Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter Discussion Thread

Curious, what are some decent Enchanter based builds after the patch, I love the whole lightning aspect, but it seems like Wiz has only a small handful of the abilities. Any fun suggestions and builds?

Wiz>Pyro1>Linker2>Chrono3>Enchanter is a pretty good supporter. Enchant lightning actually makes enchant fire stronger, which is really cool to see. This build will be good endgame, as parties are always looking for a chrono and linker still makes things explode if used right.

Also seen Wiz>Pyro3>Thaum3>Enchanter for ultimate buff support.

Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Thaum3>Warlock>Enchanter is the enchanter that’s focused on magic scrolls. Can craft joint penalty, enchant fire, and pole of agony scrolls to either sell or for personal use. We haven’t yet received the most recent version of pole of agony (where it is bigger and can be cast as a ground targetting skill), but it’s still fun to be able to use pole of agony twice. Downside is scrolls are expensive to make in the long run. Like 4k+ silver per scroll is no bueno. Also Thaum3 gives a lot of damage to your party, so you’ll be a useful buff contributor. Just make sure you have daino scroll so you don’t erase others’ buffs.

If you need help on skill point allocation, let me know.

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I have been enjoying cryo3-chrono3-enchanter this week.

Since you don’t get one shotted at the high lvl maps anymore, Missile Hole is not as mandatory as it used to be. And there are no more fireballs or owls to duplicate with everyone trading out Pyro and Diev from their builds. So sage is most usfull as a taxi now.

Higher level instances and hunting ground is still very scary. Even if you don’t get one-shotted, I’ve seen many players die to archers and mages just due to being outnumbered and slowly being worn down. I still think Sage is preferred over Enchanter as support, sadly.

With the joint penalty nerf, I hope they reduce the cost of those spellbooks and crafting skill scrolls in general. To me, the main appeal of enchanter is being able to double up on skills with your skill scrolls. In the grand scheme of things, when your party members are hitting 200k+, and your enchant lightning is only adding ~700-1k damage to each hit, it makes you wonder if you’re even useful to the party. Enchanter is definitely one of the classes that need the most attention right now, but oddly enough I haven’t seen many people speaking up about it.

2/5 of the skills do basically nothing (empowering + agility), 1/5 skills is too expensive to use effectively (craft magic scroll), and 1/5 skills is just to open up a shop that not many people use.

I love enchanter, but I’m hesitant to use up my rank 8 circle for a class that really is only one skill (Enchant Lightning).

Sure I would love some stat input! I will admit the thought of adding warlock into the bunch sounds like a good amount of fun. I have noticed that It does seem like Enchanter itself has been neglected, like a handful of other classes. I am trying to cross my fingers and hope that C2 Enchanter gets some fun lightning abilities, or some cool buff/debuff nonsense. The top one seems nice for its chronomancer aspect, but thaum is suppppper useful now after the buffs, its a hard decision to make haha. I made 2 wizards exactly so one of them could go enchanter, so I am going to keep my hopes up that one day it gets a little more love haha.

I didn’t use up all the points because the rest is up to your discretion. For enchanter, I recommend 5 points into craft magic scroll and 5 into enchant lightning always, and the remaining 5 is up to you. If you think you will use the armor buff shop, then put 5 into that, otherwise I think agility is a better buff than empowering (though they’re both pretty useless).

Enchanter buff animations look really super cute though, so you might opt to not get the magic shop and instead split points between empowering and agility.

Different people prefer different skills in the pyro tree, so it’s up to you what to put points into. These are just what I usually do. Swell brain boosts enchant lightning too! Full INT is good for this build since Swell left scales better off of INT, and you have pyro skills.

It’s really quite fun to be able to use joint penalty so many times consecutively. Joint Penalty, Pass, and Joint Penalty Crafted Skill Scroll makes you the ultimate support for certain classes (and for your own fireballs!). Beware of wasting scrolls though, since they cost 10.5k to make each level 4 one and 12.5k for the level 5 one (I recommend the level 4 one since that links up 5 targets already). I go full INT for this build.

Bonus build for hardcore craft spellbook fans out there. You can craft level 1 pole of agony scrolls for 4.5k each and do decent burst dmg with them. Pole of agony will be receiving in a future patch so it will be more usable.

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I never bothered with using scrolls when I had an enchanter or Pardoner so I didn’t know they were on separate CD’s though I considered the possibility That is pretty cool.

IIRC you should be able to Double Flame ground then.

Yup you can double flame ground.

That puts enchanter in a lot better light then, since you could…

Pyro C1, Linker C2, Sorc C3, Enchanter.

Due to how these things scale Double FG lvl 1 is still better than FG 15.

Only problem is I found a lot of link resist mobs in that bloody HG -_- so I got annoyed and reset immediately.

Too bad these things are so expensive -_-.

On the other hand this does make me want to go back and remake my Pardoner.

Mostly just the white mage things. Yes, they are expensive. Making 100 scrolls of the joint penalty level 4 is around 1mil silver iirc.

Enchanter is not in a good spot lol, I felt bad when I was sorc but now I feel like enchanter needs a rework more than sorc (they both need it tbh).

I think level 1 of most skills is better than making higher levels. Each level of a skill costs an additional 2k silver.

Well if its a skill you already have, there’s not a great need to cast higher level versions.
At least for attack skills they already have like 60% of their level 15 power at level 1.

Not saying enchanter is in a good spot, I just thought it was worse.

Thanks so much for all the info! I will admit, the last build looks the most appealing to me given the fact I am a giant spell nerd. I really love all of them though. I look forward to messing with it tonight and having some fun. Just gotta tough it out till the give the poor class a bit more attention.

Np! My suggestions for spells should craft:

Joint Penalty level 4
Flame Ground level 1
Pole of Agony level 1

Have fun double using skills faster than a chrono can say Pass :slight_smile:

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Not mention the enchant bomb, like wth is that? random 2 targets with atk/matk combined.

And no other attribute? sorry to say that enchanter is abandoned by dev, lack of development.

Chaplain, QS, multihit skills… Enchant fire + Enchant lightning is so strong, no, you are not wondering if you’re even useful to the party, you are detroying the game.

But yes, I feel like Enchanter is only good for Enchant lightning, their design is quit bad and feel totally rushed. I hope C2 and C3 will include new Enchants, and maybe a buff similar to Chaplain to have the power of all Enchants in one buff only. Hope keep this game alive. Or at least one more attribute lel ?

We tried a party with corsair,full spr priest/chaplain and full int pyro3linker3Enchanter with maxed enchant fire, by linking stats with the priest we could maximize the buffs and get around 1400-1500 elemental damage +the link bonus damage. was pretty good to see attacks deal something like 4000k per line?

BTW: with 400 int and spr your enchant fire is stronger than enchant lightning, they should probably decrease the base and increase the scaling.

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They probably don’t want to because enchant lightning will get higher levels with rank 9. I’m just waiting for them to tell us what enchanter will get R9 at this point.

It’s because the scaling is upgraded by the skill level.

Enchant Fire lvl 15 is 3 * ((0.6 * INT + 0.6 * SPR) ^ 0.9) +95), at lvl 5 it’s only 1 * ((0.6…)) + 50

It’s same for Enchant Lightning lvl 5 -> 1 * ((0.8 * INT + 0.8 * SPR) ^ 0.9) + 400

It gains + 60 per lvl so Enchant Lighting at lvl 15 is 3 * ((0.8 * INT + 0.8 * SPR) ^ 0.9) + 1000

Right now I’m wondering how many ranks R9 and R10 will have, did the staff said something about that ? Because if R10 is the last Rank, we will have only one Rank for it, and if we want 3 circles of a R8 class, no R9 or R10 allowed in the build.

I just hit enchanter rank and i’m a bit clueless about what to skill between Enchant Armor and Craft Spellbook
My build is W1>C3>S3>E1

Do you mean you’re choosing between those two skills?

Most enchanters hardly ever use craft spellbook because it’s so expensive, so I would take enchant armor over it. Enchant armor shops also don’t make that much revenue, so you’re not really missing out if you choose spellbook.

Your build doesn’t have any notable spells to craft though.