Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist in Onmyoji build

for ET yes for Raid ( u mean New new raid??) imo yes u always have thauma 3 and omni damage with good gear is pretty nice

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Yeah, I guess. I’m just getting back to the game and I’m big fan of the PvE scenario, so it seems that Raids are the go to now. Having said that, I’ve never tried a Raid or ET before, I’m just griding for better equips before giving it a chance

u should try et is imo fun experience ;p btw we still must wait for new raid :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will. I just have to change all my 315 gear to 350

I know enchanter makes no sense there, but I love the ‘bzzt, bzzt’ of lightning hands… XD

This w3 thauma 3 rc onm full spr is good
Or sorc ?

I personally think sorc instead of RC.

RC will give you a couple of somewhat OK AoE skills, and ice rune will boost the rain arrow thingy (onmyoji’s skill). RC may be better if you run the elementalist variant, since you most likely will go full INT and hail gets boosted as well.

Sorc on the other hand has summons that scale with full SPR. Not to mention cat buff that helps SP regen. Seems the turtle shield thingy consumes insane amount of SP… Not to mention most onmyoji skills are SP heavy, as mentioned.

Anyways, these are the builds I have in mind:

Full SPR: wiz3-thaum3-sorc-onmyo2. Almost synergize perfectly. Full SPR helps thaum’s buff and sorc’s summon. Thaum’s buff hidden combo with magic missile. Thaum’s buff helps summon’s damage and defense. Sorc’s buff helps with turtle shield or any high SP onmyo skills.

Full INT: wiz3-elem3-pyro-onmyo2. Pyro is for occasional enchant fire AA and flame ground + meteor obviously. Might have too many skills, plus SP problem X(

Genbu Shield(The true magic shield)turns off sp regeneration when active so cat buff would not help this.

Keep in mind you can make up for lacking SPR/Int with gear now so SP shouldn’t be too much of an issue unless you’re constantly spamming spells.

I really want to try Onmyoji, especially a pyro/psycho with it, but I’m content with my sage build for its utility and high damage, small aoes. I guess I’ll have to level a new wiz.

I know that. I meant recover SP after turtle shield drains the whole SP pool.

That fire fox thing turns psychokino’s skill to fire attrbute or something? I vaguely remember.

Do you have pyro3-kino3-sage? How do you like it? I love pyro-kino playstyle, and I wanna make it with shadowmancer2 because of heavy gravity, but full INT SM is hard. Even with 150 SPR from gear, SP is still an issue sometimes.

It’s a clustered non-element build that works well since I can push 200-400 int/spr after gear. I have a Marnox card so I didn’t want to give up Sorc. I’m Wiz2/Psy3/Thaum1/Sorc1/Sage2

I really liked what I saw in the Fox spirit attribute synergy. Apparently the fire-attribute Gravity Pole dramatically boosts its dmg as well as locks enemies in place and I drooled from that footage. I just wish Agny affected the element-changed spells too.

They’re not as long as rune caster’s. Tiger is 0.5s cast time, Water + Toyou (Earth) is 1s, and the only super long one is the tree for 2s.

I see. My mistake for not checking on it before posting.

So in the end can someone sum up the pros and cons of an ele/onmyoji build compared to a ele/wl one? personally i also think that ele/onmyoji it’s not a good idea but i wouldn’t mind going that way if onmyoji can provide the burst of damage that WL has, wich idk, reason why it’s because i like elemental themed mages and in all honesty, elementalist its very lackluster about that, so having onymioj would actually make up for that.

there you go :slight_smile:


Is there any point in pumping Fox, if we do not get Kino in our builds?

Hm, well it does synergize with pyro builds. The 3–hit Fireball enchant isn’t a deal breaker but it is pretty awesome. I just read the analysis blog and holy ■■■■ does Onmy really work well with pyro/psycho builds. The enchants also affect PP and Fireball combos!

Alright very good advice here. So since I already have a main ele-warlock and also a cryo-ele-rc, I’m gonna reset my third ele into the wiz3-thauma3-sorc-onmyo2 full SPR variant. Sounds very nice and fun to play.

Yes me too. I don’t really want to do TWO unlock quests for a build…

So about the skills:

  • Fire Fox Shikigami sounds like the Prominence counterpart from elementalist; getting the extra attributes means to put 6 points in it, but probably not more
  • Greenwood Shikigami is the new Frost Pillar (albeit being a “light” version of it); the attributes sound really cool (DoT + pull effect); costs reagents (NOT cool :frowning: ); at least 1 point though
  • White Tiger Howling pretty much acts like the fox… and it seems to make Haste obsolete with its circle 2 attribute; 6 points in it! (oh yes it’s non elemental too… you know what this means)
  • Water Shikigami sounds like a good filler, but no idea if it’s worth putting more than a couple points into it
  • Genbu Armor… hell this sounds cool, had that in old Diablo2 and was a key skill for sorcs… I guess that’s the reason you want to go full SPR so that your mana pool doesn’t get instantly depleted by the skill; sounds like you want to max that (5 points) and the attributes for damage nullification and SP cost decrease at once
  • Toyou is like earthquake x10… seems it hits like a ton of bricks, so probably also 5 points in it

This leaves spare points which makes the class very customizable.

This tends to hint towards an INT build with pyro/kino instead of SPR build… so that’s probably another good choice for onmyoji.

pyro psycho probably serves better than ele 3 for onmyous kit, lots of skills to spam and the sp costs from pyro and psycho dont stress for too much spr

onmyou skills serve as giant aoe finishers/fillers

I was looking at a build something like this

Stone curse + prominence + gravity pole(fire fox) means both psychino & fire damage should get 50% dmg bonus
heavy gravity + tree + PP(fire fox)
sleep + magnetic force + tiger

with these combos should keep a nice rotation

edited: posted wrong one

Why is Linker in there? Is it really necessary?

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