Tree of Savior Forum

DLC is too expensive pls reprice or edit

P900 for Veterans or around 20$ and P800 for Beginners or around 18$






Then dont buy it. Solve your money problems first before playing the game. It should be priced 50$ for veteran and 30$ for beginner


In europe the veterans pack is 32€, which is about 29$.
WTF… Do they expect people to pay 20~30$ subscription fee per month?


Region prices have always been a thing on Steam.

Sorry, but I am seriously not wasting 20$ for that, hell the beginners pack even seems way more reasonable than the veterans

I don’t like the thought of over spending on something that shouldn’t be over spent on

don’t buy guys, if you spend your time in game more you could literally get token by farming enough. this DLC packs looks like a scam to me especially that beginner’s pack effing troll xD

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Why are you people complaining, 20$ is what? An hour or two worth of real life work, it is reasonable enough

NA Region

Beginners Pack - $29.99
Veterans Pack - $34.99

That is $10 more than I predicted the beginners pack would be. That is a straight up mugging of your wallet lol!


Honestly, IMC will earn more if they sold just TP for a reasonable price. And put everything that’s in the packages up for sale on the TP shop.


Lets do MATH guys :smiley:

(Veterans Pack)
You get 40 enchant scrolls technically… which is what? ; 64 x 4 tp?
Token at 198 TP and Dungeon reset scrolls x5 which is priceless since it cannot be bought.

256 TP (Enchant scrolls)
198 TP (Token)

454 TP just for enchant scrolls and Token
(add Value of dungeon reset scrolls yourself)

(Beginners Pack)
99 TP (15 day token)
190 TP (Raw)
60 TP (Soul Crystals)
15 TP (Megaphones)
30 TP (Warp Scrolls)
45 TP (EXP Tomes)

439 TP
(Add value of potions yourself)

So In the end up to you to decide is it worth it for you.

I’m not complaning about the DLC pack cost vs my real life earnings, i’m complaining that they seemingly expect people to pay a monthly price that’s way out of the ordinary compared to other MMORPGs, especially considering that so far they don’t really deserve that extraordinary status, seeing
-how many bots/RMTers are running around
-many things in the game are still incomplete or require more work.
-we have no moderators on the forums
Most MMORPGs with subscription/premium service keep it to ~10$ per month for a subscription/VIP/Gold packet/Token/whatever status.

Also : It’s common sense that something with a relatively cheap price will be sold much more and thus earns a much higher total long-term revenue than selling it for a much higher price because less people are willing to pay for it.

With this pricing, I rather buy silver from those silver sellers rather than buying the legal packs.


Rlly? Now i will choice golden sellers :wink:


Stop with your math SPAM.
The Founder pack 1 that cost 50$ give:
650 RAW TP.
60 day token = x2 normal token = 396.
Hat = Priceless.
Companion = worth of 1 token silver in game = 198.
Skill reset pot = 88.
Start reset = Priceless.

Total = 1,332 TP with 2 hat and stat reset for 50$

You don’t need a brain to see Veteran pack this is a bad deal.


Well it doesn’t matter if you complain since entire forums is always filled with complaints. Now that there is a need to complain no one is going to listen or care~

IMO: $15 for the beginners back, keep veteran at $30 and add in some TP. Give people the ability to purchase TP without a pack. Let people buy outside their region and instead name the packs after the servers instead of the regions. Give us some more cashshop goodies like ktos has.

20$ is more than this game deserves in its current state. Simple as that.

They want our money? They gotta work for it and right now they’re doing a really POOR job. So nah, it’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. We aren’t a bunch of retards who’s going to eat every turd they put at our plate.

As I said in another post, this game with all those issues isn’t worth 10$. I’m not going to spend another cent in this game tbh.


I wouldn’t mind paying for TP… But it seems spenders are treated like fools when they pack all cheap junks in there, not enough TP (obviously) and are limited… As for veteran pack, no TP at all… Sheesh!

What? Average day 8 hours for us here in the philippines is 480 = 12-15$

so regional pricing is a must for us 3rd world country

LOL IMC SCAMS newcomers into buying the Beginner’s pack which includes 190TP when tokens cost 198TP! Only to find out later they need to buy another Beginner’s pack to even afford 1 in-game token! Nice… :sweat_smile:

Seriously, you’re better off farming silver than buying TP to get tokens.

Veteran’s pack is subjective I guess, the dungeon reset scrolls… considering how ridiculous the queues and lag is for dungeons these days, so unless you want a token, just boss rushing & want to get better/sell enchanted hats, the packs prob not for you.

And for those comparing Founders packs and the latest DLCs, your argument is kinda invalid. They are totally two different situations then, pay to play then vs free to play now.

Though I still kinda feel IMC is just trolling us with the current DLCs. Better hold on to you moonies or get other better games until they resolve basic issues such as FPS optimisation & lag :confused:


Dude cant understand whats worth if he thinks this is a fair price.
IMC wont have my support.