youā€™re wiz3, pyro, linker, chrono or warlock, you cannot craft anything with this. Beyond stupidā€¦

  • Empowering: increased level and SP poolā€¦ for a PATHETIC duration
    Unless you party with a necro or any class that has summons or a Kabbalist, this is pointless. Why would you get extra SP capacity IF YOU HAVE NO MEANS TO REFILL IT FIRST!!! If thereā€™s anything to improve with Enchanter, then first give a FULL SP pool when using this skillā€¦

Rant finishedā€¦

Enchanter c1 is crap, better make it so you can get c2 for enchant earth and lightning hands which makes it one of the best classes in the game currently. If you canā€™t get c2 better pick something else.

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Remove RC and get Enchanter C2. Case closed.

while i agree with everything you said about enchanter1 and the lighting build (i like it too but reseted out of it, since i believe enchanter is the new lighting king of gameplay!, not electrocute +fronzen);
i believe that imc have a plan in mind, not trying to suck ass nor anything!, because when i look at enchanter, i see two types: main enchanter (who will play with the class) and shop enchanter! and in my opinion imc is doing very nice job with it, the reason is because they are splinting the two; something that i believe every shop class should have; after all if we expect a class to be a SHOP plus a good Main; it will without doubt suffer in the process of it!, because or it will lack skill point for everything or enough skills to be the main one!(looking at you pardoner)!.
So now letā€™s take a look; once we accept that enchanter 1 and their skills are more shop focused! and thus would not be in the position of ā€œmainā€ char!, everything makes sense, since at enchanter 3 for example we would have :
enchant 3: 45 points:
enchant lighting 15:
lighting hands: 10
enchant earth: 10
new spell from enchanter 3 (if comes one only!): 5
with this we will have 40 points to spent already!; and if my dream come true and imc gives us two new spells (damage spells) at enchanter 3 plus a damage attribute for lighting hands (that we will get it without doubt after all even some other chars it did not have them for some skills for a very long time) , it will close at 45 points perfectly!
so yeah enchanter 1 is crap; enchanter 2 open a path to players like YOU who want to play enchanter as Main, since it gives skills to do so! and enchanter 3 will come in my opinion in the same way; so in the end the ones who have enchanter as Shop-scroll maker will not have enough points to put in the good spells and the ones who put in the spells that allow the player to play with enchanter is not gonna have enough points for Shop-Scroll and this is a good way to balance the class in my opinion since is gonna divide the enchanter in two niche buildā€™s and most important it gives enough tools for it!, even a little!.
quick guide for a good enchanter Main!:
Basic set: aoe atk ratio (centaur) + spr dex rod+dagger (if you are thau variation) or staff/rod+shield with Int Dex( all other class options);
end goal game: the same as before, but try to find; with Int con Dex(no-thau) or Spr con Dex(thau).
solmiki and the new set are good, but not as good for enchanter(if we look at the prize x benefit), so focus on a set with 3 status at minimum! and of course would be cheaper than a Solmiki! so as end game goal you should focus on a Int con dex or spr con dex, with the right Set, you can add up 120-150+ of each of those, if all pieces have 3 status.
(if you can not find 3 status ones; i would suggest the priority to be Spr dex; as thau enchanter; and Dex Int as Chrono enchanter!.)
ps: if you can, you can also try a full elemental weapon(like multiple red status of 150+ elemental damage+manahas set), but is too hard and iā€™m not even gonna consider it, going with status set-weapon is cheaper and easy to obtain.

tl:dr if you want to play as enchanter, you will need to get enchanter 2, because 1 is only for shop and is not something you seek.

Enchanter C2 is the best rank 9 affordable farming build IMO. Enchanter C1 does not give much offering in terms of dps.

Pyro1 Link2 thauma3 enchanter2. It offers solo and party game play with little investment. Can solo 300 dungeon with only cheap spr gear from market right now.

My main set up is cafrisun, enchant fire, thauma swell buff, arde dagger, lightning buffs = 20-30k+ per auto attack. With linker JP HK I can 1-2 normal attack the mobs lol.

For farming, i usually go to tymires for gems. Swell body combo will net me around 10k silver per combo sometime double gems lvl 3. The 315 gear that drops are bonuses but still net silvers.

I can solo kill saulus bosses too.

For the new HG. It will require a but if investment. But it is alright since its wnd game content and latests maps like any other build if you want to do better will require invest to farm in higher content.

These are my honest opinion about the class.

I am druid3 main with atleast 50M investment but I will start playing enchanter C2 for I see a potential class build.

How much is the cost difference between making lvl 1 and lvl 5 enchant fire scrolls?

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Is the scroll making/farming build (wiz1, pyro1, linker 1, thaum 2, chrono 1, warlock 1, Enchanter 2) viable for soloing? I see a lot of emphasis being put on thaum 3 in many of these builds, but I really want to make scrolls. Iā€™m thinking of doing an Enchanter farmer as my next character just for lazy grinding and income generation.

!st of all, you have to ask yourself ā€œis there really a market for lv x [insert skill] scrollā€. For example will anyone really buy a lv5 [quick] (or [haste] I keep confusing the 2). A lv1 [enchant fire] sure, but what about the other skills?

Itā€™s not so much about selling them, I want to use them for my own characters. Mostly interested in Pole of Agony and pyro skills though, but the chrono aspd buff would be great for my auto attacking cleric.

For how much it costs and how short it lasts? When I made [enchant fire] scrolls I believe it was 3500 silver per skill level.

Itā€™s something to use sparingly and pop on bosses for speed kills, yeah. More of a luxury than a necessity but thatā€™s kind of what scrolls are in the first place. I doubt anyone uses them seriously for casual leveling.

Iā€™ve also heard that lv1 Quicken isnā€™t worth it even on a scroll, which is why most scroll makers take lv 5

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Cost of scroll making is 2k * [Level of Skill Crafted] + 500 silver.
Level 1 scrolls will cost 2.5k silver each whereas level 5 scrolls will be 10.5k silver!

In reality a scroll crafting enchanter is akin to throwing your money down the drain (albeit fun while it lasts).

I mean, at endgame single monsters drop close to 2.5k or more silver per mob, so is it really so bad? that doesnā€™t seem terribly expensive for a fun gimmick like itemizing spells.