Tree of Savior Forum

[DropPerKill] Drop rate system- DPK- Explained [Updated]2

Ah damn xDDD


So, if there actually was a red truffle Gem yet, someone would have gotten one yesterday night on ch3 :B

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you can install with the Excrulon addon manager

DPK is a fact, here the link to a video of myself getting a gem…trying to get the elusive Boater

Every 10k kills you get 1 monster gem, 1 monster blue orb and 1 monster red orb.


Yes, this is true.

Good luck with the hunt!

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Well I tried to read most things on this thread, I’m not sure why I haven’t posted in here tho, I would like to make some comments for players that were more reasonable during their arguments so I’ll be tagging and commenting with you guys, hope it’s okay to tag x3 (I’m a bit noob in the forums So I don’t know how to link all the #posts that I find interesting to pin ;w;)

First I was always intrigued with the DPK/RNG thing, @Bramia idea was the closest to what I could suppose too in my early messy reflections at reddit, a misture of RNG to determine DPK cycles on a long way. Didn’t got any specific replies back in the day tho :confused:
Then I started to get confused how the game would work with skills like Clairvoyance, Change, Jolly Roger pillage, Reincarnate, Future Kabba2 Clone etc. Note that I understand that when it’s DPK doesn’t matter the spawn, but the kill itself, still those skills would interfere someway in the drops, some are clear effects some are not. Tested some myself and heard other, seems that it’s still not possible to be sure 100% about… anything? .-.

@Takemi was really polite all the way with strong evidences about infrorocker DPK cycle, not sure if all monsters follow up this cycle since I see most tests on Infros and Deadborns, but at least for those DPK seems consistent. @DiMeowgio was really polite as well sharing a lot of nice information! For most evidences Orbs and gems seems to be tied to some cycle, just wondering if it’s a pure thing or a mix of both DPK/RNG. For “?%” Tosbase drops, DPK seems a reasonable explanation, but is there a RNG variance to determine how much kills would take or you guys believe it’s a fixed value? I see that 10k for gem seems fixed.

@Awoooo made some really interesting points about both programming matters and social behavior that could influence in our perception to game drop rate. Which goes close to my actual perception, we humans need those patterns as we need oxygen! Even doctors look for patterns to make diagnosis, it’s kinda of our way or learning! RNGesus loves to troll people tho x3

I would like to thanks everybody who shared their info with all the community, it’s great to see some good discussion and people hard work!
In the end this post was more for thanking than adding useful info… sorry for that .( >.<’)/
Personally I wish there was personal DPK track or pure RNG for the drops, but it seems that we’re still gathering information and who knows when IMC would just spin the tables and change all the mechanics for drops ;w;

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Both drop systems are in the game currently (RNG and DPK). I believe that it is a definite possibility that some gems are DPK and that some are RNG (infrorocktors just so happen to be DPK).

Anyway, I appreciate your interest in the topic. Also, if you haven’t seen it already, stop by @CookyKim’s topic when you get a chance: [DropPerKill] Part 1: RNG or DPK? Experiment to Prove if Drop Chance is RANDOM or NON-RANDOM

I’m aware that both systems are present, so I guess that’s a possibility too, even that gems seems to follow DPK, I got all my gems at random so I can’t talk about other mobs with property.

Definitively a great reading, thanks for sharing! As for part II I really like the 7th solution, both DPK and RNG could make the game experience better with their respective downsides (RNG for the lottery hype and a higher DPK cap for those unlucky hard workers :'D )

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I asked the tosbase admin if he could release the datamined DPK data.

He told me that he’s planning to either add the values to the tosbase database or make the files public after he’s done with some Rank 8 stuff.


Literally had someone stealing a Wizard Bracelet under my nose.

Farmed 715 kills for first DPK, went to lunch.

When i came back, did about 930 kills with no one else on my channel. Then a wild Chapplain appears, starts killing mobs out of my range and get the Bracelet…

Thx IMC, I have many hours of my life to give to others anyway.

Living just isn’t hard enough, but hey, you’re not the only one.

And what am I gonna do with this information-

Cry us a river cos’ drop stealing is possible due to a ‘working as intended’ game mechanic.

I’ve been looking for Wizard Bracelets since day 1. Got lucky and got my first one after 149 kills. Still waiting for my second one on 2000~ kills. ;;

I got my first Wizard bracelet at 690 and people kept on trying to KS me as in trying to destroy the mob I’m fighting.

DPK is a big load of (insert poop here) until an imc says yeah that shits true til then its all he says she says

Was farming “Royal Guard Pants Recipe” from Yellow Colifly at Ruklys Hall of Fame.

Here are the running kill counts:

Note: Values enclosed in parentheses are the number of kills needed to get another recipe after getting the previous one.

  • 444 —> 1st drop
  • 554 (110)
  • 622 (68) --> encountered another player in the map during this time so that could be it?
  • 731 (109)

This a few days ago. I continued farming today but stopped tracking because the drop is pretty much predictable anyways (100 +/- 10).

I was mostly soloing the map in all 3 available channels, jumping from channel to channel.

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Is the yellow colifly a single mob respawn? or are there multiple respawn groups in the map? Each respawn has it’s own DPK.

The other player might’ve very easily been to blame for for that reduced killcount. He helped you lol. I doubt there was no one else in any channel, at least briefly, but there’s always a min/max variance.

Haven’t really noticed them respawn in groups, only one-by-one. Some spots, they do tend to be grouped up, but respawning at the same time, I never noticed.

Biskee, Those 100 DPK drops were shared between all 3 channels? or each channel had his own 100 dpk?

I noticed some changes but yet to test it.

Yeah, all 3 channels.

I always make sure to 100% clear the map per channel of this particular mob though I don’t go back from where I just went so the same mob could have already respawned there.

I think I still do get to kill them anyways once I get back to the same channel.

In that case, staying on 1 channel or jumping between 3 channels doesn’t matter I guess.