Tree of Savior Forum

DEX soft cap discussion

Irrelevent to the discussion of a soft cap.

Just because you need 1200 crit to get a 100% crit rate on a full CON aias user doesn’t mean you should ever invest that much into crit rate. You’ll be hitting non-CON players with a 200% chance to crit, which is just wasteful in terms of stats.

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So we forget crit resist and 100% uptime in monstrance for gain around 80 damage in non crits and when in realgame enviroment where mobs can have 120 crit resist,u never have moonstrance u are doing 80 more damage than full dex and as 20% less crit

Yeah, that’s whole point a Soft Cap. When you’re in optimal conditions you’ll be outdpsing someone else who invested too much into DEX and will have wasted crit points.

When you go world bossing and you have an optimal support team, you will have an 80% uptime of Monstrance and bosses will be debuffed by a krivis’s Zalciai almost 100% of the time, so in that scenario you absolutely can assume that an end-game monster will have 0 crit resist.

Also I have yet to meet anyone claiming that having 786 crit rate is ever a good idea.

OT: Regarding Virtov Leather Gloves/Set, from where we can farm these? thanks!

240 blue fortress dun untradable gl

same with Didel? Have you manage to got one?
I was supposed to ask you but TS avoid OT topic, haha lol

Didle no that is sullas missions

no gem yet 3 days in nearly 5k I’m just on cruise control at this point.

I mean the virtov gloves, manage to got one also?
-> but this glove is untradable, no way to resell, lol

well GL with that, i pass-by the area yesterday and there are lots of QS running around.

Can i see your stat allocation?

50 str 50 con rest dex no gear

With gear like my bis something like 110 ish str 80 ish con rest dex so like um 340 ish dex

these points are distributed or the total points already with the appropriate bonus ?

Bonus points are already factored in.

I do agree with you style i just got 70ish con with little str then hard dex

What about marksman bow. Does it exist? Does effect work on boss? What about negative crit rate?

Edit: i meant crit resist going negative

Haven’t seen it, and if it’s from a demon world boss it’s probably gonna go for 50 mill or something.

Pretty sure crit rate just goes to 0 if you hit something with 700+ crit reset. This isn’t really for PvP mind you, that requires a whole different set of stats and what not.

Dont care about pvp. I recall someone saying crit resist can go negative, but I am not sure about it.

(Yes, I meant crit resist going negative not crit rate my bad)

that would throw my calcs out the window, if that were a thing.

If crit resist could go negative then pure STR would be the best build in most cases.

Ah, I see.

It would be nice to get some verification on negative crit resist then.

Marksmen is from demon lords marnox and mirtis currently none on klapidea cant tell you more then that really

Marksman reduced crit rist by 8 stacks to 20 so 160 to crit res. My only problem is qs wise im useing didle period once i or any qs gets it so for us its a mote point

Ohh. Yeah seems like QS are in a tight spot with that bow whenever it becomes more commonplace.