Tree of Savior Forum

Dragoon C2 using Double pay earn

The purpose of this video is you can solo Merc mission run and to take advantage of double pay earn for exp. You can also do this on rank 6 or lower rank, but its advice you reach rank 6 and it will be a little bit longer though to finish.

Ok, but why avoid 400%+ exp in party?
400% + DPE = 800%

Anyway, DPE is bugged. With level 1 DPE you can kill any boss in siaulai without worring with hits.
Bug DPE, kill a boss, bug again, kill another boss and go on.

13/10/2016 - KTOS Live Maintenance

- Cyclone: Movement
- The cooldown not applying correctly with this attribute has been fixed.
- Double Pay Earn
- Fixed issue where this buff wasn’t applying when party members attacked.

I was doing a random party on siauliai mission and activate DPE and I didn’t attack, DPE buff was gone before the boss even dies. The bugged was fixed now, you have to carefully time it especially using a level 1 DPE.

This one was fixed in ktos.
Here in iToS is still bugged and I doubt even with this patch hit us. You will still can bugs DPE.

Then why does cyclone can no longer use auto attack when activating deeds of valor and the aoe attack was increase to 8 instead of 3? I use to auto attack with deeds of valor when using cyclone . DPE was fixed now, not sure when same with cyclone + deeds of valor combo.

Cyclone has nothing to do with DPE. Anyway, I tested DPE now and is still bugged.
I will upload a video.


I know Cyclone has nothing to do with DPE, just saying Cyclone Aoe attack ratio + deeds of valor combo was changed, can’t auto attack while spinning even when there’s no patch announce. Reason why I solo is to show that you can do this with or without party, the exp bonus with a party isn’t noticeable especially using DPE.

I guess you’re not party playing too much. :wink:

Anyway I’ve provided a video showing you can ignore hitcount from DPE. Enjoy.

LOL, I didn’t even see the DPE icon on the upper left screen yet you get 2 coin drops.

Because it was bugged as I said.
But you could see DPE was in CD in my bar.

Interesting, weird my DPE buff was gone when I played with randoms especially when its level 5. LOL

Mine is at level 2, but I gave up that doppel 6 months ago. I’m still keeping him because is really good to farm resources.

I can abuse DPE bug if I want but I lost interest in doppels long time ago.

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That’s still only in kToS hasn’t gotten to iToS yet.

Also how did you find that bug @Kascly?

I discovered this bug when we was in EA when farming gliquare cores.
I’m surprised the abusers didn’t figured it out till now.
I’ve reported to IMC, but this bug is still there.

Wait is it the one where it only applies to one mob? I think I’ve had that before.

This works in any mob or boss.
But when you kill some thing with bugged DPE, you get double xp & drops and you “lose” your buff.

Yup I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced it before many a time albeit by accident.

Sometimes I loose the buff but the next enemy still drops double loot.