Tree of Savior Forum

DLC is too expensive pls reprice or edit

Just don’t buy, here I solved the problem for you

I actually like the beginners pack more than the Veterans pack, for the one reason it has TP in it.


I feel for people from my country that are willing to play in NA/EU servers.
May your wallets rest in pieces.


Lol so we are paying double

People must be out of their minds to pay that price over a game that is so broken like ToS, if they dont go down in price i seriously think very little will change as they can already profit with such a broken game.


It’s not overpriced… It’s about right. If you can’t afford, then we feel bad for you.

You do realize that if people don’t buy Tokens by following your advice, there wont be tokens to buy with Silver, right?

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Well with the amount of RMT/bots around, I don’t think we have to worry about the lack of it yet :joy:

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They won’t change their business plan, because 10 dudes are complaining on forums, you need to grow up.

If you think this game is worth what they are asking then man i feel bad for you buddy. I have this here bag of magic beans…


what do you expect from a f2p game? Is this your first free2play game? Because if you’ve been playing f2p games, these prices shouldn’t be surprising to you

10 dude on the forums, no, but it seems like there is a lot more than 10 people who were quite unhappy with the state of the game yesterday. Adding in over-priced DLC packs to further monetize a broken game probably won’t cheer many of them up either.

You missed the part he asked if the game is worth the price. Has nothing to do with other f2p titles prices, unless their games were also effectively un-playable laggy messes. Truthfully I think pretty much anyone willing to spend money on the game in the current state doesn’t really properly value the currency they’re spending.

It’s a bit of a relief to see so many people voicing their dissatisfaction with their wallets. Whales who throw money at everything that looks the tiniest bit appealing are the reason the gaming industry has become so incredibly money-focused anyway.


Yep this is the first F2P mmo i have tried and it will be the last.

PS. i bought all the founders packs twice the ones i could of bought and seeing these “beguinner and veterans packs and the costs and value” eh im quitting this ■■■■ storm of a game, gave them way to much money and way to much time already. 800hrs and over 100US$. Was not worth.


This is how I know you are retarded; never did I condone purchase of said product. Hence I stated a math play by play of what you’re tiny mind would not be able to process. I did you a service and you talk high and mighty like a pleb.
This is just marketing; it’s simple. You want to vote? Don’t buy period
Don’t let your emotions dictate your logical processes.

Bruh… what’s with the limit ffs. I really don’t mind the veteran pack itself since the dungeon resets are kinda worth it but the limit is so cringy. Let us buy how many we want yo.

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Steam won’t take them down but after the initial suckers pay that high of a price for something that won’t get them through the month, then you will see IMC hit a wall. They will roll out purchasable TP soon which would be the next logical step. After that well starts to dry up, then you will see the panic button get hit. The packs will see a drastic discount, which is normal for most MMORPG’s. That will piss off those that paid full price for it but that is just how the system works. Then, like other MMO’s, there’s a good chance that those that waited will be able to double dip if they are first time spenders. The TP market will be far more expanded than it is now & some items will have weekly discounts/deals.

Until then. The IMC fishing rod needs some foolish fish to hook…

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Yup! Token prices on the market are going up like crazy right now.
Goldsellers have won this game. GG IMC!

‘Exclusive for SA’ :persevere: