Tree of Savior Forum

DX12 or any other?

Hi people.
I have been playing for past 3 days but my FPS is 15-25, mostly 15.
Reached lvl 55, went to lvl 50 dungeon me and 1 other person.
It just felt same as playing world of warcraft legion raid with 10 people.
Super unplaybale.
I have browsed forum and tryed all suggested fps improving tricks.
Well it never went higher than 16 at start. So with all the tricks i managed it to somehow to go over 20 sometimes when there arent more than 3 or 4 peolpe on the same screen.

Anyway what i wanted to ask is about DX. Im using direct x 12.
Was wondering if direct x version matters here. If anyone has tryed more than 1 direct x version and it changed ur fps pls let me know. As i cant test it now due to maintanance.

If you hadn’t the version the game is using, you wouldn’t even be inside the game, so don’t worry.

The real issue is either:

  • Your Graphic Card: Old model or low memory model.
  • Your system: Weak CPU, Low RAM Capacity, etc…

I wiill ltell you right now that the minimum requirement for this game is higher than announced in the Steam page.

The game is nowhere optimized and consume huge amount of system resource, specially RAM.

So the real minimum requirement would be something around:

CPU: Intel or AMD 3.4GHz.
GPU: Some GPU with 2GB of Memory, higher preferable.

But in the end. this game behave differently in many systems, while some weak computer users report that it work well, other not so much.

Same is valid to people with some high end machines.

Ya thats really really low, even with the most basic low end pcs, say for example the 400-500 USD ones from walmart, pcgamer 520s, you should be at 40fps or above.

Turn down and turn off whatever you can in settings, and play in a lower resolution, tinker with it and compare the fps rates.

To expand on what @Nirimetus mentioned:

More CPU cores don’t translate to better performance [yet] for ToS. Clock speed is what matters most for this game.

GPU is only relevant in very specific situations; standard these days would be at least 4 GB.
PS: I’m on a GTX 1080 and my FPS still dips when surrounded by owl statues.
PPS: Enable V-Sync to cap your FPS to 60. Excessive FPS will cause stutters and artifacts on your screen. This is not a First Person Shooter so anymore than 60 is unnecessary.

Your RAM should at least be 8 GB if you’re on a 32-bit OS (x32), anything more needs a 64-bit OS (x64). ToS creates so much garbage that you should expect it to eat up at least 3 GB by itself.
PS: Right before ToS loading screens get stuck at the 3/4 mark or before the game crashes, memory consumption is usually 45% or more.

Install ToS and your Windows OS on a Solid State Drive (aka SSD). This alone cuts all loading screens to about 6 ~ 10 seconds.

While you’re at it, allow your system to draw Virtual Memory from your SSD as well.

PS: While still sort of expensive, investing in an SSD helps your entire rig perform as well. I recommend an M.2 drive if you have the port for it. :slight_smile:

ToS is one of the most system-intensive games of 2016, because of poor optimization.


Just an addition of mine.
I wouldn’t recommend that tbh, it decrease the life of the SSD, the less writing the better to make it live longer.

Also, since with 8GB or more, you don’t even need VM to help things work.

My laptop is not that great but not bad, and i don’t use VM and things work great, except ToS lol.

I wouldn’t decrease the life time of any component of my laptop/desktop just to try to improve a bad codded game in all honesty.

Thank you that clears my problem.
1.8Ghz proc
4Gb Ram
Video card memory 1664Mb(1.6Gb)
Also using Solid State Drive, but that wont help me in this case.

Frustration max level right now as i cant play many games and it seemed like in a long time i found a game im interested in.

EDIT: As im using Laptop i cant make any improvements on it as video card. Sure i can upgrade ram but that alone wont help. Seems like video card is biggest problem.

theres really cheap desktops thought too, 450 bucks at walmart and without having to change the power supply you can spend an extra 130 bucks and swap the card out for a nvidia gtx 750ti, not gonna be epic but will be 10000x better then your current situation, even just the base 450 dollar rig would be, jus work on the graphics card when you can later on

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Thank you but i kind of live on Fcuked up country and minimum salary here is 300 euros, so that 450 kind of is alot for me.
Seems like i will just have to save up.

EDIT: Just buyed Xbone recently, shouldnt have :smiley:


ya I hear you, I have 4 kids so its all alot to me, thats why I just chip away at stuff

buy a cheap desktop
upgrade the power supply
upgrade the graphics card
wait for child 1 to turn 18
wait for child 2 to turn 18
etc etc

I just do it all in stages

True true, there is that little caveat. :stuck_out_tongue: Mine’s a little expendable (early adopter) because I expect these things to get cheaper and cheaper and eventually become the norm.

I’d like to add that you should also avoid running the game in Windowed-mode. I suggest you always go Full Screen with the resolution at one or two increments below your display’s maximum.

Eg: 1920 x 1080 is your maximum, then go for one step below in Full Screen = 1600 x 900.

What I do to check is look at them like (A x B), then I divide my max(A) with my target(A) and my max(B) with my target(B).

1920 / 1600 = 1.2
1080 / 900 = 1.2
1.2 = match (aka your screen will not look stretched in either direction)

Forgive me if there’s an easier way to check this, I haven’t bothered to see if there is :smiley:

Also, limit how many times you alt-tab (if you need to).

The game enters a pseudo-frozen mode especially during loading screens when it’s not the [active] window. (everything turns white), I noticed that it sometimes doesn’t recover from that.

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That is a good one, decreasing the resolution also decrease the amount of video memory being used since the textures get smaller.

As for the resolutions, you can also do a try out, decrease in increments of 1 till you hit the a close satisfatory result.

And I confirm that alternating windows too much can cause issues, I don’t get frozen white screens, but I noticed that the game lose 40% or more performance after some time by doing that.

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Btw i can`t make my game in true full screen anymore becouse then i get error code 10001, failed to load 3D module.
Any clues why that?
i changed pixelsd from 32 to 16 also changed usehigheffect from 1 to 0 and same also for water. But i dont think that affects it does it? Cuz when i change resoltion back to 1 game works. Im talking about user file.

Not really sure; everything I mentioned are just in-game menu changes. :frowning:

You are using a day-to-day use laptop by the looks, that amount of memory is the shared memory from the RAM that the GPU take from the system RAM, that means that instead of 4GB RAM, you now have 2.4GB RAM, also, the GPU is what we call built-in or on-board, probably an Intel 3rd or 4th generation.
Which doesn’t matter, they aren’t designed to work with games.

Unfortunately in your case, you either change to a gaming laptop, or build a new desktop.

Not sure about the prices in EU about stuff.

I found this article, not sure if would help you tho.


The Fullscreen in the game settings window isn’t really a fullscreen, it is a borderless full screen window mode.

It unfortunately doesn’t work like that. The game is going to run in what I’m pretty sure is DirectX9 and the only way to fix that is for IMC to do exactly what GGG is doing with PoE by overhauling the client and rendering system completely. You can try a combination of SweetFX with dgVoodoo 2 to attempt at manipulating things at a driver level and rendering using a glide wrapper. This is extremely advanced stuff though and I’d hardly suggest messing around with any of that unless you know what you’re doing.

Other than that you’re stuck with it just like me. 12-15 FPS everywhere no improvement because the game developers over there in Korea are stuck in the stone age.

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For the most increadible it may sound, ToS is under DX10 lol.

But still, it need lots of reworking.

They are so bad it’s unbelievable.

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And you are playing with that fps? How do u play with world bosses and dungeons? And pvp?

you cant, i tried to play tos once on my wife’s laptop while my pc was being hi-jacked by my kids and all you can do is quest low populated maps, the second you get around more then 4 people its a power point slide show

in the end I was never able to log back in b/c I ran into a warlock invocation farming and the crash was so severe I never made it back in, every load screen perma froze at 95% until I got my desktop back

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I don’t play because of things like this. Before in my days you didn’t notice or care much about the FPS problems because network lag was so bad. I just endured it all and loved when trying to cast Blessing my character would stop and do an animation then stop again randomly sometime later and actually cast.

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