Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist in Onmyoji build

First thing first, where can I get the full description of the skills? gives basic description, but nothing in detail. has not been updated yet. is in korean and I don’t understand a thing :wink:

So tomorrow we get a chance to create an Onmyoji build, and I’d like to reset one of my elementalists into one, since there seems to be a good synergy between the two classes. I’ll go with a full INT DPS build, so my general idea was to do something like wiz2-cryo-ele3-thauma-onmyoji2, and since that build was ice based, I would go with the earth/water based skills. Otherwise, here’s a few variants I could consider:

  • pyro instead of cryo: flame ground + meteor instead of ice pike + electrocute, fox skill instead of water skill
  • wiz3 instead of cryo (or downgrading ele3 to ele2 or no thauma): no idea if quickcast is needed for the build, otherwise that would be a waste of a circle
  • thauma2 (again downgrading ele or removing cryo): more MATK and PDEF (since I’m currently using rod + shield with the build… which again makes me think I shouldn’t remove cryo and probably go with ele2 if I’m not using meteor)
  • no thauma?

I have no clear idea what to do… and apparently you’ll only have one shot at resetting your character. Note: this is a build for an alt, not meant to do fancy things like CM solo or world bossing… so I don’t need the big punchs, just enough to enjoy playing the endgame without getting wrecked :wink:

AFAIK most of onmyo’s skills have a pretty long cast time. I think similar to a runecaster’s. If you’re okay with casting that slow, then I guess it’s fine dropping wiz3. Personally I don’t think it’s worth it taking 1 circle of pyro or cryo just for 1 combo. Pyro can easily be replaced by flame ground scrolls and hail can freeze mobs too, so I think the faster casting speed on all your skills is more enticing.

I think meta onmyo builds in ktos go for wiz3 - ele3/thaum3 - RC/sorc - onmyo2, maybe you can use that as a guide to figuring out the build path you want to take your build.

Just use and use Chrome’s “Translate to English” (right-click on page). Not the best but it’s better than not understanding a thing at all. :grin:

onmyo is too good with wiz3 imo

i was watching this dude playing wiz3 > thaum3 > sorc1 > onm2 yesterday
just destroys entire screens with quickcast + onmyou’s skills lol

you could probably re purpose that to have ele3 in it instead of thauma

dont know how well it works with lower matk though.

Haven’t seen a video of an ele3/onmyoji2, most of them go for thau3/onmyoji2 and it seems like you can’t fit ele skills on the onmyoji rotations tbh… so ele feels kinda like a waste. (Wich is sad cause they bot are AOE themed) Still im going to wait and see if anyone test ele3 omnyoji and tell us how good/bad it’s.

its because they eat so much sp, so they need to run with spr.
check the sp costs of some of thier skills, its quite heavy

people take thauma3 to go full spr to sustain the costs and get magic damage from their buffs instead of Int, sorc also benefits from the spr and has cat buffs to boot.

I just did that for French and it’s hilarious… but yeah it works more or less. So onmyo = full SPR? Looking at skill costs, it’s not that bad (roughly 200 SP), but the problem is having useful attributes that increase SP cost by 100% EACH. In the end, it’s probably like Warlock (Demon Scratch + attributes = over 1000 SP per cast!). My Warlock full INT is playable, but I have to chug a lot of those SP potions…

dont think you accounted for the level scaling lol
most of them are in the 400 - 500 sp cost range at max level(without attributes) and have OH

so yea it probably is like warlock lol

What summon would be good for the Wiz3>Thauma3>Sorc>Onmy2 route? Froster lord and marnox seem to be very expensive. I was thinking along the lines of necroventer, gorkas or netherbovine

gorkas and netherbovine are good.
nether have mini CC on his attack, gorkas has wider aoe.
I was using them until I got my hand on marnox.

why froster lord though ? I thought he is usefull for riding ?

i dont like ele3 with omni cuz its just too many skill to handle, omni skills + wiz3 skills are imo just fine

Rikaus and/or Specter of Monarch cards will be good card equip options to keep SP sustain. The shield skill makes it so you can’t regen SP naturally, so that’s something to keep note of if you plan on getting it.

Currently I have a netherbovine on a Sorc2>Nec3. I’m intending to bring netherbovine over to this char and replace my Sorc2>Nec3 with something else like Templeshooter (already have, but previously I’ve been using more of nether because it seems faster)

Onmyoji damage works with INT or SPR?

How about wiz3 kino3 RC onmyoji2? I’ve seen this build and it seems fun but idk if I should go FULL INT or SPR

Same here. Magic Missile + Water bullet + tiger + Earthquake all have overheat and low cd. And we still have the tree skill. I feel adding any more classes with offensive attacks such as ele3 or RC would be counterproductive in a sense that you would even get a chance to utilize those skills.

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As similar in design Onmy is to Ele with having multiple aoe spells, they are still pretty different. Onmy has a balanced kit of utility with the aoe spells while Ele is more offensive.

I can see an Ele build with it if you’re over-compensating for your lacking damage in an area, such as beyond CM5 in non-transcended gear but yeah, too many spells. You’re more likely to crash the channel in your aoe-spree than causing mass death and destruction.

So, you people think wiz3-ele3-rc-onmyo2 is a no go? I have a wiz2-cryo1-ele3-rc-enchanter2, and was thinking of reseting him… :thinking:

if u want to go ele omni then INT but if u want to go thauma3 then full SPR

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its hard to judge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: some ppl will like this build i just dont :slight_smile: but its only my personal opinion :smiley: (its sitill better build than ele3 with ench 2 - no offence ._. just ench2 does not fit here)

Ok, so according to this topic is Wiz3>Thaum3>Sorc1>Omn2 a good build with full SPR? My wizz in my main character and I really want to reset him to Onmyoji. Would this build be good to Raid/ET?