Tree of Savior Forum

DLC is too expensive pls reprice or edit

how did Gold sellers won the game? What do you expect… token price will drop?

Because they are still there, and cheaper than steam DLC in my country?

Lol they can do somthing good at all?imc is failing hard.

Well it’s either you buy the pack or risk of getting banned for using gold sellers. Up to you really

If no one buys it IMC knows they ■■■■■■ up and has a chance to change their market scheme because we’re talking about money. As for the Token to Silver blame the “root” why no one sells tokens for silver anymore.

It’s not a problem to some founder players because most of them have a lot of stacks including me ( I have 1 year stack of tokens no bragging intended ). Most likely this is a trap for players who doesn’t have token status for themselves and is overwhelmed by the retarded restrictions of the game.

Great idea, let’s complain about bots in the game but consider buying gold from them.

Sounds about right.

Sure. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that I don’t really believe it’ll work at all.

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Let’s put this into perspective; Tokens are what; like; 400-800k and will rise? Now here goes a theory; no one buys packs but all tokens are bought out. Tokens go from 400k to 2-3m. Because well; Gold sellers will still sell their product for 1 dollar 100k? I think. SO what happens when the token well dries out? People are forced to buy packs to get their token. Prices will never drop again.

I think at the current state of the game, the amount to spend on this game should be no more than 5-7 € per month. It’s open beta and you really think that it’s ok to charge so much money for some token? The only reason I’d spend money is to get a token and maybe some costume, I don’t need that other stuff (megaphone,soul crystal,warp scroll) that I get every day I play alongside[free TP] and never even use…
Even more those potions.
You don’t need potions ingame since you have heal and bonfires…

Please, sell TP for reasonable prices, we in Europe aren’t some rich folks in contrast to Singapore/Malaysia [where only the rich have i-net and time to play anyway], in Germany we have many jobs that pay like 8,50€/h wages [especially jobs for high schooler/students].

Rich people don’t play MMORPGs anyway, because they can buy&do many other/better things with their money [travel the world, climb Mount Everest, go to Africa to shoot some lions, cruise the streets with their sports cars e.g.]…

Best option would be: make iToS a game with a low monthly subscription fee (around 5€/6$) with ± half the benefits of a token(3-5 item sales per day, 15% more exp per monsterkill and so on). Then sell additional benefits via token and cheaper TP to get things like costumes, hairstyles, etc.
It would be better for you because
1.: even the botters had to pay to play the game, making it less appealing to create dozens of botting accounts and increase the costs of buying silver exponentially.
2.: You guys had a rough estimate idea of how many players are around just looking at your bank account every month.
3.: You had more regular income and could hire staff accordingly.

I payed subscription fees for EuRO(European Ragnarok Online) for several years and I think that a subscription-based game is still the best solution.
However, considering the economical situation in Europe right now and the
huge differences between all the countries in Europe and the jobs/payment
(+ the aspect that the game is obviously aiming at the younger generations), I think that the fees should not exceed 10€/month after Open Beta ends and not 7€ during OB, because seriously, the game is facing several crisises right now and losing its player base due to the lack of work force of IMC to address the most problems efficiently.


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Well not exactly; after you are done[quote=“Adeodatus, post:50, topic:274952”]
[travel the world, climb Mount Everest, go to Africa to shoot some lions, cruise the streets with their sports cars e.g.].

You need stuff to kill time with your retired ass self.

actually, subscription based games generates low income because they can’t open a cash shop with these kind of items they’re currently selling. When a game is subscription based, they are obliged to make everything accessible.

f2p is ideal in this market because there are people who are wiling to spend $100-1K with these kind of packs.

An example is…

There are ten subscribers paying $15 a month = $150


One person who are paying $1000 a month for these kind of packs

Get used to these pricing on MMO games. If you can’t afford, then tough luck but trust me, IMC will be getting a lot of money from these packs. Will I buy? Not really but I’m not surprised with these kind of strategy that they have.

The people complaining on these forums are a minority.Some people complains but majority of them will end up buying.

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a Dollar ain’t what it use to be.

IMC will go bankrupt before token well dries out. At the moment tokens are still in good quantity but most are keeping to themselves and a lot of players saved stacks take note that the founder DLC packs got a discount for 50%. The only concern is the new players who doesn’t have token status. Token prices will adjust according to how many players reached 200++ content because farming silver is easy there. But for now even if you wait like 3-5 months you’ll still see tokens floating in the market.

You’re right I have a few stashed from founders I bought all the founders.
Also there aren’t that many left on Klap server in market anyways and the prices have jumped about 200k already so LOL.

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too early to say they’re going bankrupt. Is this your first F2P game? because I can see that you are surprised with the pricing they have for the game…

There are so many AAA Free-To-play/Buy-2-Play game with these kind of cash shop pricing and yes, they are successful. So i don’t really know why you’re saying it’s going bankrupt

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If this game is still alive in 6 months to a year I’ll take another look. The monetization plan they seem to have isn’t going to work. It’s too pricy and too restrictive for the state this game is currently in (should still be in closed beta, being perfectly honest).

Make me want to give you my money IMC.

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The prices seem about right considering what you’re getting. The founders pack was a one time deal for early access so I’m not surprised it was a much better value.

Are people going to complain when 100TP is almost $10? Rofl.


Considering they’re substantially higher than the KToS prices, I don’t see how they’re fairly priced.

Let alone the completely horrible job they’ve done at recognizing the real value of some of the items in the packs, like the head enchant scrolls.

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