Tree of Savior Forum

Dpk more difficult than before?

Team? No one teams up to farm DPK. People simply roll a pyro>linker>thauma>sage and solo it with 2x drop. On what server do people team up to farm high DPK items?

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The drop system is not at fault for Practonium, that’s a separate issue that should be addressed, separately. The temporary drop system didn’t only affect Orange mats, it affected everything. It was not the solution, items were dropping at absolutely ludicrous numbers. Orange mats were the expection because they are so messed up that they went to a more reasonable level, literally everything else was messed up, that’s not a good system.

[quote=“Queue, post:277, topic:353563, full:true”]
The temporary drop system didn’t only affect Orange mats, it affected everything. [/quote]

If that is the case then sure, they needed to revert the patch and speak with everyone about the situation and their reason why. But otherwise, can you provide some evidence to your statements? Don’t tell me, “just check the shops” or something of the sorts. But an actual statement on it?

With that said, my statement stands. Yes, Practonium is directly involved with the aggravations of crafting an orange weapon because it’s part of crafting an orange weapon. It is not a separate issue; it is part of the problem. The entire process is nothing short of grabbing a cactus.

Practonium is a flawed system.

DPK is a flawed system.

Uh, what?

I farm with my guild. Typically it takes us a week to complete an orange weapon if we go into it as hard as we can between work and whatnot.

Orsha NA. We’re fairly well known for it.

Again, everything rng it’s the solution, put a 0.3% drop rate on orange mats and will be fine

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I think that’s a decent start. I’d say 1% to start and then work our way down from there depending on how it functions. I like RNG over DPK any day.


It’s been weeks at this point so it’s difficult to have items left but I have some screenshots of my Shade Greave farming:

I managed to get 5 Superior Kovos Greave recipes in about 150-200 kills, the rest of my kills came from previous farming attempts. All but like 5 of those Gem Bracelets recipes dropped within that time frame. I was able to get (arguably) the second best boots in the game from like 1-2ish hours of work.

If you look through this thread you can see us talking about our results (sorry it’s a long read D: ):

I’m not sure what guild you’re in, and maybe I’m just not connecting your forum name to in game, but many of the Orshan guilds were aware of this.

Entirely correct, it’s just that changing the drop rate of Orange mats doesn’t fix the Practonium problem.[quote=“, post:278, topic:353563”]
Practonium is a flawed system.

DPK is a flawed system.

I totally agree, I’m fairly outspoken against both Practonium and DPK.


That’s fairly solid. Thank you for sharing this. I was curious why they removed it but I think because I spent so much time farming DPK during those times that I wasn’t aware this was an issue with all drops. It may be that they cannot find a way to change drops for DPK mats without affecting everything now that I’ve the info in front of me.

Even if it’s a long read, I’ll give it a look. Thanks for sharing.

Leviathan - Atramedes.


You’re welcome, that’s the point of a forum, to exchange information.

And I’ve definitely seen you around. :wink:


This is what Im looking forward to TOF.


Forums are fantastic, they’re integral to the MMO experience. The ability for us all to share information and communicate with each other isn’t just a fun distraction, it adds to the game play itself. I love reading what everyone writes, I love speculating and analysing, and I love expanding my knowledge. It’s part of the reason for my dislike of detractors and the hostilely ignorant. I hope the Staff keep working on giving the forum a life of its own, and create more events, badges, and useful up to date information to further encourage useful discussion and info.


Yeah and my stance on Necros has been to rework the class so it can’t AFK, and ban everyone who obviously macros. IMC can’t just fix bad design with more bad design.

@Queue How long did it take to get the ionium for your shade greaves? I’ve done the mission a few times and never seen a drop.

I’d guess around 20 runs, not entirely sure because I farmed them a long time ago and just didn’t get around to the Superior Kovos Recipes. Depending on your server I can hook you up.

idk but I farmed hunter bangle rec the other night and i got it at 620 kills. tosbase says 475 ~ 525 dpk

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I was just curious. Got the recipe while questing and considered crafting but after doing 3 missions without one drop I just sold it.

Oh okay. Probably not that bad of an idea because they were nerfed hard in the Balance Update in KTOS, I’ll be selling mine before the inevitable market crash where millions of silver disappear from once good equipment…

I disagree that it’s unfair. I am glad I sold a lot of materials but I want something better than DPK and works.

The old DPK was good because you knew you would drop it at a certain point, no matter what. I don’t want it to be change to something that makes it harder to farm. To be fair, I’d rather have all DPK materials as the RNG % chance drop to something like Kugheri Numani’s Bells chance.

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Horseshit you do. You’re full of just lies.

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My guild also farmed some materials together, as well some friends I know on Silute did the same, even after the DPK changes.

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In fact, we finished Lilysaur’s pike in 2 days.

Our most recent Pike two days. Presuming we PURCHASED the Art, of course.

Regard XB 4 days.

There’s exceptions to this of course. Some mats are just unagreeable and the recent changes made it very difficult to farm things again.

However, I’m confident that if we really wanted to and forwent Solmiki and dailies, we could get a weapon in a week.

I’d love to see more activity like this, but since I’ve never seen activity like this on my server hence my suspicion on the legitimacy of your claims.

Or I think you’re just pulling this out of your ass. If not, hey good on you. You’re the only ones doing it as a guild effort that I know of.

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