Tree of Savior Forum

DOes Yellow-Eyed Flower Petal exist?

I’ve been camping it for hours(6 hours to be exact) and i haven’t really seen it. does it require high level? or we need to do a certain quest for it to re spawn? thanks in advance for any reply or information you guys give.


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need to know this as well @STAFF_Ethan
any idea?

Hope someone in staff confirm this, camping for many hours is no joke. =/

Hello @Kusgan,

Could you provide more information so I can check this?
Your server / team & character names / exact zone/map name and approximate time of when you started to wait for it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I can also confirm that the flower is NOT working. @STAFF_Ethan

Team: Zophar
Character: Delita
Zone: Alemeth Forest

I started at approximately 11:00 EST and it is now currently 4:38 EST.

I have been checking the other 2 channels every 30 minutes as well and absolutely no sign of the flower anywhere.

Hello! @STAFF_Ethan, thanks for feedback.

Here are my information regarding to the issue.

Team: Sarutobi
Character: Sasuke
Map: Alemeth Forest

IF my research is correct, this must be the spot where you can find the flower.

Approximate time of camping is around 6pm yesterday up to 12am EST, then camp again from 2am up to maintenance yesterday. After the maintenance is done I immediately login again to check the spot and stayed there for less than an hour and after that i give up lol. There is no sign of flowers at all and i also ask players who are frequently checking the place that even them have never encounter the flower even after maintenance.

Hope my information help you about this flower. :smiley:

Thanks! Cheers!

Server: Telsiai
Team Name: xKiri
Char Name: xKirito
Map Name: Alemeth Forest

I started after yesterday emergency maintenance.
Switching between all the channel yet no sign of flower, waited for 1hour no sign of it.
Came back 4hour later around 10am Server time after the maintenance, still no flower.
Check again on 12pm Server time still nothing.

Server: Orsha
Team Name: Leorio
Char Name: Kernelionel
Map Name: Alemeth Forest

Same problem…already camped 3 times…but nothing(

Server: Klaipeda
Team Name: CyberSpace
Char Name: Cylen
Map Name: Alemeth Forest

Same prob here im check every half an hour everydays didn’t see any flower exits

Server: Orsha
Team: Kurisu
Char Name: Reoru
Map Name: Alemeth Forest

No flower all day :c

I think everyone in this topic deserved a response…we want just a confirmation)
When this bug will be fixed?
I know…everyone is busy in staff team, but I have the right to ask.

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Hello everyone,

Apologies for the late response and thank you all for the information.
As you may well be aware, hidden classes are well, supposed to be hard to get. I’ve done some asking around and it is supposed to be extremely hard to find and has random respawn times. All I can offer at this time is ‘Good hunting’. :slight_smile:


It always have bug…

I’m recommend if server startup rush for it…

May i ask that the thing is for a person or can pick multiple player and does it’s has a lifetime before it’s gone ?

they probably changed the spot. twice i logged in after maintenance still nothing

Do you guys think, iTos will have a different spawn spot for this flower?
Since it’s a hidden class, kTos player spend some time to find it.
and that information is already widely spread.
While we’re using that information but we get nothing, does seems odd…
Time to explore? Any1 joining? :sunglasses:


Thanks for the feedback this means that the flower exist at all.

Good luck to us guys! may the flower be with you.

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So they changed the Spawn of flower, but it still on same map or in other ? if they changed the map , if will take YEARS for find it again

so it could take 10 hours before another one spawns ???


I found it couple minutes ago… and here are my findings:

  • If you switch channels standing away from the mango thing, it will never spawn

  • Respawn is about 2 ~ 4 hours BUT it will not respawn right away after that time elapses, you MUST jump on top of the mango thing

  • Once you jump on the mango thing, the bottom part should glow yellow… thats the flower