Tree of Savior Forum

Dopel deeds of valor

Hmmm…certainly notice the increase in attack speed after weapon swap at 0:18…wth bug is this? XD

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Does this bug happens with your character too if you use a 1H weapon?

I’ll test it on wednesday, in new server.

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Matt, please test 2 things for me

  1. What’s happen when u’re using this skill again after trigger forever atsp incresing? Do we have to swap weapon again?
  2. That’s mean we have to carry 2 weapons all the time? start from secondary > activare dov > swap to primary?

many thx !

How are u testing different skill levels?

I don’t see it boosting my attack speed. Just damage. :confused: This skill and Cyclone are bugged beyond belief …

  1. You still have the “infinity” atsp increasing even if you use DOV again.
  2. Nope. I only carry my two handed sword as you can see in the video. Use DOV > swap the same weapon.
    Also works if you remove an equip and equip it again.

Thanks for giving such important information!
Btw, why it dint stack the buff…the speed also feeling fast.

Just turn Doppel last night, but I used my 2 skill points, 1 on Cyclone (It’s cool) and 1 to DPE.
The DPE has something interesting too, if buff is remaining, party member killed boss, you also gain double EXP. Tested on the Daily mission boss.

Thx, Mat !

Could u tell me what’s the perfect headgear for u? (cri/phy atk/element or phy atk/2 element)
From my understanding, cri atk is flat dmg and DoV didn’t increase element atk. That’s mean we should focus on phy atk first, right?

TY ! :wink:

I think you’r right, but I don’t use Enchant Scrolls =P

Yeah, It’s true. Maybe another bug.

I understand deeds of valor does not proc properly
but how is cyclone bugged?

From what i see its looks like increasing aspd skill is bug like now.

You need to swap weapon or disarm to make your new aspd refresh.

Not only dov but its also with the chrono quicken skill.

So all you need is stack dov to 5+ lv then change weapon, its dont need to be same weapon if dov buff still there its will recalculate your aspd to match dov and yes change to one hand weapon working to

While its bad and not work as intend but i loving its XD.

+50% aspd forever until you swap weapon again or leave the map is so good

Currently aspd will only update when you switch weapon or leave map, so use its while you can.

Ping in this game have significant role in attack speed with every skill. The game waits till it get hit confirmation from server.
When I use DoV and just swing the sword I do like 3 swings per seconds. When I start hiting some monster it drop to like 2 swings. I have no idea how games in current time still lag like 10 years ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cyclone is bugged if you have higher level points in it. Say level 8 or 9, at least from what I could tell. It will randomly drop to level 3 so the duration will go from 4.6/4.9 to freaking 3.2 or something and the damage will go down by a lot. You’ll notice it for sure. The only way to fix this, as far as I could test, is to Character Select and get back in or Log Out and get back in or zone in and out to reset your character’s Cyclone level.

Oh and Deed’s attack speed is bugged. Forgive me if this was mentioned here, I did read it on the forum and I tested it. Deed’s attack speed picks up if you use Swap Weapon (so just have the weapon of your choice in both icons) and it will pick up the speed attack based on the number of Deed levels.

Well, two people saying that DOV lvl inceases speed attack. Time to believe that.

Coincidentally Sky Liner wich was nerfed like Cyclone (only on iTOS) has a kind of bug too. I guess it’s due the lag/ping as Cathexis said about aspd, but on iCBT2 I didn’t have this issue.

The same author did this thread about Doppel skills:

wow if cyclone bug is true is surely no worth to pick up more than 5

Well, I finally reach Doppel C2 and… Cyclone lvl 8, 9 and 10 are normal to me. The damage and duration are higher than lvl 5, no doubt about it.

Oh ya…I just max my DOV.
And I found that the “Bug” din’t happen to me…
The attack speed stack by hit with normally…I no need to swap my weapon.

Maybe the “key” to solve this bug is maximizing DOV, isn’t it?