Tree of Savior Forum

[DropPerKill] Drop rate system- DPK- Explained [Updated]2

I know for fact that not every item is DPK, but i wouldn’t trust so much, considering they have had some errors on certain drop rates and respawn times of mobs.
Nukella listed as 10,000 kills (RNG?) makes no sense to start with. It’s only used to complete a Collection set.
IF it’s RNG, it should be much higher % than what tosbase says.

By the way, all my comments on items are information that i worked to drop multiple times and/or after maintenance to not generate uncertainty among players.

I’ve done part 2 of my test and started the write up… then during calculations I realized that my study did not have enough power for even a 95% confidence :frowning:
I’ll need to do even more data collection. sigh

Infrorocktors are not ideal for my study because too many people will be interfering with the DPK pattern, which means I’ll need large data sets.

Mark Tunic might be a good idea. But i’m so far down this road now.

I’ll update again when I get enough sample size. :confounded:


Ah, yeah, I could see infrorocktors being difficult now due to the massive reduction in channels.

It is also important to note that DPK has up to a 10% variance on the kill count requirement (e.g., items with a DPK of 100 kills will have a variance between 90-110 kills, and the item will never drop outside of these limits–assuming someone else didn’t mess up your counting efforts).

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There is no Venucelos Gem. A lot of mobs don’t have monster gems, actually.[quote=“Takemi, post:604, topic:304868”]
Ah, yeah, I could see infrorocktors being difficult now due to the massive reduction in channels.

There’s also the fact that the event has people running through that area all day now looking for the resident, and who could resist smacking a few infrocktors on your way?

why not give glass bracelet recipe a go? not much people there and mobs spawns in that same spot.

My bad, I noticed this as well but I didn’t check Venucelos.

I think it’s funny how monsters like Hogma Scout or Venucelos don’t have one, but Galok and Large Panto Spearman do.

Well I’m already way down this path.

Anyway I thought I had insufficient power in my initial tests, however I took a nap and it occurred to me I actually had sufficient power. So I had my experiment posted Part 1 and Part 2. Please comment and add your opinions. I really think the player base should unite to have IMC implement a more acceptable drop system.

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IMC sometimes just doesn’t think things through very well.

Thanks for your contribution!

I’ve read through both of your posts but I don’t have time to comment them properly, right now.
I will do that tomorrow.

Btw where can i get cwfarmed? I tried searching it through google and only found dead github links.

Was in a long Truffle grind party yesterday, swapping channels 3 and 4 (because another party was doing 1+2). We got a Red Orb drop from truffles, I declared that ch3 is 1k truffles away from blue orb and about 2k away from truffle gem.
So we paid attention to when we would get close to 2k truffle kills (since that would mean roughly 1k each channel), to anticipate the blur orb dropping on ch3.

Several hours later, at about the expected time, the blue orb dropped.

We were hoping to see the Truffle Monster Gem drop after another 1k truffles, but unfortunately the maps got more populated and the night too dark.

I have 0 doubt that someone got that truffle gem yesterday.

This changes the meaning of the orbs for me. I now see them as indicators that the monster-gem is getting near ;O

You mean Red Truffles from Alemeth Forest?
They don’t have a gem yet(?), maybe with the Rank 8 update, who knows.
Some older monsters like Hogma Scout don’t have a gem either.

Whenever you see an orb drop, always check if the corresponding gem exists, I made that mistake once as well…

No Red Truffle gem:

Ah damn xDDD


So, if there actually was a red truffle Gem yet, someone would have gotten one yesterday night on ch3 :B

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you can install with the Excrulon addon manager

DPK is a fact, here the link to a video of myself getting a gem…trying to get the elusive Boater

Every 10k kills you get 1 monster gem, 1 monster blue orb and 1 monster red orb.


Yes, this is true.

Good luck with the hunt!

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Well I tried to read most things on this thread, I’m not sure why I haven’t posted in here tho, I would like to make some comments for players that were more reasonable during their arguments so I’ll be tagging and commenting with you guys, hope it’s okay to tag x3 (I’m a bit noob in the forums So I don’t know how to link all the #posts that I find interesting to pin ;w;)

First I was always intrigued with the DPK/RNG thing, @Bramia idea was the closest to what I could suppose too in my early messy reflections at reddit, a misture of RNG to determine DPK cycles on a long way. Didn’t got any specific replies back in the day tho :confused:
Then I started to get confused how the game would work with skills like Clairvoyance, Change, Jolly Roger pillage, Reincarnate, Future Kabba2 Clone etc. Note that I understand that when it’s DPK doesn’t matter the spawn, but the kill itself, still those skills would interfere someway in the drops, some are clear effects some are not. Tested some myself and heard other, seems that it’s still not possible to be sure 100% about… anything? .-.

@Takemi was really polite all the way with strong evidences about infrorocker DPK cycle, not sure if all monsters follow up this cycle since I see most tests on Infros and Deadborns, but at least for those DPK seems consistent. @DiMeowgio was really polite as well sharing a lot of nice information! For most evidences Orbs and gems seems to be tied to some cycle, just wondering if it’s a pure thing or a mix of both DPK/RNG. For “?%” Tosbase drops, DPK seems a reasonable explanation, but is there a RNG variance to determine how much kills would take or you guys believe it’s a fixed value? I see that 10k for gem seems fixed.

@Awoooo made some really interesting points about both programming matters and social behavior that could influence in our perception to game drop rate. Which goes close to my actual perception, we humans need those patterns as we need oxygen! Even doctors look for patterns to make diagnosis, it’s kinda of our way or learning! RNGesus loves to troll people tho x3

I would like to thanks everybody who shared their info with all the community, it’s great to see some good discussion and people hard work!
In the end this post was more for thanking than adding useful info… sorry for that .( >.<’)/
Personally I wish there was personal DPK track or pure RNG for the drops, but it seems that we’re still gathering information and who knows when IMC would just spin the tables and change all the mechanics for drops ;w;

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Both drop systems are in the game currently (RNG and DPK). I believe that it is a definite possibility that some gems are DPK and that some are RNG (infrorocktors just so happen to be DPK).

Anyway, I appreciate your interest in the topic. Also, if you haven’t seen it already, stop by @CookyKim’s topic when you get a chance: [DropPerKill] Part 1: RNG or DPK? Experiment to Prove if Drop Chance is RANDOM or NON-RANDOM

I’m aware that both systems are present, so I guess that’s a possibility too, even that gems seems to follow DPK, I got all my gems at random so I can’t talk about other mobs with property.

Definitively a great reading, thanks for sharing! As for part II I really like the 7th solution, both DPK and RNG could make the game experience better with their respective downsides (RNG for the lottery hype and a higher DPK cap for those unlucky hard workers :'D )

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I asked the tosbase admin if he could release the datamined DPK data.

He told me that he’s planning to either add the values to the tosbase database or make the files public after he’s done with some Rank 8 stuff.