Tree of Savior Forum

Dpk more difficult than before?

I want to scream with anger now.

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Still alive! and good thing is while I checking a confirm I received another info could be added up to it! well I do have to give another translations though rrrrrrrr


Wait a minuteā€¦ they both donā€™t have any bones! ā€¦ wait does squid has any bones?

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If you farm squidwards and spongebobs hard enough, theyā€™ll drop bones :wink:

:open_mouth: they resurrectā€¦?

Its a rare drop every 20k kills


You just told me that you killedl 20k times one of my childhood friend :frowning: NoooOooooo

i kill 6000+ yellow caro antena for 5 yellow caro antena drop.
Thatā€™s a lot more than 1000 mobs per item.
I need 54 for my weapon , I need to kill + 54k to finish my weapon; Itā€™s surreal

1 month to finish my weapon !!! :sob:

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This dpk RNG drop rate will give IMC the excuse to hold more events with those cubes with rare mats inside. The more Alts to run those brainless dungeons, the higher your chances to obtain the material without having to actually farm farm, just farm cubes.

Which leads IMC to hold another new level up or accounts bonus event for folks to create more Alts for cube farming.

Is this their player retention strategy?


My only hope now is for IMC to make item drop rates RNG only and not DPK or DPK RNG. By RNG I mean really, % because the way I see it percentage RNG drop rate is much more convenient and rewarding than a scaling / RNG DPK that will just make us into mindless zombies playing hours and hours for a single drop to appear, not to mention the competition of other players grinding the same item. But Hey! WE ALL GET IMCā€™D :joy:

Oh no RNG drop rate, but I farm hard for mats, That will make prices go down, I donā€™t want to sell it ā€œcheapā€. Seriously, % drop will benefit the majority of the playerbase, only those greedy merchants of the game will cry about this. But oh well, Itā€™s just my opinion anyways :joy:


That squid has but it only drops from cubes with a 0.1% drop rate.

Oh and you need 54 of those bones along with 2 Practoniums.

Having 16020 kills for 45 tails means an average of 356 mobs killed per 1 drop, so even assuming you always doubled the drop with swell body (and itā€™s safe to assume you didnā€™t double every single one, right?) it still means 1 tail every 712 monsters killed, I see nothing wrong there, the OLD dpk number was somewhere around 450-650 monsters killed for one, so assuming it isnā€™t changed (even tho I think it is) youā€™re just slightly above the average, nothing wrong there related to the dpk system per se imho.

Also, take into consideration while reading above that I assumed you successfully swelled every single drop, and with the current system being so unpredictable itā€™s a very hard thing to do compared to the old one, so if we tweak the numbers a bit and presume you doubled only half of them the average goes even lower than the previous old dpk value.

Iā€™m currently farming the same monsters for my second orange weapon (I finished my Astra Bow months ago) and iā€™ve noticed that even if sometimes I get one at 800+ monsters killed, sometimes I get one as low as 100 monsters killed, it still averages 450 in my book, so: yeah, farming orange materials is a huge pain in the ass, but itā€™s nothing out of this world if you consider that before the balance patch, most of these weapons were better than Solmikiā€™s and they donā€™t require you a 5man setup running every day for X weeks/months (and even post patch, they still remain insanely good).

To all the guys here complaining (not talking to you obviously) I can only say you should get to it IF you really want it, or stop complaining, you really are not cut for things such as these and you shouldnā€™t even pretend to be.
If you donā€™t like games were heavy grinding is involved, clearly ToS has never been the game for you! Sorry if this may sound rude (it surely does) but this games has always been like this, farm/grind heavy, and even tho I myself still complain sometimes about it, you need to accept thatā€™s the nature of this game and if itā€™s not to your liking or if itā€™s not fit to your gaming schedule, then you need to accept this and move one, you canā€™t ask to change the game entirely to fit your tastes.


MMO no longer have the luxury to be hardcore.
Because there are a lot games and the funniest one take a big community.
What means ā€œfunniestā€?
Funniest is a no stress game: I log in, I farm, I drop what I farmed in few hours, and log out for a day.
No sense to spend an entire day/hours for nothing.
This game should be:

  • I want to do the Orange Weapon, I have to farm (for example) 100 materials
  • log in
  • drop 10 materials in X time
  • log out
  • log in the day after
  • drop another 10 materials
  • log out

Now the game is:

  • I have to farm 100 materials
  • log in
  • farm an entire afternoon for 1 or 2 materials
  • log out
  • unistall the game

This is my point of viewā€¦


Its the best weapon in the game (not taking Solmiki in consideration). While you farm you get money to buy more mats from market as well.
(For example, 3 runs dg 170 with thauma, gets you a granted 315 weapon material in much less time, every day, think about it)

seems the dossier is up but once again no mention on drop rate fixing. The promised system is not working there is no personal dpk the chances arent increasing the more we kill a mob. What are the asnwers you are promising.

DPK is worse than before. You cant predict when it will drop anymore, cant even call a thaum as before because i dont know if it will drop in the next 30 minutes or 2 hours.


They canā€™t even explain the drop rates how will you comprehend with that?

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Weā€™re having internal discussions about making things more clearer with as few miscommunications as possible. Since this is One of the biggest pillars supporting the RPG genre. - and this means there will be a lot of ppl will be interested - and we donā€™t want a too vague answer for it. - as long as itā€™s not ā€˜restrictedā€™ So, Iā€™ve conducted series of feedback between the team with this one. Sorry for keep waiting. right now, I am waiting for a final answer - which I canā€™t speak at this moment what is it - and approval. But I will see this article posted on the Dev Blog.


thatā€™s the holy truth of mmorpg nowadays

No problem, at least you are alive thatā€™s good :smile:

We know things not gonna be clear and almost sure people gonna proves system isnā€™t working as intended (if intended at all). However itā€™s already a big step thereā€™s some communication !

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Again, I donā€™t wanna sound like an elitist jerk or something, but this game has been like this since the very start, it didnā€™t suddenly became like this when orange materials for the weapons were introduced, so no one is forcing you to play the game nor you can enforce your point of view on the devs or other players that are currently playing the game, just move on a game that better suits your taste or gaming schedule, itā€™s simple as that.
But if you want to keep playing then you have to accept this is not a game where in two days you can have your ā€œend gameā€ weapon, and honestly Iā€™m glad itā€™s not like this, because thatā€™s the very reason some players play games ā€œhard coreā€ like this.

Currently I farmed/been farming two of the most time expensive weapons in the game (due to number of materials required, time involved, etc) and you donā€™t see me here complaining about how they should change the game to better fit my gamestyle and my gaming hours, I just accepted that I canā€™t afford to play 10 hours a day but I need to work with whatever time I have at hand day by day, and I started farming little by little, step by step and thatā€™s how you get things done.

If you waste time complainings on the forums that this game doesnā€™t let you get what you want in just a few days, again, this is not the game for you and it probably has never been.

The purpose of this thread is not about collecting peopleā€™s complainings, itā€™s about to understand if the new drop system has been applied correctly like they said or if there is something not working properly, and having a final answer about this issue.

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