Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

Solve this issue with simply have the new buff not overwrite the old ones and if you want to replace the old buffs with new buff then just x them off your buff bar simple as that.Like this you got full control of your buff bar.Furthermore, you can always move away from your teammates and buff yourself in a corner.On the other hand,high level skills should overwrite the low level skills of the same skill.Like for example Sacrament lv 8 should overwrite Sacrament lv 3 with taking the attribute buffs in consideration.

People just want to be OP with all the buffs in the game and make Daino useless.The only thing I didn’t like about the buff limit issue was the the overwrite.If your doing PVE and you guys always have to stick together then just buy Daino scrolls.

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That can still be solved, by commmunicating~

It’s like how it was in ro.

People had agi/bless 10. Some Agi 3/ bless 10. Some Kyre 3 or 10…
All the priest of our alliance (around 12) sat down before an WOE or Guild Event.
Discussing “Who uses which buffs, has which role in which situation”.

…I was one of the few with sanctuary maxed… lucky me i didn’t need to spam buffs all day.
But these people felt so “WTF MY JOB! IM JOBLESS!” when High Priest came… with Party buffs … and party heals.
Where you needed 10 priests to keep 100 people buffed up full time.
Now you only needed one High priest per party…

High priest brought additional buffs like assumptio and bonus’s to heal. I believe your confusing the transcendent high priest with the 3rd job arch bishop. Obviously pretending to be a X ro player lol.

Im not only confused.

Im a beta ro player. xD I was like 12 then? Good old times… with onyl first job chars… for a while. So many promises.

But i quit 1 year before EURO went down.

Naturally i meant Arch Priest… when i joined int version, it felt disheartened.
And on low rate servers… you could see the damage it did to partys.

1 Healer xxx amount of dpslers.

RO was my second home.
I learned english there… more or less.

And before you mastered English, if people were forced to communicate with you in order to coordinate who should use what buffs when (which is sometimes hard enough to do even when everyone speaks the same language), they may have became frustrated and simply booted you from their party.

Communication is nice, and will always lead to a more effective party, but it doesn’t always work out as well as you like when you party with randoms. Being able to overwrite your party member’s buffs is probably going to lead to a lot of hostility towards noobies, foreigners, and stupid people. Letting each person manage their own buffs I think will lead to a more inclusive atmosphere surrounding casual party forming.

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I feel like the buffing situation could be solved, in part, internally. Give buffs a fixed precedence for the purpose of removal. it’s consistent, can be planned around, and could possibly be player managed.

Example, from least to most likely removed. Self Buffs > revive > Regeneration buffs > Sacrament/EF > damage buffs > stat buffs > fluff buffs; so if a thauma had left/right/head, Sacrament, and monstrance and they walked on a healing factor, then it would replace monstrance, if after that they had revive placed on them, Sacrament would fall off; all regardless of the age of the buffs.

On the topic of the same buff being overwritten by a weaker version of the same one, the game should look to see which one has the larger “buff value” (blessing: enhance could provide more damage than another caster’s skill level) and then notify the second caster a stronger effect is in place and waste their item buffing nothing.


I talked with bits and signs at the start.

Luckily my native language was about 30% of the populace. So it was a slow start to english (together with getting it finally in school).

But you’re right.

Noobs will be hated … but they will need to learn to communicate.

We managed to hold 7 different nationalitys in one alliance.
Heck … some of our meeting just was announcing which Buffs we had with the common shorts and numbers at them.
Teamspeak was a cordinated even xD. But still a mess.

Number of Level + Buff type.
Circle Buff.

Warp Duty?
Yes, no?

Emp defend.
Sanc 4.

Me Emp Defend.
Sanc max.

And someone with only a few weeks worth of game knowledge knew what we wanted from him.
And minimal english knowledge too …

Maybe they could add that sytem for Dungeons only.
But anyone too stupid to not talk atleast what he wants to do in a shortened form. Or what his envisioned role is …
Heck, they’re in an MMORPG …

I was thinking about it a bit more… and I think mainly those don’t understand that buff limit itself is a problem who either played mostly buffless classes or who played Krivis… Because for actual buffer that 5 buff is almost nothing…It’s like if some classes would only have 1 buff slot.

…and I have to say that the main problem is still with Priests ( and the even worse version Chaplain ) And yes you can say they can buy Daino scrolls what I don’t find necessarily bad but…
Firstly I don’t think they are that cheap are they? Also I don’t think it is right to force a class that already had to buy items to buy even more… Also if you think that is fair that in a party always the Priest buys the Daino scrolls you are mean.
Secondly I think you can’t use Daino scrolls in the arena so you will be totally restricted there.
Or there is the other lame option to sacrifice some ranks for Daino…what is lame too… You can choose between 2 bad things actually…

So I came up with a bit selfish XD idea for Priests themselves:
Priests could get a new class attribute that opens up some more buff slots for them. 3 for example. It won’t solve actually that we overwrite the buffs on others but at least Priests themselves could enjoy their and other buffs too.

( I also had another idea that your own buffs could go in the 2nd row on yourself…but I found the problem with it but maybe I will still think of a version of it. …and the problem is not that Clerics would be op or something… I think when you choose a defensive or buff skill you still sacrifice a damage/debuff skill for it… the problem is that we would grab every buff at least on lvl 1 most likely…and that’s not just op but kinda lame… )

I actually like that.

Like prioritizing, which buffs go down first. Without fully controlling the situation.

On that i agree, actually that should had already been implemented imo.
On another note, the reserved buff slot idea could solve lots or problems too.

Passive skills please. Everything doesn’t have to be an active skill…

Actually I think it works fine if you pay attention to your buff bar. You can use right click to remove thoose buffs that you don’t want and keep those important for you, it also add utility to Krivis class since most of people is lazzy about keep and remove buffs by themself. There is no need to increase the buff limit, just do your job.


Just find a support Krivis for your party.

I do understand there, but you have to understand also that most party, specially if there is a party finder, you will be paired with random people and many don’t give a damn about how to play and just do what they think it is good for them, so as some already pointed out, some people just overwrite a more powerful buff with their mediocre leveled one causing some problems, yes, you can remove it by right click it, but if you just did and he did the same right after you will find yourself with a mediocre buff during your good buff CD, not to say that you waste a reagent every time you cast it.

That is what we call here attributes, the one you learn from the master of the class.

Just my suggestion to improve buff system:

  1. Buff with greater effect should overwrite existing same buff with lesser effect.
  2. After limit, any buff given after that shouldnt overwrite existing buff.
  3. Any buff can be cancel when right click on the buff icon.

U will still need krivis later especially in raid with many buffer (chronomancer,thau or linker with spiritual chain)

You can already click off the buff -_-…

Hahaha didnt notice that. Because im krivis myself, so i never bother about this buff thing.

If i am not mistaken SC fall into the secondary limitless line of buffs, or rank 2 as some call it.

Not rly… We only have a few attributes that we can call real passives (the class attributes). All the others are skill upgrades and no they are not the same. We should rly get more class attributes at least but passive skills where you have to spend skill points on them would be much better… but I think it won’t happen now so whatever…

Btw there was a topic about it and actually if everything is true it was forwarded to the dev team…so…there was no change about it yet…but who knows X)…

Are you rly considering that there is only 5 buff slots? For example a Priest puts 5 buffs on you then you remove 2 of it and put your own on… then here comes your 3rd party member who overwrites some of your buffs… or simply the Priest will overwrite your buffs the next time he puts on his low cooldown short duration buffs… Is it rly that hard to see it sux?

…and yes Daino solves a lot of problem… so if they make Daino scrolls avaible in arena I’m okay with that solution too… but I still want to know too… how much is a scroll actually? I can’t rly imagine it being cheap for constant use…

But at the end I still think Daino should be less relevant…should be moved to c2… or some other solution is needed…

Hmm, with the amount of skills each class have by which is added +1 or 2 each Circle, we wouldn’t had much pick on them, not to say that, even if it was implemented, it would end up as a single build in the end, in all honesty here, one thing worries me by IMC comment on the classes on that interview they did last year, if some classes are supposed to be or to feel useless, it end up as useless codding and waste of space in the end, i am not saying every single class has to be perfect, but i think there are some adjusts that could make some classes get a nice highlight when mixed with others.
Yeah, they say they repassed the ideas but who knows when it will be read actually, but before any idea, it is better have a balanced and stable game.

Forgot to mention this, i think some skills should be R2 (go to that limitless buff roll under the standart 5 slots) specially self buffs, that would leave some leeway for buffing during dungeons/raids.