Tree of Savior Forum

Don't remove magic scrolls

It’s not the only problem though.

I absolutely will not pay cash for any RNG stuff in any game, ever. That is always a bad deal for everybody but the house.


But costumes are love tho XD

Money for stats, even if the stats are random should just not be a thing. Period.

It’s not like this is some crazy idea…

Besides, imc will already be raking in money from the ~$20 a month token charge anyway AND they want to have a cash shop with options to buy stats?!??

Removing them isn’t a very good idea. I think the link that alters the magic scrolls not removing them is a good idea, but removing them just makes people who would buy them not happy.

As you can see, there are people who would buy them, they dont want it removed, but we wouldn’t mind altering it so its easy for f2p players to get and maybe cheaper for people to buy.

Question: pretend you’re a game company. Someone brings to your awareness that 43% of your forum player base thinks you should remove an item from you cash shop. Another 14% thinks your cash shop items probably provide too much of an advantage. And 32% think everything is peachy-keen.

Do you:

A) Ignore the 43% and 14% and go for the money! (Love you guys you 32%!!!)


B) Realize that the 32% is probably still going to be spending $20 on tokens a month, grow a conscience and decide maybe money for stats on costume pieces no less (even if they’re random) is a really really bad idea. Perhaps having that 43% on your side would be good for business and the health of the game’s future.

You do realize instead of compromising your ignoring the entire 32% right?

So let me get this straight… you think that it’s perfectly fine to use money to buy stats (random stats from magic scrolls) for costume items that normally don’t have stats? That this is fine despite reports from kToS players suggesting that the drop rate of these scrolls is ridiculously low for non cash shop players?

What does having these stats on costume do to add to gameplay anyways? There’s really no good reason for them other than that imc wants to make some money. And they’re willing to take advantage of gambling pathology to do so (as I believe you and many other have stated it’s gambling for stats). It’s wrong.

Please note the bold and italicized word.
The consensus… for a long time now, has been to increase the drop rate for these scrolls.

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Well if you look at the first post I edited you’ll see what compromise both sides agree on. I’m hoping you read this whole thread if your so passionate about this because right now, your assuming way too much and I have not said a single thing you said I’m saying.

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Dood, this kind of stuff is not okay. Sure you might be having fun, but gaming gambling addiction is a thing:

This ruins lives when real money is on the line. I’m okay with the idea of these scrolls as long as you can never use real money to obtain them.

I’m sorry but that is not a valid reasoning, mmos ruin lives to.

I’m sorry but “addiction” is not a valid reasoning. Thats just a matter of self control. This can’t be your actual arguement behind this.


No, addiction is not just a matter of self control. There are real risk factors for gambling especially in asian populations:

Ethnicity and culture. Recent research is showing that disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians are pathological gamblers as compared to the general population.

This statistic altho true, doesn’t mean every american or asian is a gambler, you can’t get rid of magic scrolls based on a percentage of people. Just like 42%'s vote doesn’t help the 32%'s. There’s a compromise you have to keep looking at. Not looking for excuses.

Sorry this little gambling point isn’t a point worth discussing.

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Throws up too many questions. Just to mention a few:

  • What right do you have to meddle in someone’s life if s/he didnt ask you for help?
  • A world where everything is controlled because others know whats good for you and whats not, is a world devoid of freedom
  • Solving the symptoms but never solving the actual issue: Prohibit and suppress anything that would induce a gambling addiction, but refuse to resolve the psychological factors which lead to such a state in the first place
  • ego sum qui sum: I am who i am, i make my own choices in my life. While we all influence each other just by our mere existence, ultimately the choices and repercussions have to be our own.

Addictions are always a touchy subject. To try and control someone’s life and life choices: even more so.


Actually if it’s harmless gambling that won’t force you to gamble more and more, it’s ok.

Example is headgear with fixed stats but random numbers: 16-24 patk. You can reroll your patk, but it’s not worth it, because you will only get less then 8 patk per 1 scroll.

But if someone willing to spend their money for max stats, they can do it. Also they can buy 3 scrolls at start, and then just use scrolls obtained in game to reroll.

I agree that current system is wrong, because it kind of forces people who can’t control themself to gamble in order to get 3 stats they need with at least acceptable values. You can spends like 200$ and won’t get needed stats a single time. This is an example of bad gambling.

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Here’s also something you should read

Talks about “what right do you have to take away someone’s gambling?”.

Oh yes, the same institute which has denied climate change… great source

Or that allied itself with the cigarette industry (also highly addictive)… wonderful!

Is this what you want to defend?

Your just blaming the source without even reading it.

It mentions facts that contradict yours.

Like how, this is america, and we have the right to choose.

Did you even read everyone else’s post?

Actually I agree with taking it right away, but I will also appreciate some compromise.