Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist in Onmyoji build

what do you think about w3psy3sorc1onm2 full spr ?
I want that fire hit gravity pole and ranged fire psypress.

Why not, but you would clearly have to party with a Thauma to pump up your MATK.

Oh and thx to you, Iā€™ve noted that is now updated :wink:

Looking at the planner, it seems that the Water skill is the best to put those extra points, since the other skills are either maxed, scale poorly or only add extra targets. Tentative build here:

Sounds very solid, just need to know what card to get for the sorc grimoire.

Also just found out that itā€™s gonna be a costly build: the cat costs one empty book per buff, each thauma buff costs a magic powder and each onmyo skill costs some paper dolls. IIRC the book is 2k silver, the powder 100 silverā€¦ no idea the price of paper dolls. Sounds like this build will require a truck to carry all the reagents (if I tell my pet that Iā€™ll use him to carry all my reagents heā€™ll gonna go on strikeā€¦)

why take fire fox over maxing tiger?
would only go fox for pyro kino builds

Can you farm stuff (i.e. 340 HG) with a Wiz3>Thau3>Sorc1>Omn2 build?

Clearly yes, even more if you get the Swell Body skill for double loot.

Good questionā€¦ I will put the fox on standby for the build (wonā€™t matter anyway since the char I plan to reset is only level 351) and keep 6 spare points in case I change my mind. The tiger only adds 4 more targets (10->14) with max instead of 6/10, so I didnā€™t feel like it was necessary to max it (you need 6 for the Virtuous Roar attribute), but maybe Iā€™m wrong.

hmmm, i thought tiger damage scaled up, had to take a 2nd look lol

max tiger would probably be better for CM, but in your OP you said you just wanted to play casually, so i guess that distribution is better for that, since fox is just like another summon for more ambient damage.

By the way, does anyone have an onmyoji class unlock guide? Or if anyone already did it, how hard is it?

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Pretty easy. Just had to gather some items for 2 npcs. Took me less than 30 minutes

Where do I even start though? Havenā€™t logged in since maintenance yet, will try it tonight.

Templar Master in Klaipeda


Onmyoji is great! The only problem I have with it is the stupid paper needed to cast skillsā€¦ Those run out very fast especially when all your attacking skills are mainly onmyoji (wiz3-thaum3-sorc-onmyo2 here).

How expensive are the paper dolls, and how fast do you deplete your supply of it?

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This build is good ? Elem rc onm or thamu is the best?

Thaum if you want to rely on your Omny skills(Bring lots of paper dollsā€¦). The class synergizes well with pyro/psycho builds(Imo, a pyro/psycho3 build is the most balanced)and ele can work if you have the SP and want to be pure aoe.

When I went farming at HG340 for ~40mins I used about 700 paper.

Iā€™m using average equips (+9 Skull Smasher, mostly 350 armors with ~30ish CON/INT/SPR options, 2x Zach bangle, Max Petamion)

Donā€™t remember the individual cost but I vaguely remember 1000 paper costing 100k.

Itā€™s only 50 silver each and the weight is only 0.1. Just buy 2,000 papers for 100k and youā€™re good for a bitā€¦

The cost isnā€™t bad, especially not compared to other classes like Chrono.

What is bad is the damage, though. With 8.6k m.atk, most of my skills arenā€™t packing the punch they should be. The only benefit is that you can sweep up low hp mobs with your huge AoE, but the majority of endgame is high defense/high hp mobs, which Onm will have trouble killing by itself.

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Yea itā€™s 50 silver per paper. Doesnā€™t sound too bad, until actually playing it and realize how fast it burns out.

I should have gone with elementalist or pyro-psycho or anything thatā€™s not thaum3. Replying purely on onmyoji skills as the only source of damage in my opinion is not that great. However, full SPR turtle shield is great!

And the books for your cat. And the powder for you thauma buffsā€¦ :sob:
But yeah, the cost is small, so you can simply pack up 1000 of them and forgot about that for an hour.

Same build, currently having a lot of fun. Also I need a new dressing room for all the shiny costumesā€¦ :smile: (already have 4, and it seems you can get more when you play the minigame).

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