Tree of Savior Forum

Dragoon 2 or Lancer - the moment of decision tomorrow

Anyone know where is Nheto Forest?

its the lancer npc location :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe I am just too excited that even Google cant help me.

Edit: NVM found it. Problem now is how to get through to a 284 zone at level 272. >.<

Shouldn’t really be an issue, you’re a Cata 3 with Trot lv 15 (hopefully), just run past everything, nothing can really touch you anyway

not with rapid fire magical attack lol.

1 map to go before NPC lol.

Grats @Dogma! Videos pleaaaaase. :smiley:

yeah, videos of me dying just to get through a map.

(cheated in the end with 4 soul crystals)

Still saw rank 3 bind. However itos user should confirm the effect too. No outrage since clerics are still too annoying at pvp.

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It was taken from a popularity poll, Intranslated it before, and so has Arksholf.

The classes are shown below the images.
Pelt3 rode3 murmullo
Sword3 cata3 dragoon1 lancer
sword3 cata3 dragoon2

571,250 zeny for 1 percent. You gota be ■■■■■■■ kidding me.

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Thanks @greyhiem!

Any info on how long the bind debuff lasts on Dethrone?

Also it seems to have a knockback effect. I wonder if it goes through SZone (the KB and/or bind, not the damage) since other debuffs seems to go through (e.g. Restrain stun).

Last question: Is it a single target-per-hit skill like most Goon skills (only on front takes all hits) or does it damage enemies in a line?


Guess I really need to level up that squire now for some passive income. Good thing my 145 farmer is almost done.

@Biskee have you seen the video VonFreya posted? it looks to be able to damage everything in its path and have no limit to the amount of targets it can hit.

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All enemies in line.
I remember bind is around 3s. Bind does not work on boss.
Debuff on atk speed will only work on bosses.
It had quite some knockback effect yes. 2 overheat too, cd is not high. I have not noticed about safety zone, have to check right now.

Oh, thanks for the info! Damn, just makes it so hard to decide now.

Dat Crush attribute on what @Dogma shared though. At max level, -50% pAtk and pDef for 10s. :open_mouth:

Wonder if that passive KD goes through SZone like how Restrain does. :open_mouth:

So many questions! @Dogma please start a Q&A thread.

@greyhiem thanks!

Most popular =/= best performance.
Murmillo needs very low ping to perform well in PVPand kTOS has very low ping. Murmillo is also very fun to play with (if low ping) - doesn’t mean it performs the best.
For iTOS Murmillo will have a lot more problems in PVP.

Lancer is probably more interesting because it has more skills to play with.
Dragoon is probably less popular because there is literally only 1 skill that’s important - Dethrone.

Disclaimer, no idea if there are hard limits to these attributes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes this is true. However some players have difficult time to decide about any class so they enjoy following another region meta. I have never liked murmillion dollar loan silver attribute cost :smile:

Update: no knockback on safety zone but it does inflict bind.

Two vids for fun (hteam inquis + cata dragoon).


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I give up. Commander Load Fail. The servers must be full again. lol.

I’ll just continue the pain tomorrow.

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Sweet jebus! Decisions, decisions, decisions.

@nate0106951 are you Goon2 already? Please share some first impressions. :smiley:

i’m just have completed the quest and went salus, with my catadragon2, i was doing 75k per detrhone(150k with 2 overheat) with sepertine both skills 0% attribute , without spear lunge and any other debuff (i’m was alone), so i believe is fine.
ps: the 75k per dethrone was with critical hit plus leather boss and so on.
the down side, dethrone uses too much mp and because is low cd, you will a lot of mps.