Tree of Savior Forum

Dopel deeds of valor

Does attack speed increase with skill level?
Does attack speed increase as u get hit?

You get 10% attack speed increase per skill level, it give full benefit without stack. You just need to remember to swap weapon because there is bug that refresh attack speed only on weapon swap.


Huh? Deed of valor increases attack speed? I thought it increases physical attack damage only?

it is one of the few skills that boost attack speed

Oh ya… I just noticed that as well at the skill description…really didn’t notice that in game since the attack speed gained feels like…not much different haha.

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On level 10 skill you literaly hit as fast as on the video:

Just remember to swap weapon after you activate the skill to turn on the attack speed.

Didn’t know you had to swap to get the atk speed bonus.

Never really noticed it and I thought it didn’t exist at all.

Guess i’ll try and weapon swap this time.

Huh need to swap weapon to get the attack speed? Bug??

why do you need weapon swap?
Is it limitted to one weapon?

It’s a bug. You need to swap weapon if you wanna receive the increase speed attack (which remains “forever” until you change an equip again, channel or map).

someone know if the atack speed also increases as the level of skill???

Nope. Currently is a steady tiny increase even at max lvl.

False, the skill give 10% attack speed per level. At max level I swing as fast as it is shown on the tosbase skill video. I wouldnt call it tiny increase.

Myth. You’r not a lier, but it’s just your impression. I have this skill too and I’m sure @Cathexis and @Autentist also never heard it before

See what tombei666 wrote here: Deeds of Valor still bugged

Attack Speed in this game depends on your ping.

Depending on your ping you might or might not see a significant increase on your attack speed with both auto-attacks and skills.

Deeds of Valor at level 1~5 increases your attack speed quite considerably (no need to weapon swap, at least on my case) and also for skills (depending on your ping). Most, if not all of it, comes from level 1 though.

I don’t have a character to test level 10 Deeds of Valor and see if there is any significant increase in attack speed from using it and it would also require proper testing through each different level to properly assess if there is an increase on each level.

This needs more testing, but what I can say for sure is that with a good ping you can have 2~3 attacks per second, just like on that video (at level 5 Deeds of Valor).

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Interesting. I only see difference when I swap my weapon like those guys (perhaps they have the same ping) and my speed increase remains until I change channel, map or equip.

I’m uploading right now a video of my tests.

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0:00 Normal attack
0:10 With lvl 5 DOV
0:18 DOV + Weapon Swap
0:45 Attacking without DOV (speed increase remains)


Aww we can’t view the video cause it’s private =/

