Tree of Savior Forum

[DropPerKill] Drop rate system- DPK- Explained [Updated]2

That’s a BIG “if”. And that is the whole problem of the current system.

You basically have zero chances (actually zero) to get low rate DPK items on Tuesdays, and depending on spawn rate/rarity, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or even at all.

The only way this will become viable is to keep the DPK counter values saved between maintenances and crashes.

And on a personal level, I dislike this system for its lack of unpredictability. Even farming 0.5-1% items is nowhere near as exciting as it would be in a pure RNG environment. While both systems ultimately offer the same mean average of kills per drop in the long run, knowing that you HAVE to kill 1000 mobs (if alone on a channel) to get your 10x 1% mats is nowhere near as exciting as not knowing whether you’ll need to kill 300 or 5000, and nowhere near as fun for the 99 kills between each drop.


Of course, this should be fixed.

LKChannel is still working for you guys? I tend to grind when there’s no one else on the map but without it (using Add-on Manager) I have no clue how many people are there.

There is a chance you get it with this sytem on every kill, you have no clue who killed what before or if somebody else on the channel is actually farming it or has been farming it.

You do know with this system that every x amounts of kills it will drop for a 100%. 0,01% chance is a good chance it won’t ever drop on you and there is nothing that makes it force to drop after certain amounts of kills.

Its just you that doesn’t understand how this sytem functions it seems. This system is better then the other RNG system that you talk about. Because it actually has a better chance on dropping stuff with this.

switch channels then, after a drop. you atleast no know its not going to drop any time soon.

Test it yourself

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Well instead of keeping them for yourself, tell us what they are.
So far, the only one I know about is “DPK count resets when channel crash or servers restart because maintenance”. Which is a bug and should be fixed by imc.

“there are many clue’s”

Unless you discuss this and showcase us in straight facts it’s nothing more then random rambling without having any volume behind it.

Sorry mate, atm you just sound like.

“no its not because i say so”

but when i put some actualy examples forwards you can’t come up with anything to disprove it.

You getting the Mark Tunic between 96 and 109 kills only tells me that there is ~1% drop chance. Obviously if DPK were a real thing the kill count would always be the same.

How do you consider your tiny data pool to be proof of anything when you have such inconsistent results?

Test it yourself

enjoy the dpk

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So what you say is, you can track down on what current state a monster is by looking at the loot it drops at that very moment? and then decide if it’s far enough to get it or not?

The problem with this reasoning is that you have to consider the other individuals that have killed the same mob on that same channel. Even then, there is a likely possibility of a min and max RNG variance after the DPK is taken into account.

DPK exists, and it is the prominent factor for item drops. By the time you obtain a white boater, it is easy to understand how the system works. Thirty-four hours of grinding the same mobs over a couple of days is all the evidence I need.

According to the poster of this test, there were no other players in the channel. There is no problem here, that kind of rebuttal was shut down before anyone used it for or against the argument of DPK existing.

Proven or illustrated by what? Some old KR patch notes?

I don’t think you understand how probability works. This is evidence of nothing

I said that I don’t need any more evidence based on what I experienced (i.e., a red orb, a blue orb, and a gem dropping every 10,000 kills with a variance of ~2000 kills between drops, with a total of 90,000 kills on the same channel).

9 blue orbs
9 red orbs
8 gems (another archer obtained my gem drop at 70k kills)

Before you decide to “think that I don’t understand how probability works because of what I experienced” you should probably take off your threatened-by-the-idea-of-DPK goggles first.

Go and kill the infrorocktors as an archer. They drop clubs and rods, and you’ll never obtain two clubs or two rods in a row. If this system were entirely RNG, that wouldn’t be the case.


lol, k.


I apologize for my tone; you could say I was in an irritated mood when I wrote my last reply.

Although, I do believe that being unable to obtain two clubs or rods in a row at the infrorocktors is the easiest DPK test that I can currently suggest. I’d recommend using an archer or a swordsman, as clerics will possibly receive twice as many clubs and wizards will receive twice as many rods (according to #6 at the top of the thread–I haven’t tested it myself).

For DPK drops, I believe the conventions are ~95% DPK with a ~5% added RNG variance.


I’m gonna call it right now. If @Gaped does any testing at infrorocktors to find that he recieves the rods and maces at regular intervals, he’ll claim “it’s RNG!”.


I dont mind DPK as long as it exist at the same time with normal % based drop rate rng

@yeule Yes, once you learn the hints of drops things get easier. Let those who dont believe the DPK do the hard work and then steal their effort, since this is what this system is all about.

@MadValentine It does, there are itens based on RNG and DPK. The problem i find with this system is that they punish effort on high count DPK Drops.

I dont play ToS anymore because if there is no reward for effort there is no point of playing. I do play to test theories i find.

Have fun everyone.


wait so each item only have 1 type of drop mechanic ?
I thought each item have both RNG and DPK