Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Buff limit

You say that now, just wait until you get a noob buffer that causes your party to wipe because he overwrote your important buffs.


Pretty weird. Why would the buffers get angry? If I’m the buffer, I won’t care about them replacing my buffs as long as I already did my job. If they didn’t get ressurected after they died because they replaced my Revive, then that’s their fault/problem. But ofc, just my opinion.

Or :
I want to receive buff from other party members, I put the switch on
I don’t want any buff other than myself, I put the switch off
I want to receive buffs only from certain people, I put the switch on and tweak the “buff priorities list”

thats good he should have to think, buffing shouldn’t be a mindless task like dps on most games.

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I completely agree. But the fact that a noob can cause a skilled party to wipe means there is going to be a huge learning curve and a lot of discrimination when it comes to joining parties.

A buff priority list, or queue, means that a skilled player will still need to manage their buffs to be effective, but a noob party member can’t screw over the skilled player quite as easily.

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o so your suggesting adding a que to give the buffie some control and not removing the buff cap. That i am more open to.

lol easy just get urself daino scroll. it’s cheap anyway.

Yeah but most people don’t want to bother in poping one every two minutes.
Personally I still hold that having a Krvis of at least C2 will always be great, but proper buff management can easily get around it. The option of having buff priority switches is great though.

Exactly. I do not want the buff cap removed, I just think there should be a better way to prevent important buffs being overridden and prevent in-party disputes when different classes benefit more from different buffs.

Oh now i got what you meant, yeah it is interesting, but it would be nice to do something similar to it, i think someone said something similar too on other post here, you click on your buff to lock that space for that buff, so if it run out, it will open a slot for other buff, but if you cast the locked buff(s) again it will go in there, if 2 or more char cast buffs the ones that aren’t locked will be overwrite by the new ones except the one(s) you locked

Like in many games, it is something to plan before start running dungeons/raids, or you will have problems along the way for sure, if there are 2 clerics with priest ranks, check which is more oriented as support and let the other be DPS or support.

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I wonder if everyone here actually played the game .-.

Even more now with the dungeons party manager @_@

And btw, they said a long time ago that they plan on removing simony scrolls, i’ll try to find any reference to this and link it here

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There is like a million posts in the fórum, i can’t find it anymore D; but the older members who read will remember about the discussion on simony revamp/redo/rework

I’ve played Krivis without using Daino to teach an stupid ass Priest to learn to not just spam all of his buffs because he would burn trough his item for no reason.

Honestly I have SO MANY histories of terrible Priests in one way or another that it’s agravating, yes it’s his own choice but we had to take a break off dungeon runs solely because he had to go to buy items for the buffs, like, dude for ■■■■■ sake this isn’t the Lv50 dungeon you should have the money.

Edit: The money to have enough items to not having to go buy in middle of runs I mean, I know a guy who went around with like 300 of everything at that point and yeah, sounds about right.

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And that happens very often, actually

What happens in 90% of the cases is that people just want their own buffs and in the end, no1 gets what they want.
Btw, from the looks of it, the older the game gets, more and more Daino scroll sellers will be around and the price will go downhill and make the “use your buffs wisely” literally irrelevant bc every1 will be running around with lv10/15 daino

Ya this topic is simple cause it was addressed in my prev thread

Solution 1: Buff Accept/Reject Chart
Solution 2: Increase buff limit from 5 to 7 (in line with swordies). Alternatively, I also like the idea of every rank +1 buff.
Solution 3: Buff queue

Personally I’m in favor of #2 as it is simple to implement. #1 is good but might be hard for them to code. #3 is a novel idea but I am skeptical since sometimes you want things not to be queued. In that sense #1 > #3 as it is basically #3 but instead of queuing you already determine if you want it from the outset.

Daino scrolls.

Problem solved.

Do Party play when you want more buffs~

YOu will want to party past 220 anyways.
And leveling is nice in dungeons.

No reason to increase buff limit atm.
It makes krivis a viable build part. Even if only 1 or 2 cricles.

Or if in a party without one… TALK? With the ones that spamm buffs…

I find it silly that ppl think only noobs can overwrite their buffs…like what? there are different builds in a party some can utilize a buff some can’t… Maybe what’s good for me won’t be good for somebody else… yeah maybe that little difference is not lethal that somebody can’t go with his full potential… but wouldn’t it be better if everyone could be happy in a party? …and actually play their roles as they want… what actually this game is about…

I played a buff machine and spammed my skills…and I didn’t have problem with items… (also I had my own Daino) So I’m not sure about this… and I did not just spam it because I didn’t have better things to do… I spammed it for myself too to be viable because Í relied on buffs.

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What I mainly meant is that it caused more trouble than it had to, with the ofensive buffs we where able to easily clean the rooms as he an I kept the HP of the party up with ease, meaning that casting Aspersion was not needed yet he did it by example, in other words Aspersion was not really needed.

It was mainly to bother him about being umprepared to his playstyle, if you are spaming your buffs like a madman then get the ammount of tiems required to do so instead of breaking the phase. There was an SquireC2 that actually had RepairLv10 (god bless her, every goddamn Squire just runs with RepairLv1 and says it’s Lv10) so the in and out was very quick outsdie of that time we had like 5 maybe 10 minutes of nothing, dunno I didn’t write it down.
Not really picking on him because of how he played, but rather for not being properly prepared for how he played.

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I see… I always had enough of the items…Also yeah Aspersion wasn’t rly necessary most of the times… so a lot of times I didn’t use it either.

SO true…

like when a priests buffs the group with level 10 blessing with nearly not attribute bonus…
And the main priest grows insane… as his buffs get overwritten.

… We only took him with us, because we wanted another healer.
AND he was a friend of someone…

After two runs… We made sure, use only heal and non party buffs…


Just do it … we explained it mutliple times.

He didn’t abide… and our good priest left, because he was so frustrated of the noob spammer xD.
The next few runs… where horrofic…

That one is so true… everytime I was in a party with another Priest I had problems… I had max Blessing and almost everytime they overwrote mine with their lower one… Also non of them tried to do the buffing in turns… A lot of times I just let them spam their skills and use their items and I did like almost nothing because they didn’t care anyway… Those who had Daino were the same… I had lvl 10 while some had lvl 5 but they didn’t care and spammed it…and it wasn’t nice when sorc buffs were still on the 1st row…

…but I have to admit that a lot of times I was tired of this bullshit and I said nothing to them…so I didn’t help change anything and they are still noobs most likely… XD

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