Tree of Savior Forum

Don't you guys think the cash shop is a little ridiculous?

Those should work on headgears.

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The problen with the game is, that they can’t sell sexy costume like in other MMOs, due to the graphic. So IMC have to figure out other things to sell and I was honestly suprised that the shop was so empty in comparison to other games.

But I mostly agree with you. The hairs should have the same prices, even when that means that they raise the price for the men and th e tokens are currently to expensive.
About the enchant scrolls… I honestly don’t care xD

If this is your explaination, tell me an MMO which is not pay to win.
Even world of warcraft is pay to win because people buying gold / people shares account for boost etc.
So what ?

Black Desert Online and Final Fantasy XIV.

I don’t really agree. Take a read and see if what I’m saying makes sense.


People still sharing account for boost. There is no way.
If someone wants to take advantage, they are going to do it.
Only thing that makes sense is $18 Token prices, way too high.

BDO is b2p and FF ist p2p. That doesn’t counts xD Doesn’t have FF a cash shop? I think when I have to buy the game and the add-ons + monthly money and have a cash shop, that’s as worse as a p2w game.

Actually in both games you can’t powerlevel with higher level characters since you take heavy EXP penalties. And even if they didn’t, that has nothing to do with pay to win.

You’re not getting enchants in the FFXIV. It’s purely cosmetic. You can also get a server transfer, but nothing in FFXIV’s cash shop is pay to win by any means. You can’t even compare FFXIV’s shop to Tree of Savior’s.

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The things is you have no clue, and I’m a booster in those games.
Boost doesnt only mean “leveling”…
Items(weapons-armors), achieves, mounts, pets, any kind of loot or vanity items.

At this point, you want IMC to pay everything for host you a server, in return of “NO CASH SHOP”.
Well, that sounds fair.

Anyway, end of conversation for me.

I never said anything remotely close to that ever. I have no idea where you’re getting that from. Having issues with the cash shop means I want to be gone? No I want to be a little more reasonable and fair. Anyways, see ya.

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The cash shop in ToS is laughably empty and badly executed.
Here are my main problems with it:

  1. If you’re planning on playing this game seriously, you will have to buy the tokens. Playing without them puts too many restrictions on your playstyle.
    So basically, even though this game is advertised as F2P, it’s really a subscription-based game if you’re a serious player. Sure, you can buy the tokens with silver if you want to, but still someone else paid those 18-20$ for you.

  2. The token prices are too high. Considering the game isn’t even half finished and is missing endgame content, I find it preposterous to put such high prices for monthly benefits. If you’re gonna charge your players that much money, it’s required that your service is up to par. But as it stands now, we’re paying to play a game that’s like a prolonged demo version.

  3. It makes no sense for female hairstyles to cost almost 20$. First of all, that’s more than full-body costumes for female characters, which is complete nonsense. Hairstyle in almost every other MMORPG is priced the same as accessories, or somewhere in-between the prices of accessories and full-body costumes.
    Not to mention that this game isn’t even 3D. The 20$ hairstyle consists of 2D sprites, why does it costs way more than a 3D hair model in other games?
    The hairstyles cost almost as much as monthly token thing. That’s unacceptable.

  4. The selection of cosmetic items is so limited, it shows how under-developed the game is at this moment. Only 4 female hairstyles? Only 6 female costumes? Oh, and if you play a Wizard like me, there’s only ONE costume available for you. Pretty neat huh?
    Why release a game that barely qualifies as a demo version?

  5. Addition of those P2W scrolls is equivalent to developers saying that P2W will be a constant addition to the cash store. No matter how much people whine, they won’t remove those scrolls because: 1) there are idiots who buy them en-masse and generate thousands of dollars of income every day, 2) it would be unfair to remove them now - those who already bought them already have the stats advantage over those who can’t potentially obtain them anymore. I don’t care how small the stats difference is, it’s still a sign of P2W.

As it stands now, I am totally disgusted with IMC and their cash store. I won’t be spending a single $ there until they fix their game and financial policies.

Edit: fixed typos lol…


Well said. I agree with you 100%.

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Okay tnx a lot mate :smiley:

You were on the right track until you reached this one, but gotta stop you here.

It’s not the equivalent to it; those who think so are only making assumptions. A game can include an item that gives stats via their CS, and then never implement one again until a year or more down the line. Once the games income starts to decline towards unprofitable levels, THEN you can surely expect something ‘p2w’-ish to appear to keep income stable before it drops to the point where the game is better off scrapped and a new one is developed to take its place.

This game just started, so there’s no basis to assume the cash shop will constantly be given power-advantages just because one exists from the start, which was ported over from the Korean version and has been in their CS for 2 months now-- and still no implementation of another item similar to it.

So people who support the game with something they feel is worth their money, and sell them to other players for profit in-game to upgrade their character, are ‘idiots’? If you’re calling them idiots for supporting something that you think shouldn’t be in the CS in the first place, then shouldn’t you call the people buying them in-game from the Auction House idiots too since they’re giving the CS buyers the reason to purchase them?

A small sign. Not one worth seriously complaining or leaving the game over.

It is pretty obvious this game was ready to be released in June, and due to customer backlash they ‘released’ early. I think there is a lot they can improve and IMC is directly involved, so you don’t need to go through Nexon.

I would recommend summoning the staff members to your thread. I too think the token price is too high. $10 would be fitting, or make a 60-90 day token that is effectively $10/month.

@Staff_Ethan I think there are a lot of viable concerns in this topic, even if the title is a tad inflammatory. The price of tokens needs to be adjusted to make it economical, ~$20 is a crazy price considering what is out there, and you will actually make more money by lowering the price since it will be accessible to more people.

I paid $50 for founders. I would NEVER pay $20/month for this token.


I didn’t derail anything… I shut it down. There were already 2 of them here asking for something unrelated. Giving them the answer here can prevent others to ask it too and the topic can continue.

Also you could have pm me too. Now this was a derail caused by you… haha :grin: It’s better if you don’t answer to this one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On topic:
I would be happy if everything would be cheaper.

Altough I can accept that female hairstyles are more expensive than male. Female is more salable… so we can look at it as male ones are cheaper to make it more appealing. (…and they still will remain less salable so I think it is ok…)

About the p2w… I don’t know… I don’t like it…but I’m afraid it is somewhat needed…

Yeah, I agree there is nothing wrong with fem hair being more pricey. That is econ 101, the demand for them is higher thus prices are higher.

In fact, I think it is genius.


Why is this a problem? That’s basic economics especially when there’s such a huge gap between the amount of male and female chars.

Agree. I would say the exact same thing about WoW and FFXIV subscription. Cut it to half or more, and I will buy it each month. That way…meh. Not that appealing.

More on the shop:
GOD DAMN! I was prepared to use all my tp on hairstyles and now… WHAT IS THIS?! Where are my cosmetics? MAN! I WANT THEM!

The feeling when you ACTUALLY want to spend money and you can’t cause there is nothing to spend on it. I mean, the hairstyles are still overpriced because they are character bound.

These prices should be only used for global purchases… But hell… 10-20 TP for 1 Hairstyle / character would be nice. I would buy all of them.