Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

i may sound defending them when i say that, but…

They are not doing anything “ilegal”, unless they use a third party software, keeping “Z” pressed to keep attacking is a feature from the game D:

i think it’s just stupid and lazy to do that, what’s the fun on doing it? but yeah, i guess there is nothing we can do about it

even if the devs come up with something like “Farming while AFK is not supported and will be punished”, but if so, it would be very relative, and how would you judge if a person is AFK? if someone possibly keep in front of the pc pressing the button while watching TV, he should be punished?

I do NOT support it, but yeah, nothing we could do D:

I see a lot of people saying “it gives bad exp, and few silver/loot”

Sure, but if you put 10 afk farming accounts… Yeah, that is what people do, once they notice the free profit based on the number of accounts afk at once

People, specially gold sellers, didn’t use 1 single botting account in Ragnarok, sure some did, but these weren’t the ones breaking the market


I was just discussing this topic over in another thread. I agree with you that holding down the Z-key in the current version of the game can’t really be classified as illegal activity, since it is a built in part of the game. But it’s definitely not something I support, and I really think something has to be done about it.

In my opinion the most simple solution would be to simply make it so that the Z-key has to be pressed with each attack. This would weed out a huge portion of the players doing this, and force players that want to keep doing it to use some kind of third party software. Which would be illegal and hence a bannable offence.

If this is not dealt with before the release it will hugely impact the leveling experience, and will create an inflated and bot controlled market.


visual representation


lol … so fired , way to give all the pro tips away sir!

yes, they are ilegal, they are not botting though

its called exploit. lets see the definition.

“An exploit (from the English verb to exploit, meaning “using something to one’s own advantage”) is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerized).”"

in this case, they are using a broken mechanic (fixed respawn) to get advantage over other players (by of course, farming without any downtime)

Having a fixed respawn is not a broken mechanic per se. The enemies in certain locations was specifically made to spawn at the same point by design. It’s not something that just happened by mistake.

Plus, it’s not just the enemies that spawn in the same location that is the main issue here. Archer for example, can kill every enemy within a large area due to their range and the auto targeting system. Are you saying it’s okay for archer to kill enemies that way, just because they are in an area where the enemies spawn randomly? Or are you saying that using the auto targeting system as an archer is an exploit as well? The problem, as I see it, is the auto attack system.

indeed, the auto attack system its a problem too.

the point is, there is no bug nor vulnerability in the code.

looking at the demo, it seems hard to blame players for doing that. if anything it’s up to the developer to vary spawn points and spawn timers to avoid that.

or even simpler, disable Z button from auto cast. But then people will resort to using a pendulum method lelz.

but till then players will do what makes the most efficient plays.

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its a vulnerability in the design that allows players to take a unfair advantage.

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it’s very relative, by vulnerability i think they mean security vulnerability

and even if you take it the way you took, ppl can counter argument by saying everyone can do it, so no advantages, and therefore no exploits

my point in all of this is that we cannot blame players for doing that, it’s the developers fault, they need to come up with something to stop it, instead of punishing ppl that are doing it

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its a design vulnerability because it can bring in-game issues, like inflate economy. the results are pretty much the same as botting, thats why i believe IMC will deal with that issue.

but i agree with you, its a dev problem, as moogles says players will always(some of them actually) try to be the most efficient as they can even if they need to use unfair methods.

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OK, I want to know…
How did they handle this on Granado Espada?
I remember you could AFK when you use “Auto Attack Mode”
I think this and that are similar…

I agree there’s nothing illegal about it but if you’re AFK farming you’re still doing something that’s largely perceived as ‘wrong’.

You’ll very well be on the receiving end of people who use high level monster gems and exploits to kill players though

Oh, the pain. I don’t think this would be a nice change for ppl who are playing legit auto-attacking builds. At least, it should be possible to hold the attack button for 10 to 20 consecutive attacks.

Absolutely right, something needs to be done here. I think it needs to be a server-sided solution, though.

They are by definition not even illegal. It may not be nice of them, but it is not forbidden right now.

… and that’s why it is not an exploit. Beeing able to hold Z down is a feature, and by no means “unintended behavior on computer software”.

The problem is not the Z key, its the set spawn points for mobs. Remember there was this game called RO where you could do the exact same thing with or without a homunculus in some areas like Hidden temple because of how small the spawn range was for certain things.

Yeah, I agree with you. Hence why I wrote “the most simple solution would be”. But it would still be a hundred times better than the current system. It would be nice to be able to auto attack for a short while or something, but my point is that I think the current auto attack system is a definite no-go.

@chilly0123 Fixed spawn points has very little to do with this issue in my opinion, read my previous reply:

Well, thb I find it quite good that the monsters have designated spawn areas. And yes, it is about the feature to hold down “z”, too, because you can abuse that mechanic not only with bosses, but also with normal agressive mobs. I’ve tested it in different spots with agressive mobs and it works really good.

So punish the real players instead of solving the problem? Nah.

Also keyboard macro to spam the Z key when you hold down Z key is childs play to do, so you would really only be punishing real players.

My solution is bring back dead branches in an easy to get manner.

EDIT: Another solution would be to be able to right-click someone and vote them ‘AFK farming’. After 10-20 unique vote for the same person they get kicked off/temp banned.

They exist already. Just spawn a monster from a core and log out, your lil friend will take care of the rest then.